Check out our New Store, Blis Heaven! Shirts Panties and More!

Blis is a sexy, stylishly dressed (and undressed) Cyber Fairy for your Handheld. Blis likes to play games, tell secrets and if she really likes you she may even let you take off her high fashion threads. But She won't always make it too easy.

There are hidden features and navigation buttons which are fun to explore. Her databases are also user expandable so you can teach Blis what you want to hear.

Visit the link to to download now. Free Demo also available.

If you received the Demo from another seller please visit them first to purchase the full version.

Blis is constantly being improvd and updated. Be sure you opt to forward us your email when you purchase the full version so we can give you FREE updates to this software!


BLIS SE is due for release in April! Blis SE features all the popular games and functions of Blis 1.0 but is Child Friendly. (No Adult content)

Blis 2.0 features Animations and an enhanced version of "Dress Blis".

Download Blis 1.0 Now!
Blis Heaven! E-Shop!
