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Time Tags

Time passes so quickly. It’s something we’ve all come to accept, and many of us spare little time in our complicated lives to actually stop and feel it passing like a near bullet. In fact, most people have accepted this fact of life to the point where anyone who longs for time to slow down is a cliché. There’s never anything special about the lack of enough hours in a day or adequate situations to get everything done we feel is important in our lives. You’ve heard it all before. As it goes, the truth I hold so strongly is that I care little about those accomplishments that seem to take so much time. I only want time with the people I love. Yes, the people I love. And I do love them. If I didn’t love them, I would not be grasping so desperately at the time I am granted with them. I do not love everyone, and I certainly do not tell someone I love them if I don’t. Unfortunately, it is just as awful to love someone and to not tell them as it is to tell them you love them if you don’t. Some people may disagree… There is a common belief that loving someone in silence is the purest kind of love, but honestly, I think that’s all a matter of opinion and has no place in mainstream philosophy. Then again, who am I to decide? I am surrounded by love on a daily basis. I’ve become quite good at recognizing it- its real form and its counterpart. I’ve encountered quite a bit of the latter, as most humans walking this planet do. It’s amazing how complex the requirements are for love to exist these days in the eyes of the public. I am in love with life and the people who contribute to it enough to form strong memories. So here’s a little bit of those details, if you’re interested:

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