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ThE MoVie PagE

All the MoVieZ

P@rtY @ Aft@B'S
V@Run'$ H0usE
GuyS @ V@Run's....RaTEd (R)

Hey PPL...All this movies will take some time to download....if u have dial might take about 30 to 45 mins to download.....if its dsl....then it shudnt be a problem.....but be patient...i have redone this now the screen is a little big and u can see stuff clearly.....i am gonna put more clips in keep on checking...This movies might take some let the first 30 seconds play...u might not see any picture or hear any sound for the first 30 seconds.....its ok...its gonna be on in 30 seconds.....The rated R one...make sure u dun watch it with parents or anyone else....there isnt anything bad.......its just not appropriate to watch w/ parents... There are more great clips comming soon....just keep on checking...