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M. Shadows & Zacky Vengeance
M. Shadows & Zacky Vengeance
These Two Are From The Band Avenged Sevenfold.
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Look how fucking hot M. Shadows (the man in the middle) is in this picture....omg...

Comments (5) | Add a Comment

Hey I really love you guy's so much and specialy you guy's are hot? and rock my world a lot........
Angie Domingo | | December 01, 2006

I love this picture - the "Ha ha, we fucked you up, and now you're in the truck of a car!" attitude that goes with it.

Great use of a fisheye lens, as well, with Rev and Zack's hands being the largest focus of the picture.

Also, Matt is so friggin' hot, it hurts my eyes.
Ophelia | ophelia.falls[at] | January 03, 2007

M.Shadows is so hot!-Kelly
Screw that they are all HOTT!!!!-tina
I LOVE YOU Zacky Vengeance! -Garrison
Good luck on your new album.- all of us
(HE Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself Gets Rid Of The Pain Of Being A Man)-all of us
From Tina,Kelly,and Garrison | | March 30, 2007

Hey baby.yeah you M.Shadows.GRRRRrrrrrrr. I can see you met my friends Kelly,Garrison,and Tina.We want you to call us.We feel sorry for all of you guy because all of these little girls are trying to get into your pants. But who wouldn't. GRRRrrrrrr. I like men who growl. P.S Hi
April | March 31, 2007

M.Shadows your not cute,your not hot,but you are DEAD SEXY!!! Don't mind my friend April she is crazy. If tou ever meet Bam Margera tell him that he is hot.
Kelly | April 03, 2007