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Quest for the Scythe of the Shadowed Soul
(Necromancer Epic 1.0)

This will account my Epic quest started on 23 October when I am finished.


My quest for the Scythe of The Shadowed Soul started off simple enough. I met another necromancer during my travels through the Nektulos Forest. Her name was Venenzi Oberzendi. (*Note: Location -200, -815)

You say, 'Hail, Venenzi Oberzendi'

Venenzi Oberzendi says 'What is it you want! Can't you see I am gathering reagents for my [master]? If I don't get them for him quickly he might punish me.'

You say, 'Who is your master?'

Venenzi Oberzendi says 'You do not know of my teacher? The great Kazen Fe'cae! I am one of his illustrious apprentices! If you fancy yourself a necromancer, travel to Lake Rathetear and tell Kazen you wish to study the dark arts.'

You say, 'What reagents?'

Venenzi Oberzendi says 'My master is working on some great project. He's always busy studying an old text he found and murmuring something about following in the footsteps of Miragul.'

Upon hearing this, I decided I would like to meet this master necromancer. Perhaps there was still more I could learn. I journeyed to Lake Rathetear. There I found Kazen Fecae. (*Note: Location +350, -1550)

You say, 'Hail, Kazen Fecae'

Kazen Fecae 's eyes seem to glow as he turns to you and says, 'Leave me be if you have no reason to be here, mortal!'

You say, 'I wish to study the dark arts.'

Kazen Fecae looks you up and down, his eyes glowing with a soft red light. After a moment he begins to speak though his lips do not move. 'You wish to study under me? Perhaps, if you prove yourself to follow the twisted path. If you prove to be as coldhearted as I then I will let you become my servant.'

You say, 'How can I prove myself?'

Kazen Fecae says 'The wandering 'knight' Sir Edwin Motte recently slew one of my lesser servants. This foolish knave travels from town to town pretending to be 'good.' Separate his head from his body and return it to me so I may work my magics upon it. This fool will become another plaything for me, even in death.'

I had heard of this Sir Edwin Motte before. He was well know to run around Norath boasting of his many deeds as a "brave paladin". That just would not do, he had to be shown the might of Bertoxxulous. I decided to do this task for Kazen.I traveled to the Qeynos Hills where I had been told that Sir Edwin traveled from Western Karana, normally during night hours. (*Note: You can wait for Sir Edwin Motte at location 1300, -1050 in Qeynos Hills, facing Western Karana Zone. He spawns at least once there during an in game day.)
I waited for him starting near mid day, and finally slightly after midnight I saw him running. I slowed his pace with darkness and sent my faithful servant to slash him to shreads. He was finished too quickly, even with his pathetic laying of hands. I simply drained his spirit in the end. Not even the foolish guard that came to his aid was enough to stop me. I laughed as I commanded my pet to decapitate the human.
I returned to Lake Rathetear and gave the Head of Sir Edwin Motte to Kazen Fecae. A Symbol of the Apprentice materialied into my hands.

Kazen Fecae says 'Excellent!' You watch Kazen hold the head by the hair and begin to cast a spell. A flash of darkness centers around the head and the eyes of the dead knight open, a terrible scream emanating from its lips. 'This poor fool here - I think I will keep him in my bag from now on. You have done well, my new apprentice. Take this symbol and know that you can do other tasks to advance within my apprentice ranks.'

You say, 'How can I advance?'

Kazen Fecae says 'I share great secrets with my more powerful servants who show me they are willing to serve without question. Tell my servant the name of any symbol he gives you and he will instruct you. If I give you a symbol, speak its name to me so I may instruct you.'

You say, 'What about a symbol of the apprentice?'

Kazen Fecae says 'You have a long way to go before I teach you the true secrets of life and death. Visit Venenzi Oberendi in the Nektulos forest and show her the symbol. She is collecting reagents for one of my experiments and is taking far too long. I do not wish her dead, yet. I simply need the reagents soon. Retrieve the reagents and give them to my assistant Emkel Kabae. I do not wish to handle them myself.'

While I was agitated by the amount of traveling I had to do, I returned once more to Nektulos Forest. Standing where she had been when I first started my journeys was the dark elf, Venenzi. I handed her the Symbol of Apprentice given to me by Kazen.

Venenzi Oberzendi says 'I see you serve my master as well now. I assume you are here to take the reagents from me which I have gathered for him? I don't know if I like the idea of you gaining the credit for my hard work here. I might consider giving you these reagents, if only you do a small [task] for me.'

You say, 'What task?'

Venenzi Oberzendi looks down at her robes and back at you. 'There is a certain dark elf magician who has decided to wear the same fashion as I have on several occasions. I do not wish to attend another social gathering in Neriak and look exactly the same as another woman. Slay her and bring me her robe and I will give you my hard earned reagents.'

The vanities of women I thought to myself. However, I would bring her the robe, because I could not persuade her to give me the precious reagents otherwise. Through hidden sources of mine I found out that the dark elf magician she spoke of was none other than Najena. While I had never been to her realm, I was not afraid. I journeyed north at once into the Lavastorm Mountains and East to the realm of Najena. Being as poweful as I was, I ran past the pathetic creatures there and went straight to the room marked as Najena's chambers on a map I had found. The door appeared to be locked, but I simply shadow steped into the room.

Najena was waiting in her room with many of her protectors. All of them where slain in the blink of an eye. I stripped her Flowing Black Robe from her and brought in back to Venenzi. She gave me the Twisted Symbol of the Apprentice and a Rolling Stone Moss.

Venenzi Oberzendi says 'Thank you. I did not think you would track down Najena and slay her. I think that I am going to return to my old life in Neriak. I am sick of the way Kazen has been treating me. He never seems to teach me anything worthwhile. Don't forget to give his lapdog that symbol with the reagents. I'm sure he will give you a new one.'

I remembered seeing Emkel Kabae on my first trip to Kazen, he never seems to stay from his masters side. I've never liked those who feel they are important only because of their status, this lap dog of Kazen was just that. (*Note: You can see Emkel when you are at Kazen's location.) I returned again to Lake Rathetear and handed Emekel the Twisted Symbol of the Apprentice and Rolling Stone Moss. Through magic's of Emkel, the Symbol of the Serpent floated into my hands. "What does he want from me?" I thought to myself.

Emkel Kabae says 'Very good, you have done as the master asked yet again, take this as a reward.' Emkel reaches into his robes and pulls out a small symbol. He holds it out and the tiny symbol floats to your hand.

You say, 'What is the symbol of the serpent?'

Emkel Kabae says 'There are more reagents to be gathered. The time draws near for our master's ascension. Travel to the lands of Kunark and seek out Ssessthrass. He is a very wise Iksar herbalist helping me in my endeavor to please Master Kazen. Be careful not to insult his speech, or you may end up dead before you serve your purpose to the master. Be sure to show him the symbol as proof or he may consider you dinner.'

Ahh, the Swamp of No Hope. I remembered it was just south of my childhood playground of death, the Field of Bone. I had not been there in many moons. I "hoped" that this too would be an easy mission. The first two were well beneath a necromancer of my level. I arrived quickly at Ssessthrass' home and handed him the Symbol of the Serpent. I recieved the Scaled Symbol of the Serpent from him.(*Note: Location +3800, +1600).

Ssessthrass says 'Sssso, Emkel ssssent you to retrieve the manisi herb? I do not have the herb. The ssssarnak guard the herb. Apparently it is ssssacred to them. Only memberssss of their royal family are allowed to partake of it. They live deep in Chardok. They are hoarding what little of the precious herb there is. If you have an army, perhapssss you can bring me the herb and I can prepare it for Emkel. Bring back this ssssymbol as well.'

Apparently the Swamp of No Hope was well named. My hopes for another simple task had been smashed. "Lazy bloody Iksar!," I thought. I must now gather an army and march to Chardok. I'd love to call my pet to send you to your destruction. I calmed myself, and thought better of it. Ssessthrass, was after all one of Kazen's students. I assumed his skills were superior to my own, for now. I shall remember him and perhaps exact my revenge at a later time. Now on to Chardok. It will be done, as the story continues...