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Petpet Island Guild

Welcome to Petpet Island where you'll never be left in the dark!

This site is currently under construction
Faerie: to be a Faerie you must be in the guild at least 2 weeks,donate 100K and posted 1,000 messages. This rank hold a lot of resposibility.
Assistant: to be Assistant you must be in the guild at least 2 weeks, donate 50K and posted at least 500 messages. This postion is available
Faerie helper: to be Faerie helper you must be in the guild at least 2 weeks, donated at least 30k and posted 250 messages.This postion is available.
position available
position available
position available
position available

MOTM: To win MOTM you must be an active guild member. You must have been with the guild at least three weeks and donated 5k or more. To win you must be friendly and willing to help guild members.
MOTW: This is the same as MOTM except it is weekly instead of monthly. To win this you must be with the guild 2 weeks and donated 2k or more.
NOTW: To win Newbie of the week, you must be a new member and be active within your first 2 weeks of joining.
Newbie Packs: To pick up your Newbie Packs follow the link on the guild's home page that reads "Newbie Packs." You must be in the guild for 1 week and post at least 5 messages to be eligible.
Yard Sale: The Yard Sale is held on the 1st and the 15th of every month. You must make faerie_dust_6969 a neofriend to be eligible. Just follow the link that reads "Yard Sale" on the guild's home page.
Free Food Wednesday: On Wednesday, post a message then go to faerie_dust_6969's trades and bid a junk item. You must be with the guild for one week to be eligible.
Petpet adoption agency: Follow the link on the guild's home page that says, "Petpet adoption agency." You must be with the guild at least 2 weeks to be eligible.


Our donations are at 3500 as of 06/06/04


Sub-council(Neomail any Council Member to apply, 4 positions available)

  • baby_riddla


Hidden Tower
Free Jelly
donate np's
donate np's
Guild Home
Neopets Home