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Jared Leto
Jared Leto
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Comments (3) | Add a Comment

Hey Guys, thanks for all the hard work you have put in to keep us Jared fans happy! ;) I'd just like to say that 30 seconds to mars is making a killing and i hope that they decide to do a world tour, if world is to big just australia, lol. Anyway thanks guys, we're all happy!

Jared is So Sexy Fine, IMO
Renee | | October 30, 2006

JARED, i am your biggest fan ever! I love yor acting and your singing! You are amazing! AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! Id do nething just to see u right in front of me or just for one little kiss on the cheek, even a handshake would be the biggest dream come true ever! I listen to your cd (beautiful lie) all day long, even on my ipod in school! Its amazing, your voice is just the most gorgeous thing to listen to! i watch alexander every other day too! Well, i just want to let you know, that i love what u do! And that id do nething just to see u one day...its one of my goals! haha! IT WOULD BE THE BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL THING TO SEE U SOMEDAY! ~sara
Sara | | December 06, 2006

hey you are so hott you are only 1yr. younger than my mom i'm mad
Cheyenne | | December 15, 2006