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The Labyrith Academy Of Mystery And Magic

A Harry Potter RPG

*Picture was taken from*

Welcome to the Labyrith! Here, you can put on the Sorting Hat, study in the classes, go to Diagon Alley, open up a Gringotts account, know more about the magical world, and earn points yourself! You can also visit your house common room! . Please read the Rules and Regulations first before starting!


Welcome to The Labyrith

The Labyrith Academy Of Mystery And Magic


   As you probably have noticed we are just getting started. If you join, I'll be very grateful. You need to read Rules and Regulations, and I'll be adding more things to it.

 *NOTE* To all current, and future students and teachers, plkease edit your Rp profile in 'RP Profiles'.**

Others things: 

  •    After you get sorted (read Rules and Regulations) you have to choose your subjects. There are some old; some unfamiliar. Choose 3 subjects. The subjects you MUST do are Tranfiguration, Potions, Charms, Defence Against The Dark Arts and Herbology. 
    You must put down your name, house and year level in the 'Stuff U Need 2 No' message board, as well as 3 OTHER NOT COMPULSARY CLASSES. PLease check 'Classes and Teachers for details.
  • Join some student activities! Such as Tranfiguration Club, Dueling Club, Quidditch Team, and load more!
  • Check out Atlasia! The only village that near the Labyrith! Has shops and more! See here!

             -Headmistress: Tian Riddle-                              




Ziraffor:27 Demodlinz:9 Ashira:0 Evabull:0


  • We need more students... please!
  • We need teachers... please
  • And we need people to be on the Quidditch teams. Remember if you join, you'll get 10 house points!
  • We now have a school newspaper, "The Labyrith Journal". If you would like to join, click here.
  • Want to earn Galleons? Just enter the Libarry comp. Click here.
  • We need a Care-taker... and a Librarian... You'll get paid a lot....

        New Classes COMING!!!

  •  Animagi Class
  • Learn About The Dark Arts



The start of the term  will begin , but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of you house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common-room.

The four houses are called Ziraffor, Evabull, Asira and Demodlinz. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Labyrith, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honour!'


Rules and Regulations