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« Be prepared these can get messy »
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Written in college 04/05/2004

I’m sorry
I didn’t mean it
Didn’t mean to lose my trust in you
But I did
And I’m sorry

I’m sorry
I didn’t mean it
Didn’t mean to cut you out my life
But I did
And I’m sorry

I’m sorry
I didn’t mean it
Didn’t mean for you to affect me this way
But you did
And I’m sorry

I’m sorry
I didn’t mean it
Didn’t mean to take this out on me
But I did
And I’m sorry

I’m sorry
I didn’t mean it
Didn’t mean to leave this world behind
But I did
And I’m sorry

Written in college, 23/04/2004

When did it change
When did I not matter
I feel so lost, so all alone
I feel I'm going to shatter
They talk but never to me
They look but never see
The pain inside me depends
The pain will never cease
I try but I can't live this way
I try but I'm slowly dying
You should be pleased everyone
You'll be at my funeral, crying.

They ask if I'm ok
Do I look like I'm alright!!
They never bothered before
Why should I tell them now?
I sit and scratch, I sit and cut
But they can't tell somethings wrong
Maybe if they listened to me
They'd see I'm not so strong

I know they think I'm stupid
But it really is the only way
To cope with what I'm feeling
I don't even know how to say
How I feel or what I'm thinking
Or the word inside my head
I've tried to make it go away
With every word I've said
But it just keeps on hurting
And I'm always on the verge of tears
I used to love my life and friends
Now living is my worst fear.

Random poems, can't date exactly

Fear me. What is left of me
For I am death, insanity pute
Distilled until I can be contained no more
I come for you, to drain your life
So fear me. What is left of me.
The one you once loved.

Losing It
I feel like I’m losing it
Losing everything I possess
You’re killing me from the outside in
Not realising everything
Burn it away
Burn away life, despair
Give me life once more renewed

Take me away before I end up
Killing you, destroying you
You tried to shatter me but just
Look at what I’ve become I’m
Stronger now, surer now
I’m sorry it came to this
But I will stand alone
Maybe you’ll be better once you learn
How to inspire me but that’ll be
Far away so please just stay away
From me, I can’t carry on.