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The Enchanted Forest

Three Simple Warnings For Those Who Enter:

~~~~~~~The Power of Beauty in the Heart~~~~~~~ Does man understand how much beauty fascinates him? I myself am totally taken by beauty of many types. I love the majesty of many mountain ranges that have crossed my path. The simple calm of the sea takes my breath away, and the gentle rustling of the trees in a lush, green forest brings new meaning to life. The sweet smell of flowers, especially the rose, and the innocence of them as they bloom breeds a sense of wonder. The vastness of the night sky and brilliance of the stars is truly awe-inspiring. Nature simply has so much to offer in the way of beauty. ~~~~~~~ The graceful flight of the eagles to the wild galloping of the stallions is inspiring. The skill of a hunting tiger or the togetherness of a pack of wolves to the singing of the birds or the playfulness a puppy has brings joy to my heart. Animals begin the cycle of life for beauty. ~~~~~~~ But, where is greater beauty found apart from God? God’s greatest creation is found in mankind. Man is blessed with free will, but man is also blessed with emotions and unique personalities, interests, and abilities. Man finds friendship in unlikely and unlooked for places. There is an awesome beauty in times and memories shared between friends. Mankind finds beauty in the good of another’s heart. ~~~~~~~ There is greater power found in love. The beauty of love is based in friendship and unselfishness. Nothing takes a person’s breath away like the sheer magnitude of beauty in the love between two hearts. The beauty of love supports and encourages. It builds up and gives of itself. It seeks not its own and forgives quickly. Its power surpasses the limits of time and breaks the chains of opposition. Love overcomes even death itself if it is found in the right place. Love does not give up if it is true. Love waits for the right time to reveal itself and take what belongs to it. Love makes everything alright. ~~~~~~~ I have found the beauty of love in the heart of one whom I plan to one day make mine. I begin to understand the power of beauty in the heart. This person means more than all this world could offer and more than life itself to me. This person has taught me about true love. This person has power over my heart even though we are now apart. I will not give up on them because I believe God has given them to me. I believe God has promised this person to me as this person already has promised. I have promised myself as well because I believe so strongly in our love. ~~~~~~~ Since I believe our love is blessed by God and has been proven true in the past, we can conquer anything that comes against us. No power, except for God, can stop the beauty of the heart, the beauty found in the heart. The beauty goes far beyond the external and the physical. It goes beyond the body and the look of one’s skin. It is found deep within. Beauty’s power can love and change the Beast in all of us if we look to let it. The power of beauty in the heart has changed me and taken me, and I will not give up this person. I don’t believe they will give up on me. I have learned at least part of the power of love. ~~~~~~~ The power of beauty in the heart has become important to me. I appreciate it with all my heart. The beauty within will always make the beauty without much greater and better no matter its reality. I have found it in one person who is far more special to me than even words can say. I have found real power in the beauty of their heart, and I have been forever changed.

Enchanted Links to Magical Places

Enter the Realm of the Elves
The Dragon's Summit
Ancient Land of the Pharaohs
