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Look Into The Past

Looking Into The Past...

Everything one experiences affects his judgment, his will, his personality. Everything one sees, feels, tells...that will all form a person into what he shall become. This page is about the past influences...the major ones that shall form this story into the epic I wish it to be.

While there are some obvious and not so obvious subjects, this one must be told.
September, 2001.
Most people remember that as The Fall of the Twin Towers. I do not. One reason is that I am Canadian, and it did not affect me as such. But another is that of a cousin. On September 1, 2001, my cousin was murdered. Such a thing doesn't just change your changes all of your family's lives. When I speak of death in The Story of Tailz, he will often come to mind as I speak from the heart and mind.

The next one is more obvious, but not the way it effected me. Final Fantasy is a very huge part of my life. It hath affected my in a multiple of epiphanies that have made me who I am. The largest was Final Fantasy VII.

The tale of Cloud and Sephiroth was one the likes I had never imagined, read, or even conceived a bit of. The world, the Lifestream, Meteor...all done in ways I would have never have guessed. When Aeris died, I yelled at Sephiroth greatly. When I learned Cloud 'was' Zack, it hit me hard. When you face Sephiroth in the Northern Crater, I was filled with awe and fear, like one who had seen him in real life. It has changed the way I act...the way I feel...everything about me changed when I played that game. I was a new man.
Other Final Fantasy's have went into me, never to return as well. Final Fantasy IV was my real first Final Fantasy, and I still remember the shock and awe of all of the story...especially Golbez. It was a masterpiece. Final Fantasy IX seriously left me gasping for air when Kuja said "Garland?" Bartz being a descendant of the Four Warriors of the Dawn left my eyes dry for a week, I couldn't close them. The Rinoa Sorceress...whoa. Kefka is crazy as hell man. And the whole Tidus and Jecht issue...words cannot truly describe it. That is intense. And now the Yuna searching for whom may be far in FFX-2, it has kept my eyes open. My eyelids wish to fall, but they cannot for some time.

The Legend of Zelda also comes in quite a bit. Ganondorf is an awesome villian, and Link is truly the Hero of Time. The battles, the enemies, the lore that is Zelda will be with me forever. Going into the Dark World once one thing I shall never forget, not in a million years. Being Adult Link was something I worship, and I will wait until the end of Nintendo to see it again. Mastering Time and Weather shall keep my mind thinking for hours to come, wishing I could do so naturally. Fighting Dark Link with the Master Sword in the eerie water is etched in my mind. Overcoming the power of the Moon and defeating Majora's Mask I cannot drive from my head. And revisiting Hyrule in a new age of destruction will be something my eyes will see many a time.

Another not-so-obvious is Sonic the Hedgehog. It may be obvious for the Tails reference, but it is not for all to see. Tails was my first hero, the first character I ever looked up to. Even to this day, I worship Tails, for he is a hero of epic porportions. The whole Sonic series I cannot get enough of. The levels are perfect in all aspects, the gameplay simple and fun, and yet challenging and rewarding. And, more so then any older platforming titles, there are great stories linked with the world of Mobius where Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik and others reside. Many things will come from those comics and games, as well as the anime movie I possess.

Middle-earth. Now it is a very common name, but when I first started reading about The Lord of the Rings, it was a literary dream. Aragorn of the Dunedain; Bilbo & Frodo, Samwise, Meriadoc, Peregin, and many other Hobbits; Gloin, Balin, Thorin, Falin, Gimli and all great stubborness of the Dwarves; Legolas, Feanor, Fingolfin, Maedhros, Elrond, Celeborn, and too many of the Elves to mention; Brego, Beren, Isildur, Theoden, and more honorable men; Gandalf, Saruman, Tom Bombadil, Sauron, Morgoth, The Mouth of Sauron, Carcharoth, the Nazgul, and all those mystical characters...they have inspired many things within me, even so to start a chronology of Middle-earth. That is a story, my friends.

Last, but certainly not least, is a new found inspiration given to me by a wise man known as Fenix. If you haven't watched the anime series known as Yu Yu Hakusho, you are missing something truly unique and evil. Yusuke with his fierce determination; Kuwabara with resolve the likes I have never seen; Kurama with a story behind him that must be seen to believed; Hiei with his dark powers and great honor; Chu with his great misconception and yet awesome perception; the great evil I only know as the Toguro brothers; all seemes so awesome in the few episdoes I have seen.

There are definitely more inspirations...more sources from the past that have changed me. To list them all would take more space then this website can offer. I will leave you with that for now. Will I edit more it while the story is written...
I can only hope so. For...if not...maybe I shall never finish it...