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Things i thought i forgot...

for a while there used to not be anything that made me happy, but i have come back to the me i loved, and all it took was some one that loved me for the real me to refresh my memory of what i am. I am the girl that can get along with the guys, cuz they aren't girls. I am the girl that can talk car talk and understand it as well. I'm not afraid to loudly burp, i don't get embarassed by falling on my face. I like to drink beer, no pussy drinks for me. I don't mind to get dirty, like it sometimes even. I love cartoons, and to draw. like to act like an ass, it's fun. Actually know what a wrench is and what they are used for.


I remember how things used to be befor i mistakingly shared my life with those who didn't care. ... I used to hang out with the boys, cuz the girls only talked about the boys and hair styles, that shit bores me. I used to get along with my family, and work my ass off just to earn a few extra dollars. I used to have a 6 pack, it was great. I never was afraid of what people thought. I used to drink (a lot) and drive around on 4 wheelers, and play in bon fires. i used to ride evry day. i once even really liked this guy who was too dumb to relize it; but now i got him so it's all good!


how things are...

things are great i am happy, i am me. i am loved. i have regained self confidence. i have my job, my car, and am now ready to try to tackle this world partially on my own. and i know that those who are now in my life and love me for me and not who i could be, will not hold me back from my goals. they will be behind me 100% of the way. i can just sence it and i love this feeling.

Thank you sweetie for opening my eyes up and making me relize that i can be happy and be me again. it feels like we have never spent a moment apart and i love this feeling. i hope i can help make all your dreams come true... Kisses and hugs along with lots of love!