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Fenix's FanFic

Straight to the Outtakes

From Flame to Darkness

"It's always nice to head home to Urval Sarn." Fenix said, walking up the mountain trail. "I wonder if Chia still operates the Tavern. And if Fincher is still drinking his life away."

After a few more minutes of walking, Fenix smelt something that was all too familiar.

"That smells like my village on fire?" He said with wonder on his face. After looking up, anger replaced wonder on his face, as he could see smoke rising just beyond the next ridge.

"Noooo!!!" Fenix said, sprinting up the last stretch to see his whole village in ruins.

"No....Fincher...Chia...Sak...Herald...all are gone! NOOOO!!!!" He yelled out. He then seen a white figure moving among the ruins.

The figure in white looked at the man. He was wearing a black trench coat that flapped in the wind, revealing dark armor underneath. His black hair could hardly be seen in the night. "What is another doing here? Could this be the culprit?" She asked herself.

"You! What are you doing!?!?" Fenix yelled with anger in his voice.

"I guess this isn't the responsible person after all." She told herself. "I am a White Mage...White Magic being my name." She replied. That White Mage part was very obvious, for she was wearing the traditional white cloak with long brown hair flowing out of it.

"I assume you lived here...I am sorry..." She said, approaching him.

"All that I loved...was here..." Fenix said, falling to his knees.

"I am sorry..." White Magic said again. Just as she spoke, a howl was heard. She looked towards the West end of the town to see about 7 warg's descending into the town.

"They are looking for what I was...survivors." White Magic said to herself. "However, they have different plans."

"Mister!" She yelled out. "We have company! It looks like about 7 warg's have come to feed! Mister?" She looked at Fenix, but her words fell on deaf ears. He was still on his knees, grieving.

"You better get up soon!" She said, but to no avail. "Alright, i'll help you survive, even though you might wish for death right now." With that remark, she extended her hands and yelled "Protect!" A shell was seen surrounding Fenix, then it disappeared. She did the same to herself, then readied her staff. The wargs were almost apon them.

Without warning, Fenix took off his bandana and showed a third eye in his forehead. It started to glow red, as if preparing for something. "A Jagan..." White Magic said out loud.

"My Fenix..." He said slowly. The wargs were almost at pouncing distance. "...and I...." He stood up as a warg jumped at him. "!!!!!!!!" He yelled out. He extended his hands to his sides, and lifted off the ground a little. Then, with a yell filled with anger and suffering, a great ring of Fire was released from him, killing all the wargs instantly and re-igniting the ruins. A small tremor went through the mountain of Orod-Nar, then all went silent.

White Magic had been knocked back several feet with the blast, however, she was alright. "Thank God I also cast a Shell spell on myself." She said to herself. She got up and asked, " did you do that?"

"I...I don't know." Fenix responded, re-tying the bandana around his forehead. "It was like my anger was manifested into flame, and it just erupted from my body."

"Are you ok?" White Magic asked Fenix with a look of fear on her face.

"Do not worry, White Magic." Fenix said. "It will not happen again for some time. And yes, I am al..." Fenix stopped mid-speech and looked at a wall still standing behind White.

Wondering why he stopped talking, White spun around and seen letters burnt into the wall. " 'Wielder of the Blade of Fire...I await thee..' What does that mean? Are you the wielder of such a blade?" She asked Fenix.

"Yes...I wield the Phoenix Blade, one that has the Spirit of Fire within it. But who..." Fenix again stopped mid-speech to stare at a burning building across from them. "Oh my God..." Fenix said slowly without blinking.

White Magic looked at the building, and froze. A man could be seen walking through the flame, wearing a black cape, with long silver hair flowing in the wind.

“Sephiroth?” White Magic said in amazement and confusion.

Fenix, equally surprised, quickly responded “No…it couldn’t be.”

The mysterious figure stopped just beyond the fire and said “Correct. It couldn’t be.”

“Who are you? Why are you here?” Fenix exclaimed.

“Who? Silver, if you need to know. Why? I bring a message from my master. Unfortunately, you will probably not understand it.”

“Try me.” Fenix said, with his hand on his sword-hilt.

“Allied with whom you do not know; Yet within him, you have heard. Time goes by and you serve; not by choice…fate’s rule.”

“Your right." Fenix told Silver, "That must be your master’s message, for a kid like yourself could never think of that.”

“Why you…” Silver pulled out Mirrored Pain and started to charge at Fenix. Then, he suddenly disappeared. Fenix and White both were caught looking around when the air surrounding them seemed to increase in weight, and the landscape darken. Then, they heard a voice.

“Forgive my Apprentice. He has not quite mastered the patience of anger yet. I shall leave you to think about my message. Figure it out, and come meet my challenge.”

The air around them lightened, and light returned to the land around them.

"Come with me" White Magic said, "I have a place where we can think in peace."

Later, at White Magic's Holy Temple...

Fenix paced around the room while White Magic sat down and thought. They were in a typical Temple room: stone walls adorned with nothing but a single cross. A single table and a few chairs were the only other items in this room. But the room's emptiness was not a concern of the two in question. Both were perplexed at this 'riddle' that Silver had gave them, and for the longest time, no one spoke about it. Finally, after what seemed an eon, White Magic broke the silence.

"'Yet within him, you have heard...' I just do not understand that line."

"You just had to break the silence, didn't you?" Fenix said.

"Silence just seems to forebode on me. So, of course I did!" White Magic responded.

"Alright" Fenix said as he sat down opposite White, "Most of this seems to be two-fold. The first line somehow refers to you, yet I just met you."

"And whomever this 'Silver' is working for," White said, "he could not have forseen it..."

"I doubt it." Fenix told White, "But let's keep all possibilites open. However, the 'times goes by and you serve...' line, that one has got me."

"It seems to imply the future, so i'm guessing 'in the future, you will be a slave.' Or something along those lines."

"Well then, this challenger definitely does not know me. I take orders from no-one. Not today, never tomorrow."

"Now that's determination!" White exclaimed to Fenix, "On to line four, since I hate the middle of riddles. 'Not by choice...fate's rule.'"

"Hmmmm...." Fenix said. "Well, let's break it down..."

"HAMMER TIME!!" White Magic stood up and yelled out. Fenix just stopped and glared at her.

"I think not." Fenix told White Magic, "When my village has been burnt down, I am very serious..."

"Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood."

"Don't. I anaylze better in such an atmosphere as this one."

"You mean one that is comparable to battle?" White Magic said with a confused look on her face, like she was waiting for approval.

"Correct." Fenix said, "But what made you say battle?"

"I just thought of the atmosphere...the setting." White said. "Here, it is silent until one makes a move, just like in battle."

"Exactly my thoughts. You see, my mind is clear when my decisions need to be right, or my life could be forfeit."

"Can't say I know all about that..." White Magic stammered, "But please continue."

"Thank you. Now, fate's rule...fate must be referencing life in this riddle, as it does in most other riddles and sayings."

"Makes, 'what is life's rule?' That is the question? It must be the only thing that is guaranteed in life...hope? Love?" White Magic got up and started pacing. All Fenix did was look at her and smile.

"Your thinking too positive, White." Fenix told her, "Plus, you do not want to say the obvious truth: Death is the only thing that is in everyone's fate. Some people go without hope, without love...some people do not even live long enough to experience these feelings. However, every person's time on Earth comes to an end with death."

"So it is saying 'you did not choose it, but you die.' So i'm guessing a place where a great person died against their will ...and I know of one great one."

"Hold that thought." Fenix seemed to go into deep thought, and after a few minutes, told White Magic, "I can only think of the death of the ShinRa President about two years back. Whispers went around that Sephiroth was the slayer..."

"A good thought, but he decided his fate by looking for the Promised Land. The one that came to my mind is Aeris."

"Aeris?" Fenix exclaimed, "The church girl from Sector 5?"

"She is more than just a church girl, Fenix. She was the Last of the Cetra; the last Ancient on this planet. She was also killed by Sephiroth while trying to summon Holy."

Fenix looked dumbfounded at his new partner, and then asked, "How do you know all of this? I have not heard of any of it..."

"I know because I must know. As the Herald of White Mage's, the tale of Aeris must be known to me, so I may pass it on to others."

"Alright." Fenix said with an inspired look on his face, "Where did this Ancient lose her life?"

"At the City of the Ancients, on the Northern Ice Continent."

"And I thought such a place was myth...well, how do we get there?"

"Well..." White Magic thought, "the only ways I know that are possible are by Boat or Airship. And either way, we must go through Bone Village to the Sleeping Forest. And once emerging from that forest, the City of the Ancients is only a short walk."

"Is it not said that you need a rare item to trek through such an enchanted forest? Word was once said that if you try to pass through the forest without the item, you will never be able to pass through it."

"You need this." White Magic held up a strange looking harp with a smile, "The Lunar Harp. As you may not have guessed, I also travel the world for various reasons. During a recent journey, I acquired this in Mideel, for I knew my fate would need this to continue."

"Well, you're more handy that I first thought!" Fenix said, with a smile, "However, what if we are wrong? What if we get to this City alive, and Silver's Master is not there?"

"Than maybe he will just come look for you."

"Or maybe he'll destroy another village. Let us go before we can find out."

"Hold up!" White Magic said to the already walking-out Fenix, "The road to such a place is quite dangerous...let's go to Nibelheim and recruit another for help."

"If you think it is wise...alright. I'm sure I could take whatever lies in the wa..."

"Last I heard," White Magic blurted out, "Black Dragons were roaming through the Forest, as if protecting it."

"Hmmmm...interesting. But why Nibelheim?" Fenix asked.

"I know someone who should be there." White Magic said.

"An old friend?" Fenix asked.

"Well..." White Magic replied, "of sorts. I've worked with him before, though only briefly. He will definitely help though, i'm sure of it."

Fenix looked at White with a smirk on his face. "Does he have a name, or shall I give him one?"

White smiled and replied, "Amarant is his name. He goes on many journey's, but will never tell me the reason."

"Well, it is probably personal, White." Fenix said.

"I would not doubt that either." White said to Fenix, "He is somewhat quiet, so I can imagine that his 'problem' is greatly troubling him."

"Somewhat quiet?" Fenix muttered under his breath. "I've had some negative experiences with quiet people before...are you sure he be trusted?"

"Do not worry Fenix." White told her troubled comrade. "I would personally vouch for him. Quiet he may be, but he is quite noble and honorable. least my experiences with him have pointed that out to me."

Fenix thought for a moment. "Alright. I barely know you, but I trust you. Must be your profession..." Fenix joked.

"Yeah, these white robes have that effect." White said back, smiling. "So we will leave at dawn...sound all well to you?"

"It does indeed." Fenix told White. "I need a peaceful night's rest after such a calculating day."

"I know exactly what you mean." White said with a smile. She then stood up and started walking. "Now, if you'll just follow me, I can show you your room..."

"Do not bother yourself with that." Fenix said to White, which causes her to turn around and look at Fenix quite puzzled. "Just show me a couch, and I will be fine. I don't want to take any of these fine monk's beds..." He pointed to several monks that could be seen doing varioius tasks.

White Magic just replied with a laugh. "This is a Temple, Fenix. Most of the time, we have about 100 empty rooms. So, I insist..." White Magic said with a very polite tone.

"Well, if your gonna be pushy." Fenix shot back at her. They both shared a small laugh, then headed down the hallway.

During the night, in a far off place

Silver approached a man in pure black clothing, his face hidden.

"Well, Tailz, they got the message. But why didn't you let me attack him?"

"Your rage blinded you, my Apprentice." Tailz responded. "You would not have been an would have been practice. Though you did have confidence...however, I have plans for this...'Fenix'...character."

Silver slowly approached his Master, coming closer. "However, if your plan backfires..."

Tailz stood up quickly from his seat on a rock. "It will not. Confidence, my dear Celeb Amarth. Be aware of the negative side, but have confidence that you will not fail."

"Right, Master." Silver said with a tone of disappointment. "It's is hard not to think about failing."

" it is not." Tailz said as he walked toward his Apprentice. "That is inevitable. So go ahead and think about it! Just realize that, in your mind, you will succeed."

After a short pause, Silver looked up and said, "I will, Master."

Tailz walked ever closer to his Apprentice. "Your mind wanders...what is it?"

"It's just..." Silver stammers. "That White Mage at Urval Sarn...she was too hot!"

"Ha ha ha." Tailz replied. "She was, was she? Walk with me, and explain."

Silver seemed to perk up as he walked with his Master into the darkness. "Long brown hair...cute face...all those robes concealing something..."

Tailz just laughed while Silver explained her.

Back at the Temple

White Magic had been walking around for a while, when she approached one of the monks.

"Brother Reno?" White Magic said to get his attention.

The man turned around slowly. He certainly did look like a of these in fighting arenas, anyways. "Yes, White?" He responded.

White thought for a moment, and after nodding her head, told Brother Reno, "Double the guard on the Temple, and you personally guard our guest's room."

Brother Reno looked at White Magic with a look of confusion before saying, "May I ask why?"

"I feel this 'enemy' of ours may attack the Temple." White Magic explained to Brother Reno. "And if so, they may want to just sneak in and dispatch our guest."

"A thought that is well conceived, White." Brother Reno told White Magic. "I shall carry this out right now." Brother Reno bowed before White, and ran towards the entrance.

At Dawn

White Magic opens her eyes, and stares at the window. "Still more dark than light." She says to herself. Soon, she is out of bed and going to awake Fenix. However, as soon as she walks outside her room, she sees Fenix walking with Brother Reno.

"Many years ago, a materia was found near here." Reno tells Fenix. "It cast a nearly indestructible shield on the target, so they called it Shield. It would null nearly any physical or magic attack against it. One thing you may not know, Brother, is that Magic has a mind of its own. In this case, Shield is too...'stubborn', let us say, to allow anything through it without destroying it. Therefore, not only will it block all attacks against you, it will repel any healing magic cast on you."

"Very interesting..." Fenix admitted. "This is unlike anything I have ever heard."

"It is quite fascinating, isn't it Brother?" Reno asked.

"It is." Fenix responded. "And with such a powerful defensive spell, you don't need cure spells."

"Quite true, Brother." Reno said.

"Just Fenix will do." Fenix said with a smirk.

"Alright...Fenix." Reno said with hesitation. Fenix just smiled, and Reno relaxed again. "Well, with such a powerful defense, White Mage's would have been useless. Any training would have also been useless, for most White Mage's would opt to wield a Shield Materia other than Cure. It is much more effective; however, the minds of the Mage's would not have flourished, and many healing spells would be lost in time. So the Temple gave the Materia away."

"May I ask where?" Fenix said with great interest.

Reno shook his head. "No one knows for certain." He told Fenix. "It is usually guessed that it is in either Cosmos Canyon, where great knowledge is, or the Northern Crater, where such a defense would surely be needed."

White Magic approached the two and said, "Telling your stories again, were you Brother Reno?"

"Well, White..." Reno said with a tense voice, "we have new guests so rarely, I..."

White just laughed. "No need to apologize, Brother." See said with a great smile on her face. "I was just pestering you. However, Fenix and I must be leaving, so whenever your ready, I shall be by the entrance." White then walked off.

"Well, all good things must come to an end." Fenix said with some regret in his voice. "Brother Reno, I thank you for the walk and the stories. I hope we shall meet again, and I can tell you some of my own."

"I would enjoy that immensely!" Reno said with enthusiasm and a big smile. "Fenix, may you be blessed on this journey."

"The same to you, Brother. Un..." Fenix was saying, until Reno interrupted him.

"Just...Reno will do." He said.

Fenix just smiled. "Ok, Reno. The same blessing be with you. Until we meet again..." He shook the Monk's outstretched hand, and followed the footsteps of White.

On the Road to Nibelheim

After some time walking, Fenix asked his companion, "So where can we expect this Amarant to be?"

"I'm not entirely sure." White said slowly. "remember, I do not really know him that..."

Suddenly, a man bumped into White, cutting her sentence short.

"Sorry about...whoa!" White said in surprise.

"What?" The man asked her.

"I'm sorry, but i'm surprised I didn't see you coming a mile away," White said, "with such bright orange clothing."

"Hey!" The man shot at her. "That was quite rude! Do you not know manners?"

"I believe that was quite rude." Fenix said, stepping inbetween them. "She said she was sorry."

"Not about the remarks on my clothing, I can tell..." The man said.

"Well, Sir..." White started, "If you give me your name, I shall apologize once again."

He paused for a short time, then replied, "Iron Angel. That is my name."

"Well, Iron Angel" White said, bowing, "I humbly apologize."

"Isn't it 'I humbly ask your apologies?' " Iron Angel asked with a angry tone.

"Well, you certainly are cheesy..." White said back quickly.

"Why you..." Iron Angel said, with his hand going to the hilt of his sword. A great sword was strapped on his back, resembling one that the great Cloud Strife had wielded.

Fenix just stepped inbetween them, saying, "That is enough! She apologized, and we are now leaving!"

Iron Angel relaxed a bit, and starting walking off. White Magic shot a disapproving glance at Fenix as they started walking.

After about a minute of silence, White looked over her shoulder and seen Iron Angel faintly in the distance. She then cried, "My God! You can still see him!!"

After a short silence, they could hear a very loud "WHAT!?!!?" come back at Fenix and White.

"WHITE!!!!" Fenix yelled, making sure Iron Angel heard that he was displeased as well. They then continued walking...

At Nibelheim

Fenix did not speak much to his comrade until they approached the town in the distance, then he asked, "Why did you mouth off that guy? It was very rude of you."

White shot a menacing glare at Fenix and replied, "He deserved it for running into me. There was plenty of trail on his side, and anyone whith that flamboyant of a suit needs to be teased."

Then White began to smile. Fenix had the most confused look on his face when he said, "You know, you sure do not sound like a White Mage right now."

"Well..." White Magic began giggling, "Now that you mention it, it has been said that I am the only White Mage in the order that can go into Berseker status without a spell!" She ended, laughing out loud.

Fenix just smiled at the comment. "I'll keep that in mind." He said, "Now, where should we check for this Amarant? It looks quite busy, so I suggest we split up and meet at the center of town in one half hour. We can waste little time."

"I'm not sure what a busy town has to do with us spliting up..." She said with a side-long glance at Fenix, "You know, with it being such a small town. But if you insist. I'll check the East side of town, you check the West."

"Fine with me." Fenix replied.

Fenix walked into the first building, called "Duel Keeper." Inside, he saw a man looking to be about in his 20's, and very well built. He approached the desk.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a man by the name of Amarant?" Fenix asked him.

The man thought for a bit, and said, "I am sorry, I do not know anyone by that name. I, the Duel Keeper Trimisopt, know many names...but this one eludes me."

"Duel Keeper?" Fenix said with a look of wonder on his face.

"Yes...Duel Keeper Extraordinare!" Trimispot said with a smile. "Look, people all around the world wish to prove their worth, correct? Well, they come to me and I make duels! I set the rules and the place, and they battle! 'Officially,' I just started, and I already have one customer!!!" He said with great pleasure.

"Interesting business." Fenix told Trimisopt. "Well, good luck with that. I must be leaving."

"Good luck to you, sir. I hope you find your friend!" He said back.

Meanwhile, White Magic revisted the first shop on the East side of Nibelheim.

"Champion's Lair?" She said to herself as she strolled in. What she saw amazed her: great swords, bows, and maces were on every wall, along with Potions and Ethers.

"May I help you, ma'am? I don't have a lot a White Mage can use..." He said with some discomfort, "But I shall help you anyway I can."

"Actually," White Magic said, approaching the shop owner, "I am looking for a man named Amarant. He is somewhat tall with flaming red hair. Have you seen such a man, mister..."

"Sigurd is the name." The shop owner replied. "And I do remember seeing a man who fit your description. Where we is now, though, I cannot begin to guess."

"Darn." White said with some disappointment showing. "Oh well, at least I know he is here. Sigurd, I thank you for your time."

"Any time, my lady." Sigurd replied back. As she walked out of the room, he said to himself "Oh, what she would look like in a tight-fitting piece of armor..."

White walked outside, and headed towards the Tavern and Inn. "Personally, it looks a lot like one from Midgar." She said to herself. On arriving at the doors, Fenix held them open for her.

"What?" She asked Fenix, "Couldn't stay on your side of town?" She said with a smile.

"No. The rest of my side of the town is living quarters, so I thought I would try and beat you to the Inn." Fenix replied, also smiling.

They walked into the Inn, and found it pretty empty. There was no one there except for the man sitting at the desk. They approached him.

"Excuse me, sir, I..." Fenix started to say. However, by the time he started talking, the man had already stood up and interrupted him.

"Yes, I know what you wish! A room for two! I can see that with this lovely lady here, you wish to have one quick. Heir is my name, and lodging is my game. Now, do you want a soft or hard bed for you two?" When at last he had stopped talking, all Fenix could do was stare at the man while White Magic was blushing profusely.

"Now just wait a minute!" Fenix blurted out to the man. "I do not want a room for us! I would just like to ask you a question."

"My apologies, sir." Heir said to Fenix. "Now, what is this question?"

White Magic told a step forward. "Have you seen a man with flaming red hair, about his height?" She pointed at Fenix.

"I can say I have..." Heir replied, "However, where he is now, I cannot say. He checked in two nights ago, and comes and goes at various times."

"Alright. Well, thank you." Fenix said, leading White Magic out of the door.

"Any time!" Heir spoke back.

Both of them looked around as they left the Inn.

"There seems to be no other public buildings in this town. Where else could he be?" Fenix asked White.

"I guess we check the alley's." White replied, looking down a rather dark one at the moment. "He may just be wandering around town, so anywhere is a possibility."

"I suppose so." Fenix said as they walked down that dark alley. "I'll keep my guard up for both of us."

As soon as he said that, a hand equipped with Claws extended from a shadowy corner, and stopped right in front of Fenix's throat. Fenix stopped dead, and held his breath.

"Make a move, and your 'guard' will be laying on the ground." The man said, who could not be seen. "A White Mage travelling with a swordsman is a rare sight now a days, even with all the monsters. Why are you two venturing together? Speak, Mage!" The man said forcefully.

"We seek a man, nothing else." White Magic told the man. "And for know, I help this man in his quest, Amarant."

The man chuckles, and moved his hand away from Fenix's throat. His flaming red hair could be seen, even in the darkness. He was wearing what appeared to be a grey suit of a monk, though he more than likely hid his armor underneath.

"Well, that works for me." Amarant said. "I am sorry, swordsman, but I always wanted to do that!" He said with enthusiasm.

Fenix began breathing again as he replied, "No problem."

"I would not have harmed you, unless you tried to harm me, swordsman." Amarant told Fenix.

"The name's Fenix. Nice to meet you, Amarant." He said, extending his hand.

Amarant took Fenix's hand and said, "The pleasure is all mine, Fenix. Now, White, why do you search for me?"

"Well..." White Magic began.

Later, at the Nibelheim Inn

"Very perplexing, this is..." Amarant said, after hearing the tale from White Magic and Fenix in his room. "and your sure this 'Silver' and his Master wait for you at the City of the Ancients?"

"There are some doubts..." White Magic began, but was stopped when Fenix said, "However, this is our best guess. Midgar was also thought because of the death of the ShinRa President, but that is not as 'spiritually important,' so to speak."

"That may be." Amarant said, looking straight at Fenix. "but what if this man thinks that Midgar is more important? After all, the death of a President is mourned by many, and ShinRa was huge."

"I never thought of that..." White admitted.

"Neither did I." Fenix said before standing up and saying, "But that is no matter right now! City of the Ancients is closer than Midgar, and Midgar is practically in ruins!"

"So is the City of the Ancients, if all that is said about such a 'mythic' city is true." Amarant told Fenix.

"Either way, we must make haste to that city!" Fenix said quickly. "I do not want to arrive their too late, and have this man destroy another village!"

"Very true." White said. "Amarant, can you help us in our quest to face this man?"

"I will." Amarant said. "I know a shop that will sell me an airship for a great price." "A new quest? Sounds like fun to me..." "I shall speak to thee later. Amarant told the voice in this head.

"Amarant...I thank ye." Fenix said to him with a sense of great gratitude.

"Thank me later, Fenix." Amarant responsed. "Let us go to this shop and buy an airship!"

Aboard the airship Flying Savior

"I think I know why he sold you this ship for next to nothing, Amarant." Fenix said, grabbing a lever and easily breaking it off. Much of the ship was rusted, and it was not in great shape.

"Maybe its not the greatest ship, but the engine was recently repaired." Amarant told his swordsman friend. "Good ole Akbar knows his airships."

"I just hope it doesn't fall apart before we get to the Continent of Ice." White Magic said with some fear in her speech.

"I thought it was called the Northern Continent." Fenix said back to White, who was also holding on.

"Does it really matter?" She replied.

"That is does not! And we arrive there shortly." Amarant told the two behind him as he captained the ship. "And in other good news, it looks like I can land right by the City, so we need not to venture into the Sleeping Forest."

"Well, that's a relief..." White Magic said, tightening her grip on the chair. "All that work getting the Lunar Harp for nothing." She told herself.

At the City of the Ancients

Silver came down on the ground and slid into a building. He started to get up and yelled "Ouch! That hurt!"

"Well, what did you expect?" Tailz yelled back. "That I would go easy on you? I think not."

"I suppose not...but still! You could go a bit easier! This White Mage keeps on distracting me..."

Tailz just laughed. "Still thinking about her eh? But you know you two will never come together."

"Well..." Silver said, standing up and rushing Tailz with Mirrored Pain drawn, "I was thinking of using a mind control spell..." He swung his sword at Tailz.

Tailz blocked his blow and swung back at Silver. Silver had to be quick and nimble, for the reach of the Masamune was hard to dodge. He did so successfully, though, ducking to avoid Tailz's offense. He then attempted to stab Tailz, but he just parried the attack with great speed. And before his apprentice could make another move, he hit Silver up-side the head with the dull edge of his sword, sending him again into the air. Silver came crashing down on the ground, in obvious discomfort.

"You fool!" Tailz said, "To control someone is not true love! You need to understand them and they you. You need to mutually choose each other to have love, and to have a great life together!" With that, Tailz slammed his sword on the ground, sending a wave of energy towards the still-downed Silver. He tried to get up and move, but he was not quick enough. The energy moved at him with great speed, and threw him into the air again. This time, he came down into an old building, and it fell down on top of him.

"Well...this might be enough for now." Tailz told himself. He approached the rumble and said, "Silver? You need a potion or something?" Tailz took a look around, and after hearing no response, began digging through the rumble.

After Tailz starting digging, Silver jumped up from the pile of rumble he was underneath. He came down with surprising speed, his sword pointed straight at Tailz. "Take THIS!!" He yelled.

Tailz appeared to smile, and the second the sword would have pierced Tailz through the heart, he disappeared. "Dam." Silver said as Tailz appeared just to the left of him, laughing.

"Well done! Well done, my Celeb Amarth!" Tailz said, still laughing. "I believe you have improved greatly, and as such, you deserve a break. You did want I always like to see...never let your opponent see your hurt! Well done!"

"Master?" Silver said after standing up and sheathing his sword. "How do you know what true love is?"

Tailz stopped laughing and went silent for a while. "Before I became what I am...I loved one like that." He replied. "Her name was Larissa. After I became this..." He said, holding his left hand up to his face and igniting a flame, "I could not bear to see her face with my great change. I forsaked true love to save her the pain I would have caused her."

Silver looked at his Master with renewed loyalty. "He does understand many things I do not." Silver told himself.

Tailz extended his left hand, and a huge flame erupted from it. He told himself, "Sometimes...I wish I had not been changed..." He looked around and at Silver. "Great power does not solve all...does not fill all you desire..."

Back aboard the Flying Saviour

Amarant looked at the Continent and seen a great flame erupt from the area. "Well, I think your right, Fenix. This man is at the City of the Ancients."

"Why would you say that?" Fenix said, slowly approaching the controls.

"I just seen a huge flame come up from where the City is supposed to be." Amarant replied. "The City of the Ancients? Why are you coming here?" The voice inside of Amarant's head said. "That is none of your concern, friend." Amarant replied in his mind.

"Are you alright, Amarant?" White said, not daring to move. "You look...troubled."

"I am, White." Amarant said, looking back at her. "Always troubled...always fearful...but such is my life."

"Alright, but i'm here if you need me." White said.

"I know that, and I appreciate it." Amarant replied, then looked back out of the cockpit. "Well, it's time to land. Hold on, there does not look to be much room to manuever with."

"This is why I hate flying..." White reminded herself.


After a short time, they finally convinced White that the airship was on the ground and not going anywhere, and she moved.

"Could you..." White Magic said quietly, "Not tell anyone about that?"

"Won't hear a thing from me." Amarant said. "From me neither." Fenix replied.

"Thank you both. Now, I suppose we head towards the center of this City?"

"The center is about right..." "The center it is then..." Amarant thought, then said, "That would be the best point, I would imagine."

"Sounds well to me." Fenix said. "And it looks like someone was here." He pointed out some rubble, and some sword marks on the wall of a building. They continued walking. They came across a small pillar that was worn from many years of weathering. "This looks like some sort of marker." White said. "I would imagine this is the center of the City of the Ancients. It has the room for a battle, with it being an empty square and all."

"Quite right, you are." A figure in black came out and told them, his face hidden. The three jumped back and readied their weapons. They could also see Silver coming from the building next to his Master. "Now, do not be hasty...we have introductions to be had." He stopped and waited for Silver to be beside him.

"This is my Celeb Amarth, my Apprentice, Silver." Silver took a bow.

"'Celeb Amarath'? What does that mean?" White asked. "It sounds like it is from an ancient language, but knowing many doesn't help me here. I cannot make it out."

Silver took a step forward and spoke. "It is from a language not used by any race you know of. It means 'Silver Doom.' And it describes me perfectly."

"That it does." The cloaked man said. "Well, Amarant, shall we show them the connection you and Tailz have?" "Not now...later. This is not the time." Amarant said back in his mind. "If you so wish it, friend." Tailz said back to Amarant's mind.

"Now, I know Fenix, for I summoned him. Your companions are mysteries to me, though." Tailz said.

After a tense moment, Fenix said, "This is White Magic, the White Mage whom Silver meet in Urval Sarn." Silver took a wink at White, and she looked back in disguist. "This is Amarant, one we sought help for to get us here."

"Glad to meet you all, I am." Tailz said back to Fenix. "Now, we have a battle to duel. Do not ask why, for it shall be revealed after the victor is chosen."

"It does not matter the reason!" Fenix said with anger. "You destroyed my village...I challenge YOU to a fight! TO THE DEATH!!" Fenix yelled.

"If that is how you wish to see it...then so be it." Tailz said. He looked to Silver and the others, saying, "This is a conflict that involves Fenix and Tailz only. No other help shall be had. Silver will not join the fight with me, and either will Amarant." He looked at White Magic. "You may not cast any spell on either person, on pain of death. I will not harm either of you, unless you interfere."

"Fair is fair." Amarant said. "White, let us go on top of that building and watch. It looks like the sturdiest of the bunch..."

"That sounds like a plan to me." Silver said. "I will join you both, so we can keep each other in check."

White Magic took a look at Silver. "And how can we trust you not to kill us both?"

"My Celeb Amarth will not attack you...under pain of death and suffering. Satisfied?" Tailz said.

"Well, he certainly sounds sincere..." White thought. "Alright, i'll go for that deal then." Amarant put his arm around White, and leaped onto the roof of the building. Silver leaped to the side of the other building, and wall-kicked onto the roof of the same building.

"What? Could not make it in one leap?" Amarant said with sarcasm heavily in his voice. Silver said nothing and sat beside White, smiling. White looked at him again with disguist, took a few steps to the side, and sat down.

"Well, this is the time I have been waiting for." Tailz said. "Draw your sword."

"If you think it is wise to let your opponent draw his sword first, then you are gravely mistaken." Fenix took out the Phoenix Blade and removed his bandana, showing the Jagan eye glowing black. "Jao Ensatsu Kroy..." But nothing happened.

"Exactly what was that supposed to do?" Tailz asked. "I can't remember the Japanese attack names!" Fenix told himself. "I suppose the English one's will have to suffice, even though they don't sound as cool."

"Just preparing, that is all." Fenix readied himself and said "Sword of Darkness Flame!" With that, his sword erupted in a black flame. But Fenix was not finished yet. "Phoenix Blade! Hear your Master! Ignite thyself!" The sword then erupted in a red flame, but it slowly drew back and burned only on one side, with the Darkness Flame on the other.

"Burn by darkness...burn by flame. It makes no difference to me." Fenix told Tailz. "Now, draw your sword!"

"That's a neat trick." Tailz noted nonchalantly. He then drew out the Masamune and said, "You see, my sword is powerful enough in its original form. I need no flame or shadow to help it destroy you! En garde!"

Fenix just clenched his teeth in anger, and rushed Tailz. However, Tailz just stood their in attack formation, doing nothing. When Fenix swung his sword at him, he moved so quickly to the side and blocked Fenix's blow, that it all seemed a blur. Fenix jumped back.

"This is no ordinary fight." He quickly told himself. "His speed is astonishing. I better be careful and precise."

"Ohhhh...thinking. And now it is my turn!" Tailz took a step and pointed the Masamune straight at Fenix. However, with the next step, he pushed off the ground and before Fenix knew what was happening, Tailz was before him.

"Holy crap!" Fenix said as he parried Tailz offense and swung the Phoenix Blade at Tailz' hooded face. Tailz ducked and rolled to the side, then attempted to sweep-kick Fenix off his feet. Fenix jumped into the air and came down right on top of Tailz. When the Phoenix Blade would have cut Tailz in two, he disappeared.

"WHAT!?!" Fenix yelled, wondering where Tailz was. "And now it gets interesting." Tailz was off to the side, standing there in attack stance.

"Whoa..." White Magic said. "Great will Fenix defeat such a man?"

"It will be difficult, but it is possible." Amarant told her. "Just have faith." "Faith...I have faith that Fenix shall not defeat me." "You could have easily defeated him by now...but your waiting to see his true powers, to see if he is worthy, aren't you?" Amarant told his mind. " know me too well..."

"So...what's happening?" Silver asked White. She plainly ignored him and watched the fight with fear on her face.

"You know, your not the only one with blurred images of thyself." Fenix said. "Is that so? I never would have thought..." Tailz replied sarcastically.

"Your mouth and your confidence shall be your downfall!!!" Fenix said before yelling "Jagan Master Immolation Scorch of Purgatory!" Fenix's hands faintly glowed before bursting into flame. "Instant death awaits thee!" He took a swing straight at Tailz head with his fist and swung his sword at the same time.

"I am impressed." Tailz said between dodging his fists and blocking his sword. Fenix smirked and went straight for Tailz' chest, but Tailz parried that with the Masamune. Fenix unleashed a fury of punches while still wielding the Phoenix Blade, but could not hit Tailz. "This is enough!" Fenix was getting frustrated, and stopped trying to punch Tailz.

" have figured it out." "Figured what out?" Fenix said, fists clenched. "It is useless to try and fight me. You will not and cannot win!"

Fenix yelled in anger and began to circle Tailz in a fast run. " not run too fast, I can only make one of you out!" Fenix stopped in a running man pose, and quietly mouthed some words. His body began to glow, and he took a menacing glance at Tailz. Before Tailz could think of a witty remark, Fenix continued running circles around Tailz. Only this time, he speed was so great that it looked like many Fenix's were enclosing Tailz.

"Well, this certainly isn't something I expected. He could do some serious damage with any of these images!" Tailz thought, circling around in the middle, trying to figure out which was Fenix. "Well, there is one way to tell." He put the Masamune on his back, and put his hands together. A ball of flame formed there, and Tailz yelled "Circle of Flame!" The ball of flame exploded, sending flame in all direction, not unlike Fenix did at Urval Sarn. However, something happened that was not expected. All of the Fenix images acted in the same way, being knocked back only to continue running.

"None of them showed any change or any transparency. This is not well." Tailz turned around then said, "Two can play at that game!" Tailz crossed his arms and began to chant "Pel Mith Rim" Tailz stood still, but three images of him emulated from his body, and formed a box in the center of Fenix's circle prison.

"Four images? Against my ten? What exactly does he have in mind? Fenix thought. Without much further wait, he was shocked. The four images of Tailz copied again, only this time, they went above the rest, a foot over the heads of the four ground images. Then, those eight Tailz' started to rotate, giving Fenix quite a lot to fathom.

"I'm getting dizzy." Silver said, looking at around eighteen images of two people, all rotating in the battlefield.

"I have never heard it was possible to let images float that far off the ground." White admitted. "How will this end?"

"Fenix will pretty much have to guess and hope." Amarant told her. Silver watched for a few more seconds, then fell over on his side and lay still.

"Ah great." Fenix looked at these images of Tailz and thought. Sure, they were rotating much slower than Fenix's were, but those in the air would be difficult to hit. "I guess its trial and error from now on." He, too, could not see any difference in all the images. After a short while, Fenix jumped towards one of the floating images and punched it. However, at the same time, Tailz leaped down from a different floating copy and swung at a fake Fenix. Within seconds, both had attacked and gone back to the circles. A quick flash of light came from the center as Tailz went back.

"He has rearranged the copies. Now I must guess again." Fenix was looking intently when the voice of Tailz echoed, "Well, that was fate. Evil try, my friend, but you will not win." Fenix was confused by this, for it appeared like all of the images spoke at once, puzzling him evermore.

"What was the flash of light?" White asked Amarant. She was mesmerized by the battle, unable to look away.

"If I had to guess, I would say Tailz has re-shuffled all of his images, making it just as hard for Fenix to hit him." Not a second had pasted, and they saw Fenix try a driving punch into the bottom of the Tailz copies. He hit two of them, but to no avail. He quickly went back into the still-rotating images of himself. Again, a flash of Tailz came from the images of Tailz.

"I wish I could do something..." White said.

"As do I, White. But we cannot. Just wait...and hope."

"Strike two that is." All of the Tailz' said. "Care to go for your end?"

"I will hit you...and you will fall!" Fenix said. He waited another second, then seen a reflection of light off of the Masamune on one of the copies. No other copy did it so brilliantly, and Fenix smiled. "I have you now." Fenix ignited his right foot and went for a great flaming kick at the copy.

Tailz seen this coming, for he noted Fenix's smile. "How does not matter. But it is time to end this fight." He saw Fenix come at him with a flaming foot and rage in his eyes. Tailz caught the foot and held Fenix there momentarily. Fenix looked straight at Tailz, but he was looking down at Fenix's foot. He then lifted his head, and Fenix gasped. There was no face underneath that hood!

"You have seen...and now you must suffer..." Tailz laughed a small bit, then twisted Fenix's ankle with such a force that it instantly broke. Fenix yelled in pain and fell to the ground. He lay there in shock, feeling great pain come over him. He was still conscious when he seen Tailz draw the Masamune, and he drew the Phoenix Blade despite his pain. Tailz walked right beside Fenix and attempted to strike him down at the neck. Fenix took a weak swing with his sword, and knocked the Masamune back a bit. Fenix took another swing at Tailz, but he caught Fenix's hand. Punching it with the other made Fenix lose his grip, and the Phoenix Blade went flying straight into a building across the square. It pierced the building and stuck there, its hilt facing outward.

Fenix looked at his sword in a daze, and seen the emptiness of Tailz' hood. He then felt the Masamune touch his neck, and all went black.

"White Magic!" Tailz yelled. "This fight is now over. Heal your friend!"

She stood up and yelled "Cure 2!" A white aura surrounded Fenix, then dissipated. Fenix opened his eyes to see and still feel the Masamune touching his neck.

"Why do you not strike me down!?!!" Fenix yelled. "I lost...I lost! DEFEAT ME!!!!!"

"I shall do no such thing!" Tailz said, surprisingly all. Silver, who had finally recovered from his sickness, blurted out, "Why not, Master?"

"I said I had special plans for Fenix, and I do." Tailz replied. "You most certainly know the next sentence, don't you, Amarant?" "Unfortunately, i'm too sure I do."

"Fenix, until the day you can defeat me, you will serve me to whatever end you or I may face. Understood?" Fenix looked up and replied, "I believe I do." He started to get up.

"Tailz!!!" Amarant yelled and jumped down, Claws on his hands. He rushed Tailz and put his Claws right by Tailz' throat. "You have no right to take this man's life away!!"

" know me! I will do what I wish!" With that, Amarant blinked to find White and him outside of the City, high on a cliff.

"Wha...what just happened?" White said, looking around and down. "I'm not too fond of heights either..." she said quietly.

"Tailz teleported us here, where we could only yell at him, not challenge him. Also, I believe the Flying Savior is just above this mountainside, so..." Amarant began climbing.

"Amarant...Tailz said you knew him. Is that true?" White said, hoping not to hear the obvious.

"I do...I have known him for many a year. When we are safe, I shall tell you the tale." Amarant started climbing again.

"And so it complicates." White Magic told herself, and started climbing as well.

This is not the End...nor is it the Beginning...

Now, it's time for...OUTTAKES!!!

Definitely not The One

White Magic: I thank you both. Now, I suppose we head towards the center of this City?

Amarant: Well, if I had to guess, I would say this City is a program from the machine world. *he points to Fenix.* So is he.

Director: CUT!! Look, Amarant, you may have an avatar of Neo and your tag says "The One," but your not.

Amarant: He is still in the Matrix! RELEASE HIM!!!! *he holds a phone up to the Director's ear*

Director: Why me....

You KNEW that BOTH of these were going to happen...the third wasn't so obvious...

White Magic: Well, Iron Angel, I humbly apologize.

Iron Angel: Isn't it 'I humbly ask your apologies?'

White Magic: Oh, THAT'S IT!!!! *she starts slapping Iron Angel wildly* TAKE THIS, SISSY BOY!!!!

Tailz: Yo! Guy that does stuff! Can I stop it?

Director: *sighs* Be my guest.

*Tailz holds his hands in the air, and everyone screams as a rather large chunk of Meteor crashes down on them*

Tailz: I like soothes the soul... *takes a look around at everyone else gravely injured* Time for a 15. *walks off*

White Magic: Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our...

Fire Bad

Fenix: Your mouth and your confidence shall be your downfall!!! Jagan Master Immolation Scorch of Purgatory! *Fenix's hands faintly glowed before bursting into flame.* Instant death awaits...OH GOD!! HOT!! HOT!!! HOT!!! *Fenix ran around waving his hands*

Silver: I help! Ice3! *A flash of light later, Fenix is incased in ice.* You think he's still in pain?

Same line...different joke...who knew?

Fenix: Your mouth and your confidence shall be your downfall!!! Jagan Master Immolation Scorch... *stops talking and starts beathing heavily.*

Director: What's wrong, Fenix? You having a asthma attack?

Fenix: *still breathing heavily* No...must catch...breath...attack name...too long...of Purgatory! *Fenix collaspes*

Director: MEDIC!!!!

Wark over and over? False, Doken!

Fenix: Your right. That must be your master’s message, for a kid like yourself could never think of that.

Silver: *he clenched his teeth* HADOKEN!!! *a massive beam of energy hit Fenix and White Magic, incincerating them instantly*

Director: CUT!!! Silver, you can't kill off Fenix! He's the main character, you idiot!

Silver: *Silver ran towards the Director and picked him up* DIRECTOR-DOKEN!!! *He threw the Director at a burning building on set. He then went to the camera.* CAMERA-DOKEN!!! *The camera went flying and hit the Director square in the head.*

Assistant Director: That was brilliant camera work, Silver! I have never seen such a quick close-up!

Silver: Thank you...doken?

Still not The One...but he tries...

Fenix: I suppose so. *they started to walk down a dark alley* I'll keep my guard up for both of us. *As soon as he said that, a hand equipped with Claws extended from a shadowy corner slowly with bullet time. The camera rotated around the arm, and showed the movement rings around his fingers*

Director: CUT!!! Dammit, Amarant, YOU ARE NOT THE ONE!!!!

Amarant: Still held by the Matrix!!! *runs up to the Director* Quick! Take this red pill!!

Director: I'll take cyanide, if you got it...

Copyright Infringment Pending...cause I can...

White Magic: You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...Narsil, the Blade that was Broken!

Director: CUT!! White Magic, its the Lunar Harp. You say anything other than that, and we could get sued. Try again.

White Magic:You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...The Ocarina of Time!

Director: Again, White, you can only say the Lunar Harp.


White Magic:You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...the Chrono Egg!

Director: *shakes his head*


White Magic: You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...The Mana seed!

Director: *snores loudly*


White Magic: You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...the Ford F-150 Supercap 4X4!!

Director: *in his sleep* But Mom...I don't want to go to Ballet today...


White Magic: You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...the Official Final Fantasy VII Player's Guide! Sold at any fine retailer near you!

Director: So that's where she gets the money from...


White Magic:You need this to get through the Sleeping Forest...the PlayStation 2!!!!

Director: *singly badly off key* OH somebody kill my please!! SOMEBODY KILL ME PLEASE!!!!

Can you see a trend showing? I sure can't...

Director: *on a break* Tailz, let's get to know each other by playing a game...


Director: Sure is! I say a word, and you say the first thing that comes into your mind, ok?

Tailz: Sounds easy enough...i'm ready.


Tailz: Meteora! Linkin Park album!


Tailz: Hailey's Meteor!

Director: ...dessert?

Tailz: Death by Meteor! (you know, instead of Death By Chocolate...what? It really exists!)


Tailz: Fuel of Meteor!

Director: ...pain and suffering?

Tailz: Squirrels!

Director: Ok...

Tailz: OH! And METEOR!!!

The Sixth Nonsense...

Tailz: That it does. Well, Amarant, shall we show them the connection you and Tailz have?

Amarant: - If you so wish it, friend. Everybody...I see evil people. Walking around, like good people. Doing bad things but looking like good people...

Director: I wish I could see actors...actors that could act properly...actors that could remember their lines...

Gotta make fun of her...she's "good"

Fenix: Hmmmm....well, let's break it down.

White Magic: Getting jiggy wit it! na na na na na na na na!

Director: Again, White...copyrights...


Fenix: Hmmm...well, let's break it down.

White Magic: Shagadelic!!!

Director: *thinking* Maybe if I signed up for stuntman instead...gotta be less pain...


Fenix: Hmmm...well, let's break it down.

White Magic: YEAH BABY YEAH!!!!

Director: If I drove my Mustang into a brick wall at 200 km/h...


Fenix: Hmmm...well, let's break it down.

White Magic: Fenix...I am...your father...

Fenix: I'LL NEVER JOIN YOU!!!! *runs off*

Director: *runs by Tailz and impales himself on the Masamune* Ohhh yeaahhhh....THAT'S the stuff...

Chapters of FFVII: The Whispered Shadow