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This darkelf is not like the other drow of his kind.
He doesn't bare the ebony skin or the ivory hair of his race.
During his birth his mother ' Mirshann ' died.
her last breat spoke

Qualla! Qualla! natha Phindar! Athiyk natha Mithuth, Z'hann!!! '
everyone was confused, and named him Athiyk.

His father is unknown and belieaved to be dead.
He was born with pale toned skin like the other woodland elves.
Hair of platinum glimmered from this child
making it a far greater mystery to understand.

On the night of his birth it was said amoungst elders
The Moon screamed with blood, and turn
to darkness for the child has awoken.

In the care of the birthgivers they all fell dead before the night
ended. The place drenched in blood.
Alot of the drow people believed a secret cult that worked
underground stole the newborn knowing something
others did not.

These people were a cult of drow worshiping in a Temple of Darkness
Truely to their own race, assassinations, and the dark arts.

When Athiyk opened his eyes they were a clouded black, no pupil could be seen
He grew up with these phycotic murders, these lap dogs of hell

His mind cringing to hatred for who he is
Tourmented by voices in his head, many voices, he screams holding tearing his flesh
losing who he is, his eyes bleed with a dark liquid similar to blood,
He killed the cult, that was once his family.

His people last seen him walking into the wilderness
dragging the blood stained blade emotionless.

So, he ends up in Udgaard where it All Begins...

(His skin color allows most people think hes an Elf and not a Drow)
(Only a few know hes a drow, think about it, Maybe he will tell)
( you his past *Role Play* )