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~*~BayouDreamzz DreamLand~*~

~*~ When I Pick Up My Pen ~*~

Each morning as I awake
In the quietness of the day
I feel this burning desire
To put the cares of the world away.

It's then that I escape
Into a world all my own
To a place I let my passion go
And my feelings are allowed to roam.

I sit on a grassy hillside
Where the sun is shining bright
Or I lie underneath the stars
With my lover holding me tight.

I feel the passion of his undying love
Or the whisper of his touch
The look in his eyes that leaves me breathless
Because they tell me he loves me so much.

It's here I also feel the pain
Of lovers lost to each other
Here is where I feel the joy
From being a wife and a mother.

Here is where I hear a song
And say to myself,"I know how that feels"
The lyrics become more than words to me
In my heart they feel so real.

I feel the hopelessness
Of a love that can never be
I feel the pain of the one
Longing to be set free.

I feel the connection
To a true friend
The trust that you share
That time will not end.

But I also feel the emptiness
Of a trust that was broken
The hurt that was felt
When unkind words were spoken.

I feel the desire
Of a woman deeply in love
To be in his dreams
And be all he thinks of.

I take up my pen...
And write of these things
My words are my passion
My soul has found wings.

Writing it down
For the whole world to read
My thoughts, my desires,
and even my needs.

Each time I escape here
To this place I soar free
There's more to discover
So much inside of me.

This pen that I use
is no ordinary pen
It unlocks my secrets
The things buried deep within.

My soul is exposed
No walls to break through
The stirrings of my heart,
I hope they speak to you.

Each poem that I share
For all the world to see
Comes from that place
Deep inside of me.

May it speak to your soul
And draw you in
To the place I go
When I pick up my pen.



This is the place where I capture feelings and emotions
that dreams are made of.
Those feelings and emotions that some say,
can only be in the "fairy tale world"
because there is no way that they can be real.
I happen to believe that dreams can come true.
And that the world is full of "dreamers"
who will enjoy these pages on my site.
So to those who want to dream..... follow me.
And to those who don't know anything about dreams...
Don't wake me up....
Just let me dream.
~*~ Tina ~*~
September 29, 2003

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