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VAN FAN YI CHEN's Autograph Session

gimme some joySunday, July 13, 2003 2:34:12 AM

I went for another autograph session today!
Again, it is held at Bishan Junction 8.
It was drizzling. Everything is cool.
There are not too many people there. Heng Ah no need to queue too long.
The host is Li Yi from YES 933 again! Aiyah but I din bring my marker for her autograph again!!
DJ Life is fun to me.
You get to see your idols. You get to listen to many songs.
And they are so humorous too!
I wish to be one in future!

Not long VAN finally appeared!
WooO...he is quite shuai leh.
Very much more than I expect.
And though not many people are there, the screams are very much louder than Jolin's autograph session.
HaHa giRls can't resist suave guys.

I am happy to have VAN as one of my idols.
Cos he presents me with great songs and good singing skills.
He has a great voice too!
I admire talented singers.
This album BELIEVE IN LUV gave me many nice love ballads.
Dun think that all are slow, snail-ish pieces.
There are fast ones like Bai Mu Da, composed by Enrique Iglesias.

The autograph session began after 3 songs by VAN.
It was a live performance. Not played from CD one.
So it quite impressed a lot of people.
The DJ also admitted that! :p
Though I have been to a few autograph session,
I still feel very pai seh when I go right in front of those artistes.
Haha I MUST change that!
Cos again I forgot to ask him to write my name on the lyrics booklet as well!!!
And I DIN shake hand with him!! ArgHh..cos I din know today's one quite slack one can shake hands liao!

Some info abt VAN:
a taiwanese singer who used to sing in pubs.
He has a gf now who is also a singer at pubs.
I-Weekly said he wooed his gf by escorting her home everyday.
And this touched her...
BELIEVE IN LUV is VAN's second album following I BELIVE.

Must be THICK SKIN on stage...

I Am Really Tired...

Wednesday, July 09, 2003 8:23:42 PM

I am really tired of school....
I am lethargic...
And I dun have the energy to do anything related to school...
And I dun feel happy. I feel uneasy and depressed.
I sleep late almost daily, and I just got sick.
I wanna drop out of school! Cos I really dun feel good..

I wish for a complete family...
A kind where my the whole family can just come together.
Never mind if there is no conversation.
Presence is enough.
Good health is enough.
And maybe a little wealth to pass our lives without worry.

I wish for more time with my friends.
Cos I feel the most carefree then.
I get the most laughters from them.

One GP teacher once said,
People would not revolve around you.
We have to follow the rules...
I dun deny that we HAD to revolve around others...


Iran Twins Died

Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:58:56 AM

The operation was a failure and they passed away.
Not one survived...
So sad... I was at home today to watch the news still.
But I really admire their determination...really.
Though they know that the operation is very risky...
They still chose to take it up.
I know they are thinking that if they dun try,
They won't even have a chance of being separated.

But alas, fate has chosen a failure path for them.
They are born together, and they passed away together.
Nevertheless, you have touched a lot of ppl with your characters and determination.
Wish them all the best in their next life.

I am not laughing now!A tEst ThAt I'vE TaKen!

Thursday, June 26, 2003 1:58:32 AM
What's Your One Piece Doujinshi Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla


You feel a craving for love, affection, and attention. However, for some reason, you are so convinced that you're unlovable that you try to shut others out. This confuses people around you, because, guess what? You're just about the cutest thing since the Easter Bunny and the sweetest thing since C&H. For some reason everyone knows it but you. People love your kindness and your willingness to care for others. Why not let them return the favor sometime?

You are very innocent and shy. Sex is not as important to you as friendship and affection in general, and ultimately you find snuggling up with a loved one the most fulfilling of any activity. You love having attention and care, for instance, having your hair brushed, your nails done, or being bathed. Little things like that become very intimate and meaningful to you. As well they should be-- it's hard to earn your trust, and if you let someone close enough to you to clean your ears with one of those little poky sticks it says a lot about how you feel for them.

You are most compatible with: A Luffy-type has the same sort of feelings about friendship and love being the same as you. A Sanji-type would give you all the love and attention you crave, too..

Advice: Let someone make you their little teddy bear

hey dear quiz~ thanks for giving me yur consoling n affirmation! :)Hope that's a fact about me!


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