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Final Fantasy VII: The Whispered Shadow Commentary

It was proposed a few months ago by Silver himself that I include a commentary with my chapters. And with that in mind, I do indeed. I will not do the commentary for either of the unordered chapters (From Flame to Darkness and The Beginning of the End) for I wish not to give away spoilers. For right now, only Ch. I is done, but the others will come soon enough.
To access the Commentary, all you have to do is click on any Tails you see while reading. When you do so, it will instantly transport you to the bottom of the page where a little commentary on the scene/line will be. It will have a number beside it to help you keep track of where you are. After you read the approriate Commentary, just click on the Flying Tails below it to be sent straight back to where you were reading.


Chapter I: The Beginning...

Chapter II: Chasing the Black-Cloaked Man


Return To The Chapters Without Commentary