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Image hosting by PhotobucketHAPPY (Inter)National RABBIT HOLE DAY!!!Image hosting by Photobucket

The Following is a product of (inter) National Rabbit Hole Day.  The Source for the translations were provided by   Enjoy!

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Original: "And ...College Students keep getting Crazier:
Meaghan: Their son is named Jimmy Muffin. And a daughter name Jenny Pancake. And Joe Bread found a happy marriage. Their children were born out of a toaster. We should write a book about this. Oh! They hat a dog-named Bagel and a parakeet named Waffle.
Me: We'd become the world's famous authors. 'They live happily ever after in a Gingerbread house!' I'm starting to think I can write an English essay on Joe Bread. Oh Boston Globe, "Local College Student Writes Essay About an Imaginary Character Named Joe Bread."
Meaghan: News: Two Young Women Become Multi Millionaires For Writing About Character Named After Bread."

Spanish: "Y los Estudiantes ...College mantienen obteniendo más Loco: Meaghan: Su hijo es denominado Palanqueta el Panecillo. Y una Tortita del nombre de hija Hembra. Y Pan de Joe encontró un casamiento feliz. Sus niños nacían fuera de un tostador. Debemos escribir un libro acerca de esto. ¡Ah! Ellos sombrero un Pan Acimo de perro-denominó y un perico denominaron el Barquillo. Mí: llegaríamos a ser el mundo famosos autores. ¡ 'Ellos viven felizmente desde entonces en una casa de pan de jengibre!' Empiezo a pensar que puedo escribir un ensayo inglés en el Pan de Joe. Ah Globo de Boston, "Estudiante Colegial Local Escribe el Ensayo acerca de un Carácter Imaginario Denominó Joe Pan." Meaghan: las Noticias: Dos Mujeres Jóvenes Llegan a ser Multi Millonarios Para Escribir acerca del Carácter Denominado después de Pan."

English: "And the Students ...College maintain obtaining Crazier: Meaghan: Its son is called Crowbar the Roll. And a Pancake of the name of Female daughter. And Bread of Joe found a happy wedding. Its children were born out of a toaster. We should write a book about this. Oh! They hat a Loaf of bread Acimo of dog-called and a parakeet they called the Cone. Me: we would come we be the world famous authors. 'They live happily since then in a ginger bread house!' MYSELF begin to think that I can write an English trial in the Bread of Joe. Oh Globe of Boston, "Student Local college Student Writes the Trial about an Imaginary Character he Called Joe Bread." Meaghan: the News: Two Young Women Come they be Multi Millionaire To Write about the Character Called after Bread."

French: « Et les Etudiants ...College maintient obtenant plus Fou : Meaghan : Son fils est appelé le Pince-monseigneur le Rouleau. Et une Crêpe du nom de fille Femelle. Et le Pain de Joe a trouvé une noce heureuse. Ses enfants étaient nés d'un grille-pain. Nous devons écrire un livre de ceci. Oh ! Ils le chapeau un Acimo de Miche de pain de chien-appelé et une perruche ils ont appelé le Cône. Me : nous viendrions nous sommes le monde les auteurs célèbres. « Ils habitent heureusement depuis dans une maison au gingembre de pain ! » ME commence à penser que je peux écrire un procès anglais dans le Pain de Joe. Oh le Globe de Boston, « l'Etudiant Etudiant de collège Local Ecrit le Procès d'un Caractère Imaginaire qu'il A Appelé le Pain de Joe. » Meaghan : les Nouvelles : Deux Jeunes Femmes Viennent ils sont Multi le Millionnaire pour Ecrire du Caractère Appelé après le Pain. »

English: « And the Etudiants ...College maintains obtaining Crazier: Meaghan: His son is called the Pair of pliers Monseigneur the Roll. And a Crepe of the name of Female girl. And the Bread of Joe found a happy marriage. Its children had been born of a gate bread. We must write a book of this. Oh! They the hat an Acimo of bread Miche of dog called and a perruche they called the Cone. Me: we would come let us are ourselves the world the authors celebrate. « They live fortunately since in a house to the bread gingembre! » Begins ME to think that I can write an English process in the Bread of Joe. Oh the Boston Globe, « the etudiant Etudiant high school Local Ecrit the Process of an Imaginary Character that it Called the Bread of Joe. » Meaghan: the New ones: Two Young Women Come they are Multi the Millionaire for Ecrire of the Character Called after the Bread. »

German: « Und der Etudiants ...College behält bei, dass das Erhalten von Verrückter: Meaghan: Sein Sohn die Zange Monseigneur die Rolle gerufen ist. Und ein Crepe vom Namen Weiblichen Mädchens. Und das Brot von Joe hat eine glückliche Ehe gefunden. Seine Kinder waren geboren von einem Torbrot gewesen. Wir müssen ein Buch von dies schreiben. Ach! Sie der Hut ein Acimo von Brot Miche des Hunds gerufen und ein perruche sie haben den Kegel gerufen. Mich: wir würden lässt uns sind uns die Welt kommen, die die Autoren feiern. « Sie leben glücklicherweise da in einem Haus zum Brot gingembre! » Beginnt MICH zu denken, dass ich ein englisches Verfahren im Brot von Joe schreiben kann. Ach der Boston Globe, « das etudiant Etudiant Sekundärschule Örtliches Ecrit das Verfahren von einem Imaginären Charakter, den es das Brot von Joe Gerufen Hat. » Meaghan: die Neue: Zwei Junge Frauen Kommen sie sind Mehrfach der Millionär für Ecrire vom Charakter, der nach dem Brot Gerufen Wird. »

English: « And the Etudiants ...College retains that the receiving of displaced: Meaghan: its son is called the pair of pliers Monseigneur the roll. And a Crepe of the name of feminine girl. And the bread of Joe found a happy marriage. Its children were born been of a gate bread. We must write a book of this. Alas! You the hat an Acimo of bread would make called the dog and called a perruche it the cone. Me: we would let are come ourselves us the world, that the authors celebrate. « You live fortunately there in a house to the bread gingembre! » Begins to think ME that I can write an English procedure in the bread of Joe. Alas the Boston globes, « the etudiant Etudiant secondary training local Ecrit the procedure of an imaginary character that it called the bread of Joe. » Meaghan: the new: two boy women coming it are multiple the millionaire for Ecrire of the character, that is called after the bread. »

Italian: « E l'Etudiants ...College trattiene che il ricevere di sfollato: Meaghan: suo figlio è chiamato il paio di Monseigneur di pinze il rotolo. Ed un Crepe del nome di ragazza femminile. Ed il pane di Joe ha trovato un matrimonio felice. I suoi bambini erano nati è stato di un pane di cancello. Dobbiamo scrivere un libro di questo. Ahimè! Lei il cappello un Acimo di pane farebbe ha chiamato il cane e ha chiamato un perruche esso il cono. Me: lasceremmo ci sono venuto ci il mondo, che gli autori celebrano. « Lei vive fortunatamente lí in una casa al gingembre di pane! » Inizia a pensare ME che posso scrivere una procedura inglese nel pane di Joe. Ahimè i globi di Boston, « l'Etudiant di etudiant l'allenamento secondario Ecrit locale la procedura di un carattere immaginario che ha chiamata il pane di Joe. » Meaghan: il nuovo: due donne di ragazzo venendo sono multiplo il miliardario per Ecrire del carattere, ciò è chiamato dopo il pane. »

English: « AND the etudiants ...College detains that the to receive of evacuee: Meaghan: its son the couple of Monseigneur of pliers is called the roll. And a Crepe of the feminine name of girl. And the bread of Joe found a happy marriage. Its children were native was of a bread of gate. We should write a book of this. Alas! She the hat an Acimo of bread would make called the dog and called a perruche it the cone. : Lasceremmo there I came us the world, that the authors celebrate. « You lives fortunately lí in a house to the gingembre of bread! » It Begins to think ME that I can write an English procedure in the bread of Joe. Alas the globes of Boston, « the etudiant of etudiant the secondary training local Ecrit the procedure of an imaginary character that called the bread of Joe. » Meaghan: the novelty: two women of boy coming I am multiple the billionaire for Ecrire of the character, that is called after the bread. »

Portuguese: « E o ...College de etudiants detem que o receber de evacuee: Meaghan: seu filho o par de Monseigneur de alicate é chamado o rolo. E um Crepe do nome feminino de menina. E o pão de Joe achou um casamento feliz. Seuas crianças eram nativas era de um pão de portão. Devemos escrever um livro de isto. Ai! Ela o chapéu um Acimo de pão faria chamou o cão e chamou um perruche ele o cone. : Lasceremmo aí eu vim-nos o mundo, que os autores celebram. « Vive felizmente lí numa casa ao gingembre de pão! » Começa a pensar ME que posso escrever um procedimento inglês no pão de Joe. Ai os globos de Boston, « o etudiant de etudiant o treinamento secundário Ecrit local o procedimento de um caráter imaginário que chamou o pão de Joe. » Meaghan: a novidade: duas mulheres de vinda de rapaz eu sou múltiplo o bilionário para Ecrire do caráter, isso é chamado depois do pão. »

English: « AND the ...College of etudiants stop that receive him of evacuee: Meaghan: his son the pair of Monseigneur of pliers is called the roll. And a Crepe of the female name of girl. And the bread of Joe found a happy marriage. His infants were natives was of a bread of gate. We should write a book of this. Ah! She the hat an Acimo of bread would do called the dog and called a perruche he the cone. : Lasceremmo there I came us the world, that the authors celebrate. « Lives happily I read in a house to the gingembre of bread! » Begins it think ME that can write an English procedure in the bread of Joe. Ah the globes of Boston, « the etudiant of etudiant the secondary training Ecrit local the procedure of an imaginary character that called the bread of Joe. » Meaghan: the novelty: two boy coming women I am multiple the billionaire for Ecrire of the character, that is called after the bread. »

Russian: " И... Колледж остановки etudiants, которые принимают его эвакуируемого: Meaghan: его сын пара Monseigneur плоскогубцев делается перекличку. И Креп женского названия(имени) девочки. И хлеб Джо нашел счастливый брак. Его младенцы были аборигенами, имел хлеб ворот. Мы должны написать книгу этого. Ах! Она шляпа, которую Acimo хлеба сделал бы, назвала(вызвала) собаку и назвала perruche им конус.: Lasceremmo там я прибыл нас мир, который авторы празднуют. " Жизни счастливо я читал в доме к gingembre хлеба! " Начинается, это думает МЕНЯ, который может написать английскую процедуру в хлебе Джо. Ах земные шары(глобусы) Бостона, " etudiant etudiant вторичное обучение Ecrit местный процедура воображаемого характера(знака), который названный хлебом Джо. " Meaghan: новинка: два мальчика, прибывающие женщины, я являюсь многократным миллиардер для Ecrire характера(знака), который называют(вызывают) после хлеба. "

English: " И.. College of a stop etudiants which accept his(its) evacuated: Meaghan: his(its) son pair Monseigneur of flat-nose pliers is mustered. And Креп the female name (name) of the girl. And bread Джо has found a happy marriage(spoilage). His(its) babies were natives, had bread of a gate. We should write the book of it. Ah! She(it) a hat which Acimo bread would make, has named (has caused) a dog and has named perruche him(it) конус.: Lasceremmo there I have arrived us the world which authors celebrate. " Happily I read to the Life in the house to gingembre bread! " Begins, it thinks me which can write English procedure in bread Джо. Ah globes (globes) of Boston, " etudiant etudiant secondary training Ecrit local procedure of imagined character (sign), which named bread Джо. " Meaghan: a novelty: two boys, arriving women, I am repeated the billionaire for Ecrire character (sign) which name (cause) after bread. "

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