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Wish I had a life...

I have no life! YAY! So, I decided to be a geek and make a (pitiful excuse for) a webpage! I do have some links to some J music sites I like though. Some day I'm going to make a cool page with translations for songs, but until then I'll just recommend some good ones. This page will probably get continually updated, so check back in a few days and there shoudd be some more links. I hope to have about 50 links by the end of the week.

My Favorite Web Sites

Just go look!
It's a music site! Once it's done it's going to be so cool!
A great site with translations and you can make requests for the songs you want if they haven't translated them already. Boo's band is pretty fun to read about too.
HMV is a good site to buy cds...except for killer shipping. But if you can deal with it, well, they have lots of stuff. In english and japanese.
This is one of the sites where I buy my cds. I think it's pretty good.
This is my favorite cd-buying site, and I use it a lot. If you live in the US, it's free shipping for orders over $39!
I lurv this site!!! It has clothes, books, food, cds, dvds, and lots of other stuff. You can also go to their fanart section, visit the huge links section, the forums, and enter contests! Did I mention that they have tons of news for all the latest anime?
One of my favorite Dir en Grey sites!
I like K-music too, and this is one of the sites I enjoyed visiting. It has some great artist profiles, some translations (you can request in the forum), cd reviews, and lots of other stuff. If you like Korean music, check it out!
This is a super-cool site! I learned hiragana here, and it's great to help someone study for the JLPT. Clay has done a great job and has tons of cool stuff about his experiences in Japan. And if you get bored, just visit the links section.

Why the Internet=good
