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The 411 On Me


So this is just a little area that I made to tell people a little about me. Well, I'me from the 916 area and I've lived here all my life. Some people say that there's nothing to do here but I say they just aren't looking hard enough. I like to go out with my friends and just kick it. The movies are cool. Go to the mall and check out the "LOVELY SCENARY". I also like to go out to the clubs and dance. If you couldn't tell from the main page I also like to PARTY! Well, now that the exciting parts are out of the way... I also happen to be a hopeless romantic. I love to do all the gentlemanly things like pulling out a chair for a ladie, opening the door for her, and bringing her roses whenever I can. I could keep going but this is supposed to be a little page so I'll end it here. !¡!Later!¡!

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