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Name: Record: Titles: People Used: People Mentioned:

My Match

(The scene opens up as we see Natural Born Thrilla in his locker room watching the re runs of Saturday Night Destruction and the ambush by Banzai!)

NBT: God Damn! First before my match I get ambushed by a son of a bitch then after that I lose to a fag! Man! This Tuesday in Tampa, FL I will personally beat the living sh** out of that low life sucker of New Generation Banzai!

Crowd starts to cheer!!!!!

As NBT is about to leave he is stopped by the newest interviewer in the PCWA Kimberly Kimble!

Kimberly: Hi NBT I was wondering if could just ask you a couple of questions regarding the match you had with Dark Threat and your upcoming match against Banzai and your feud with the New Generation!

NBT: Sure! But where is that other guy named hmm Bryan Kimble wasn’t he the interviewer?

Kimberly: Oh well he got fired last week and now I am the new one in the PCWA! Well first what were your thoughts on the match against Dark Threat last night in the TLC Civic Center!

NBT: Ok that’s weird! Well first off I thought I was screwed in that match and secondly I know if I had another shot I could waste him! But that time is over so next question!

Kimberly: Ok! My next question is what is your thought on your upcoming match against Banzai?

NBT: Well my next match is in my home town Tampa, FL against that son of bitch Banzai!

Crowd starts to cheer!!!!!!

NBT: Well I think I am going to open a can of whoop ass personally on that FAG!!!! For what he did to me before my match when I came out to just tell Jason that he isn’t the best Light Heavy Weight! Now look Steve lost to his brother Jason! But getting back to your question yeah I think I am going to win! No, No scratch that “I KNOW I AM GOING TO BEAT THAT FAT HEAD LOSER!” Anymore question Kimberly?

Kimberly: Yeah, I do my next question is what are your thoughts on New Generation, and do you think after this match that you guys might go into a big feud.

NBT: No! Man I know I will probably not start one with the New Generation but I probably will start one with Banzai after I beat his ass in the ring on Tuesday Night Destruction in Tampa, FL in front of millions of fans! And after that after I beat Banzai I will prove that what Steve Fox said to me before that brawl “That my boy Banzai will beat you “was a total lie! I bet he knows that Banzai is going to lose against the Stunt Man on Tuesday! So all I have to say to Banzai is GOOD LUCK cause your going to need I a lot on Tuesday Night Destruction!

Kimberly: And my last question is… last night I interviewed you! Remember! And I was wondering if I could know more about that!

As NBT is about to answer Banzai comes behind him and nails him with a bat over the head!

Kimberly: Oh my god! Natural Born Thrilla, are you ok? Get some paramedics!

(Scene goes to a commercial break)

(Scene comes back and we see NBT in his locker room!)

NBT: What the hell get away from me I am fine! Where in the hell is that punk kid Banzai?

Doctor: Hmm last I saw he was running to the parking lot with his bags!

NBT: Damn, move I am going after him!

Doctor: No! Don’t you could get really injured!

NBT: I don’t give a damn, but as far as I am concerned no one and I mean no one beats me up and gets away from it!

As Natural Born Thrilla leaves his locker room he picks up his favorite kind of weapon a led pipe, and sets off running to the parking lot!

NBT: Banzai! Where in the hell are you! C’mon Banzai show your self!

At that moment Banzai comes behind him and tries to hit NBT with the same bat that he used before the commercial break, but before he could hit him NBT turns around and smacks the led pipe over his head and starts to beat the living hell out of him!

NBT: That’s what you get Banzai for that ambush, and for messing with the best, the one the Stunt Man!

As NBT finishes his brutal beat down he goes back to his locker room and grabs his stuff and comes back to see Banzai lying there getting medical attention!

NBT: Hey Doc, see I told you I aint going to get hurt! Ok he is the one that got hurt! Peace out guys! Especially to you Banzai peace out I hope your good enough to face me on Tuesday Night Mayhem in Tampa, FL so I can beat your ass again! HAHA! See ya!

As he is about to leave again he is stop by the interviewer Kimberly Kimble!

Kimberly: Excuse me NBT hmm I am sorry to bother you but I need you to answer the last question what are your thoughts on your challenge to Nutcracker?

NBT: Well first, I didn’t challenge him to beat him I did it so I could show case my talent! OK Peace!

As he finishes his Black Limo pulls up and he leaves the arena!

(Scene fades as Banzai is left in the parking lot getting medical attention and then as Kimberly Kimble looks down he sees Banzai lying there! And she is looking in shock!)