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Chapter V - Reasons to Survive

Chapter V
Reasons to Survive

”You are like so many that have died.”

”Who are you?”

”That question is irrelevant, for you will not survive long enough to see its answer. The question at hand is why you need others to survive. Alone, you are more powerful.”

”I am not.”

”You need only yourself to achieve everything.”

”You do not know me.”

”Alone, you are angry and full of strength.”

”I do not want to be angry.”

”You must be to have power.”

”I will not be angry!”

”Then try to survive. You will fail, for you will not be powerful.”

”SHUT UP!!!!!”

”YOU CAN’T TELL ME HOW TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Tailz opened his eyes to find himself on his feet, where he had been sleeping previously. He found sweat on his brow, and noticed his heavy breathing. Looking up at the night-sky, Tailz calmed himself down. “Who was that…” That voice was not one he had heard before, but his body still ached for rest, so he lay down once again. But his slumber did not last.

”The hell…” Tailz said in a half-daze. He could clearly hear the sounds of battle, but this close to the Ruins? Tailz rubbed his eyes and seen that the sun had finally risen up, nearly to the height of the noon-hour. “Dammit, I’m still tired. Someone is going to pay.” He got up to his feet among the rubble and noticed the sounds coming from a large pile of debris closer to Midgar. “This better be worth my time.”

”Now I never expected to see this.” White Magic said. She was still exhausted, not being the most athletic type, but compared to the now-kneeling Amarant, she was in pretty good shape. “And you never even broke a sweat until you just got instantly tired. You wimp you.” She finished with a smile.

“Like I said, this is only my third day of travels.” Amarant responded. “And I never was much of a jogger.”

”What strikes me as odd is that your body needs the rest, but you haven’t even started breathing hard.”

Amarant looked up at White. ”Yeah, I don’t understand it either.” He lowered his head. ”Although, with my ‘powers’, I thought I would endure more…I must be pushing my body too hard. My body is physically exhausted, but my lungs are still getting-”

”Hey, Mr. Thinker? Think you could imagine whatever your conjuring up on the road? I would very much like to get to the Chocobo Ranch around supper time.”

”Why then?” Amarant asked.

”For supper! Stupid!” White happily responded. “Ronald, the Owner, makes the most delicious chili.”

Amarant started chuckling. “You want me to hurry just for a bowl of hamburger and beans?”

”Blah to you, sir!” White said back. “Until you actually taste his chili, you cannot mock it!”

”Well, yeah, I can.”

”That’s not very polite though! It’s like the saying, ‘don’t criticize a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.’ Alright?”

Amarant just shrugged his shoulders. “Fine then. Well, it is about noon now, and we have been traveling for about 8 hours, so may I assume we are about half way there?”

”Around there. I’m not a real distance person: we will just get there whenever we get there.”

”And after that, Fort Condor, then Junon, then wherever.” Amarant looked up at White again. “It would be nice to know where you are taking me after that location.”

”Remember, Amarant, I never confirmed that we are going to Junon. Well, I did, but was I really now? As for where we are truly going...” White closed her eyes, and lowered her head. ”It will be revealed when we arrive at our final destination.” She spoke in a low voice, like that of a prophet.

”Don’t tell me too much.” Amarant scoffed at the girl. White Magic just shot her head up and smiled. “Gotta keep light-hearted until we reach our wayward point.”

”You mean the Chocobo Ranch?” Amarant instantly responded. White just kept on smiling.

”Did I mention feathers?” She began to walk East once again.

”I would like to know how NOT TELLING ME will end up helping me!” He yelled after her, then got up to pursue the mage. “Surprises are not always my forte.”

Tailz continued to walk towards the sounds of war when he could finally hear some voices, faint though they may be.

”I’m too quick for you, priest. You can’t hit me!” “You are pathetically slow. You may as well quit now, while your heart is still beating.”

”It does sound interesting enough, though the first voice was a bit too excited for my tastes." Tailz thought to himself. “The last voice sounded much more intriguing: a thinker, if nothing else.

Tailz stopped walking. "Heh, with my luck, it will be two kids acting out some kind of stone-throwing battle scene."

Tailz climbed up on a ridge of wreckage and saw the two combatants. “Well, I was right about the stones and the kid.” He told himself softly. Silver was down in a small valley surrounded by the ruins of the once-grand city, his sword drawn and ready. His yellow pants and grey shirt were tattered, and blood could be seen in various spots on them, with tears near-by. He was injured in other more dire places as well: as various pieces of Earth orbited around him, Tailz could see a few cuts and bruises already on his face. His white hair was even singed in a few places, and a long cut had allowed blood to flow from his neck. “Does that kid pick a fight with everyone he meets?

Tailz looked at Silver’s opponent, and saw a man in a priest’s outfit, but a hood was covering his face. “Ok, he’s fighting a priest: that kid has issues.” Tailz shook his head; then took another look at the priest. “That’s the same guy who I spoke to in Kalm.

”Just try and dodge this.” Silver said, and then directed all of Earth surrounding him towards the Priest.

Silver’s opponent did nothing except draw his sword. It was a thin sword, much akin to a rapier, but it had a glow to it. It looked as if Light embodied the steel it was made from. The Priest side-stepped the on-coming Earth and swiped his sword in the air where he was once standing. ”Impressive.” Tailz thought as a wall of Light formed where his sword has passed through the air, destroying all the Earth.

”You will not be so pleased after this attack!” Silver yelled out. He held his arms to his side and closed his eyes. As he did so, the wind around the Priest and Silver started to increase, and soon it was a very violent wind. “It will be very hard to strike against the wind.”

”You are skilled in your art, Silver.” The Priest said, his uniform blowing violently against the wind. His hood was soon removed due to the violent air, showing short pure black hair that accented his middle-aged face. Suddenly, he could not be seen. “Again, impressive.” Tailz mumbled to himself, as the Priest appeared behind Silver. “But as you can only direct your wind in one direction, you will not ensnare me.” The Priest sweep-kicked Silver off his feet, then followed through with a roundhouse kick, sending him straight into his own offensive. Silver was helpless as his own Wind attack blew him at least 20 metres away, straight into a pile of rubble.

”C’mon, kid.” The Priest said out loud, approaching the rubble. “I know you’re not done yet: unless you are even worse than I thought.” He crossed his arms and stood just a few steps away from the spot where Silver had landed, but the kid could not be seen. Some of the rubble had crumbled when Silver hit the ground, and he was now piled under it. “The kid is done.” Tailz told himself. No movement could be seen or heard by the rubble. “Well?” The Priest said, then noticed a large chunk of stone was ready to fall above him. He jumped up and slashed at the stone, causing it to fall on top of the pile where Silver’s grave was. “Nice try, boy. But your skills are worth nothing.”

The Priest began to walk away from Silver’s death-pile, and even sheathed his sword, when he suddenly stopped. He looked intently at the earth. Water-drops were forming at his feet, even though it was a warm day. “The ground mourns for him.” He started to walk away once more when the drops of water sprung up from the ground in front of him, making a solid water-wall.

”I’m not dead yet, old man.”

White Magic smiled at Amarant. “Ok, fine.” Amarant said to stop her staring. “It was pretty good.”

Ronald stood up. He was an older man, being around the 45 mark in years, with silver hair barely going around his prominent bare spot right on the top of his head. He wore typical Farmer clothes: a white shirt under blue-jean overalls. He seemed very simple in mind and nature. Despite that, his blue eyes still had vigor when you caught him in the right moment. And Amarant just started that moment.

Ronald stood up from his chair and shook Amarant’s hand. “Thank you sir. It gives me a lot of pride when a newcomer enjoys my chili. But now we must prepare for your departure, for it bears grave news.”

Amarant and White stood up. “What is it this time, Ron?”

”A theft happened one night ago.” Ronald said as they walked to the stables. “They didn’t take everything, but it will greatly slow your journey.”

Amarant sighed deeply. “The World hasn’t gotten much better from Midgar’s destruction. I can’t believe people would be so cruel as to thieve Chocobos in the night.”

Ronald smiled, but Amarant couldn’t see it as they entered the Stables, and continued walking.

”1, 2, 3, 4…I don’t get it.” Amarant said out loud. “All of the stables are full! Did you already replenish your herd in just one day?”

White smiled at Amarant. “No, silly! No Chocobos were stolen on the night in question. Just fuel, that’s all.”

”Yes.” Ronald added in. “All of the extra fuel was stolen, but your transportation was hidden well enough that its fuel was not siphoned off.”

They stopped at the end of the Chocobo Stables, and Amarant saw a little well, complete with a little shingled roof, along with a large sign above it: Those Who Have Something To Hide, Hide It Well.

”No one has figured this one out yet.” Ronald said. He walked up to the little well, and starting from the left-most shingle, counted to the right 6, then up 1, then left 2. He pushed the shingle in, and the wall with the sign on it slid open.

”You go right the number of words in the first sentence, then up one for the back-to-back same words, then left 2 for the last two words. And since it’s on a well, it’s absolutely ingenious, no?”

Amarant finally blinked a few times. “Whoa, Ronald: that’s some mind-bender.”

”Isn’t it though?” White asked him. “C’mon now, our ride is just ahead.”

They walked into the darkness until Ronald turned the light on.

”Nice!” Amarant said as he looked at the small two-seater Jet.

”Thank you once again.” Ronald replied to Amarant with. “I worked with Cid Highwind on ShinRa No. 26, and helped a bit with his Tiny Bronco. So with that knowledge in mind, I built this: The Mini Chocobo.”

”I could never build something like that!” Amarant couldn’t take his eyes off the miniature aircraft.

”And for keeping this a secret, and a bit of gil, the Temple’s have use of this ship whenever we feel this is necessary. So it’s all good.” White added. “So, there is some in the tank, Ronald. How much?”

”About a third full, White. I meant to fill it up when I heard you were coming, but I missed the right night, for the fuel was stolen then.”

”A third full, hmmm…” White pondered. “Well, I doubt we could reach Junon from here to fuel up, so I guess Fort Condor is our next stop, Amarant.”

I get to ride in a jet, how cool is this. Oh, Fort Condor? Alright, let’s get going!

Amarant and White jumped into the Jet, with White taking the controls. Ronald went to the side and pressed a button, causing the well to sink below the floor, giving the jet a runway to the sky.

”Be safe, wherever you roam!” Ronald yelled out as the jet engine kicked in, and the two adventurers were in the blue wide open in no-time.

The Priest waited for Silver to dig himself out of the rubble. But only because he was surrounded by a wall of water.

”I will not be defeated so easily.” Silver said, moving rubble so he could get out. The Priest smiled. “Neither will I. Unless you have only been using half your powers, you will fail.”

”Shut up!” Silver yelled at him, and pushing aside the last piece of rubble, he emerged. He was bleeding in several places, while his left leg looked a bit unstable. Despite of all this, his will remains unbroken. “Determined is what I would call him.” Tailz told himself. “Willing to endure the fight until his enemy is beaten or he himself is dead.”

Silver took a deep breath while he let his ‘Water Wall’ dissipate. He then jumped up into the air and held his sword straight-out from his side. It started to glow as he floated down to the Earth, and when his feet hit solid ground, his sword ignited with violent flames.

”Upon further thought, I must commend you, Silver.” The Priest said. “Most users can wield the powers of Bolt, Ice and Fire. But I have not seen or been made aware of one who can use the Original Elements: Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth, like the Cetra could. Incredible, in a sense. Although your powers are dwarfed by the Ancients.”

”That may be, but it will be more than enough to burn you to your grave!” Silver charged full speed at the Priest. His opponent readied his sword.

He seems to be actually preparing for this attack.” Tailz thought of the robed man’s actions. Silver continued to charge at the Priest. When he was close enough, he attempted a horizontal swing at the Priest’s head. He just brought his sword up to stop it, but then something happened that was not supposed to.

”Interesting.” Silver’s enemy stated. He had deflected the blow, but was knocked back in the process. But he did not have time to contemplate, for Silver was running straight at him once again. He continued his assault, but his opponent was having no trouble blocking his swings.

I have him on the run now.” Silver thought to himself, keeping up the siege. “He can’t get a hit in edge-wise. I just have to keep this up and wait for his mistake.” The Priest kept up his defense until Silver’s next blow. Silver had crouched down just a trace and went for an uppercut slash. The Priest didn’t seem to expect this, and was knocked back off balance. “Now!” Silver yelled out, jumping right at his adversary for the finishing blow.

”Nice try, kid.” Tailz declared to his own mind. For as Silver put two hands on his sword for a stab into his opponent’s heart, the Priest disappeared.

”WHAT?” Silver yelled out, standing still. He couldn’t sense the Priest anywhere, but felt a coldness around him. And then pain shot up his back as he hit the ground.

”The fictitious emotion of security is a burden, kid. And it cost you the fight. You can’t even stand for the moment. And if you attempt to, you will be struck down.”

Silver let a small laugh go as he hardly stumbled to his feet. “You got the hit, but with this Fire sword comes a clear barrier that you cannot penetrate.” Silver readied his sword once again. “You can avoid my offense, but with defense like this, I cannot be beaten!”

”Right after I told you that security rarely works, you make a comment like that.” The Priest shook his head. “You don’t know the limits to your own powers. I have places to be, and your ego is slowing me down.”

”My limits are above yours!” Silver yelled at him, and tried his offense once again. The Priest simply side-stepped his powerful but slow strike, then faded. He appeared once again, and in an instant, Silver was on the ground again, blood gushing from both his legs.

”He has this one.” Tailz muttered to himself. The Priest peered over the kid, who had his teeth clenched in great pain with two pools of blood at his feet. “You cannot fight with your knee-caps sliced in half. Admit defeat, and you shall live.”

”Not until my death shall I admit defeat.” Silver said, knowing the full consequences. “So be it. May your soul find happiness after it leaves your body.” He lifted his Light Rapier over his shoulder, then swung. But only to meet metal.

”Although I applaud your holiness at the end, Priest, I believe this kid’s life is worth more than that.”

”The seeker of the Black Materia? Well, I shall enjoy this.”

And just as the Mini Chocobo was to go bone-dry in the fuel tank, White Magic and Amarant landed.

”Let’s not do that again.” Amarant decided. White nodded her head in agreement as they got out of the cockpit. “Though, I must admit you are a much better pilot than I would have ever taken you for.”

”Well, thank you! I do try, you know.” White responded happily as ever. She closed the cockpit door and headed off towards Fort Condor, only a few steps away.

”Landing only a few feet from Fort Condor’s entrance is something short of talent, but not that short.” Amarant said, further boasting White’s ego. “Did I say that right?” He thought after he finished the sentence, and promptly walked into White’s back.

”Quit daydreaming already!” White told him. “We need to focus a bit to get into the Fort.” And with that, she grabbed the rope hanging down and started to climb it.

”You are kidding me, right?” Amarant said at the climbing-Priestess. White didn’t respond, so he started to climb as well. He didn’t get far up when he had to ask another question. “Hey, White? Didn’t ShinRa take this place over a while back?”

”No, they did not.” White responded, with breaths inbetween. “They tried, but the people here were able to ward them off with hired help. Namely, soldiers and such.”

”Don’t you need a lot of money to do that?”

”Most definitely. But fortune was with them, for a traveler was able to donate a ton of money for the cause. And before you ask who he is…” White stopped speaking, for she found herself at the top of the rope. Quickly reaching out to the cliff closest to her, she pulled herself up onto a solid rock-floor. “…I don’t know who he is. They keep his identity under- wraps.”

White saw Amarant nod, then waited a few seconds more to see her ‘partner’ pull himself up as well. “Well, that’s one way to get exercise. You think they could invest in an elevator.”

”Nah.” A voice said. “This way they tire out soldiers as they enter. And White Mages.”

White smiled at the man walking towards them. He wore a red jumpsuit adorned with a red helmet, but it’s black visor was pulled up. His grey eyes looked at White joyfully.

”Great to see you too, President Bob.” She walked into his outspread arms and accepted the hug. “Bob, this is Amarant.” She told him when the hug was expended.

”Amarant? Haven’t heard that name before.” He admitted.

”I just met him yesterday.” White responded. “Well, more like early this morning. Same difference though. Wow’s, it 11 o’clock already. We must have stayed at the Ranch longer than I thought…

President Bob walked towards Amarant with a massive smile at what was exposed for his face. “Amarant, eh! Good on ya, mate!” He practically bear-hugged the surprised Amarant, then went to his side with an arm on his shoulder.

”So just met her, huh? You lucky devil you! Why, I never forgot when I first met her at the strip club! MAN that was a performance! She had the most AAAA-mazing outfit on, but it didn’t stay on if you know what I mean! But that was awhile back, and she’s really grown up since then, haven’t you White?”

Amarant, completely mute and dumb to this story, slowed turned towards White. There his mouth dropped open in absolute surprise: White had her robe hiked up to show off her well-toned legs, and as Amarant looked up at her face, he could see that her robe had fallen off her shoulder. She then spoke in the most seductive voice Amarant could ever imagine.

”That’s right, Mister President.” Amarant’s eyes shifted from President Bob to White as his body was petrified in place. A few seconds later, the duo burst out laughing. Amarant still didn’t move or speak, unknowing what do to in the situation.

President Bob finally slowed laughing enough to speak to him. “I’m truly sorry Amarant, but that was BEAUTIFUL!!! The look on your face, HA HA HA!!!” He started laughing once again.

White saw that Amarant was, indeed, still silent. When she finally brought herself to stop laughing (and after she fixed her wardrobe), she addressed her companion. “Don’t think about it too much, Amarant.” She said, and saw a little ease in his shoulders. “We do this to every new traveler that accompanies me here.”

”The look on their faces! That is why I do it!” President Bob burst out with. He was done laughing for the moment as well. He extended his hand at Amarant. “Alright, let us do this properly. I am President Bob, more or less ‘Ruler’ of Fort Condor.”

Amarant shook his head, finally feeling at ease. “I am Amarant, a traveler who was just silenced for the first time.”

President Bob showed another smile. “Then it was well worth it!”

Amarant smiled back. “I should have realized it was a joke earlier. After all, White Mages can’t be in Strip Clubs.”

”Well, that is true.” White added. “But let it be addressed that you may not be officially sworn in as a White Mage until the age of 20. They want their women to at least experience a bit of adult life before they go it ‘alone’, so to speak. But let it also be addressed that I have too been in a Strip Club. Unfortunately for me, it was Men’s Knight and all I saw were chick’s in and out of armor. It was strangely erotic though.” Amarant glanced at White supremely surprised, and all she did was flash her ‘you know I’m kidding’ smile.

”And for a total change of discussion, would you be able to lend us some gas?” Amarant directed at President Bob. “The Chocobo Ranch was out when we were there.”

Bob looked at Amarant. “Oh, they got hit, too.”

”You can’t be serious!” An upset White Mage uttered out.

”Yeah, most of our gas was stolen as well. We suspect it’s nothing major: just some cheap joy-riders or something like that.”

”How much can you spare?” Amarant asked, sitting down on a near-by chair.

”Maybe enough for a quarter of that plane’s tank.” President Bob responded, promptly hearing a ‘dam’ underneath Amarant’s breath. “We do have more than enough to fill your tank, but we need that for our gen-set, in case our power goes out. If you wait until tomorrow afternoon, the tanker-truck will be here and we will gladly fill your tank.”

White shook her head. “Going to have to decline, King Bob. We can’t wait that long. Guess we will take what you offer and get the rest in Junon.”

”King Bob, eh? Now I could go for a name like that.” He said, rubbing his chin. “Perhaps one day.”

”In your dreams.” White told him flat-out, getting a smile from the three.

”Whatever. Now, where are you going that requires such haste?” White kept her gaze at him and shook her head. “Alright, that covers it. Now, let us not delay any longer! To the Gasoline Storage with a jerry can!” President Bob started to actually march away from the two he was helping.

”A bit enthusiastic, isn’t he?” Amarant said quietly to White.

”When ShinRa tries to take over your home, you have to be. It keeps the hope booming.”

”I don’t hear MARCHING!!!”

Tailz and the Cleric stood some distance away, locked in a stare down. “One on one. Yes, it has been a while since I have done that with any real opponent.” He told Tailz.

”You overestimate yourself. You are less than worthy of my victim.”

The Priest grew in anger. “You overestimate yourself, especially to an adversary whom you do not know.”

”Yeah, wow, you can fade in and out while wielding a weapon that embodies the power of Light. Yep, you’re a complete mystery to me.”

”He has more power than that.” Tailz looked behind him to see Silver struggling to his feet: not the easiest of tasks.

”Stay on the ground and enjoy the show.” Tailz told the weakened fighter. “Maybe you will learn something.” Tailz turned his head towards the Priest to find him out of sight.

”Yes, the boy is of no use now. He is wounded beyond what he can fight with.” The Priest’s voice rang out from all around Tailz, not helping his cause.

Alright Holy Crusader, where are you…” Tailz was focusing on finding him when he felt Silver leaning fully against him. “Explain why you think I am a staff.”

Silver tried to stand up straight, but he stayed hunched over. “So he can’t pick us off one by one.”

Tailz kept his gaze around the area, scanning for his opponent. “You were on the ground and of no threat. Idiot.”

”You need the help, and standing together like this can give us the upper hand.”

Tailz shook his head. “Look. Kid, you're scared. Leave me to this fight, for even if you are conscious, there is no us. You will only hold me back.”

Silver stood a little straighter. “I can help you!”

”Not with your skills.” Then, Tailz kneeled down with great speed. Silver never figured out why, for his enemy’s fist soundly hit the back of his skull. He fell to the ground unconscious.

”Well, I guess I have to thank you now.” Tailz said, returning to a standing position. He picked the kid up and threw him to the side, towards some thick bushes.

The Priest appeared several metres in front of Tailz. “Why do you protect him?”

”Who said I was? Had to get him out of the way so I could defeat you quicker.”

”Patience is a virtue.” The Priest said, fading once again.

Tailz voiced a small laugh. “Yes, patience is a virtue. Just not one of mine.”

He could hear the Priest snicker. “Indeed. It is just as well, for you will find your grave quickly.”

The Man of God appeared to the left-side of Tailz and swung his fist insanely quick as him. However, nothing but air was penetrated. “He faded as well. This will make it more difficult.”

”Now now, only ghosts and poor fighters can fade. I just slowly stepped out of the way, nothing less.” Tailz was some distance away when his opponent faced him.

”Perhaps a wider arc then!” He drew his sword, then faded once more.

Tailz lost his smile and started looking around again, attempting to hear or even sense his opponent’s actions. “He may be able to strike me this time. He wasn’t that far off for the last time.” Tailz grabbed his scythe from his back.

Amarant’s rival stood still in the ruins: a great oak bracing for the storm to come. He heard a scoff from a distance, then merely placed his scythe behind him and side-stepped to the left.

”Dam.” Tailz said, holding his scythe’s two separate pieces. “You have now realized you cannot avoid them all.” The newly-appeared foe told his victim.

”Were you expecting anything else?” Tailz said, holding his right-side. A small amount of blood was starting to come forth from his hip.

”With that cut, you can’t possibly move that quickly again.” The Priest told the injured Tailz.

”There you go, thinking a little bit of blood is going to stop me from killing you. Sadly mistaken is the victim here.” Tailz dropped the bottom part of the scythe and grasped what was left of the scythe’s handle with his left hand. His right drew his short sword.

His enemy smiled, his short black hair waving slightly in the wind. “Two weapons. I have use for only one.” He held up his Rapier of Light. “Double would make it unfair.”

”I agree. It would be unfair for me to disarm you twice.” Tailz said, showing a brash smile. The Priest scowled at him, then charged.

Tailz took a step back, not ready for his opponent to openly charge. But that wasn’t going to defeat him alone. He kept his poise and waited for the first attack.

When he reached Tailz, the Cleric attempted a stab at Tailz heart, but that was easily knocked to his right by the Short Sword. But as he leaned to the right, as if in response to the deflection, he punched Tailz’ face with his left. The white -haired fighter was not prepared for that, and was knocked back. The Priest kept up the assault by jumping in the air at his enemy, sword going for his shoulder. Tailz just recovered quick enough to get his scythe in the way of the Rapier, then pushed it back at the Priest.

”His holiness is quick and relentless.” Tailz thought as he jumped back, avoiding a slash to his stomach. Tailz countered with a scythe to the man’s left arm, but it flowed out of the way, mimicking a snake’s pattern across the sand. Tailz continued attacking with his Short Sword and (now) Short Scythe, but always going for the arms.

”Trying to figure out how I move.” The Priest thought, twisting his body and moving his arms to avoid the numerous swipes and stabs. But none connected: he was too quick for the seeker of the Black Materia. He ducked a rare slash at his head, and countered with a punch to his adversary’s stomach. And as Tailz reeled back out of breath, his opponent went for an uppercut-slash to separate his skin from his throat. The Killer from Kalm saw it coming, and jumped in the air, going into a back flip until he landed some distance away.

But rest was not forthcoming. Tailz crossed his blades in front of him as his adversary swung at his chest. With three devices of destruction fighting against each other, they had a test of endurance.

”You are quick and agile, but nothing great.” Said the Priest. This produces quite the malevolent look from Tailz, and within the second, he broke the weapon stalemate and attempted to sweep-kick his opponent to the ground.

The Monk-like opponent jumped into the air, easily dodging his kick. But that was Tailz's plan all along: for when his foot would have tripped his opponent, he stopped moving and put both hands on the ground. Before his opponent could land and react, Tailz propelled himself feet-first into the air, solidly hitting his enemy. ”In all my years I have never seen such a technique. It is like this person is completely self-taught, as I am.” He watched as his opponent kicked off of him, sending the Priest to the ground fast.

Tailz landed on his feet and watched with a smile as the Priest hit the ground hard on his back, but quickly punched the ground to propel himself in the air. He, too, landed on his feet in the end.

”You are no normal foe.” He admitted to Tailz.

“Perhaps. However, neither are you.”

”Indeed.” The Priest replied. They stood still, each waiting for the other to strike.

”Owww..” A voice said from the bushes. Neither of the fighters acknowledged Silver regaining consciousness. He touched the back of his head and winced in pain. “Guess I’ll be taking a day off from fighting. That’s very sore.”

He took a quick look around and seen the two fighters standing still, as if Stop was equally cast on them. Then, in a flicker of time, both pushed off the ground towards each. “At the same time?!” Silver exclaimed to himself, for neither fighter would not look towards him.

When the two fighters met, eyes were deemed useless. Their attacks were incredibly quick and nimble, and no movement other than a large blur could be seen from either fighter. Then, both separated, only to charge at each other once again.

They continued to barrage each other at speeds you would think only Haste would allow, but both were under no such enchantment. Silver sat still, trying to make out the figure that attacked him and the figure that saved him, but only when they broke apart was that possible. Fatigue never gripped either combatant; they never slowed down or stopped for more than a fraction of a second.

Silver continuously watched in amazement at these two great men, and he moved nothing except his eyes. And it was while he sat and seen a battle beyond imagination that a piece of wood came flying out of the blur to Silver’s right. He watched it go past him, then he looked at the duel and quickly rolled to the side. After he brushed himself off, he noticed Tailz’ scythe-blade stuck in the ground where he was.

”I suppose I’ll have to put some effort in now.” Tailz voice could be heard saying, but the battle did not falter. “You confidence in yourself will cause your failure.” The Priest's voice echoed back.

Swords continued to clash against one another and fists could be heard connecting with flesh and bone, but they did not stop. Silver was dumbfounded, not knowing exactly if he should continue watching, when both fighters stopped at the exact same time.

”A stalement.” Tailz said.

”For the moment.” His opponent added.

Amarant hang his head down. “What is it now?” White asked her comrade. They were in the air, approaching Junon.

”Well, I can’t help but think what my friend is doing.” Amarant admitted. “But I must thank you.”

White looked somewhat stunned. “What for?”

”Well, all we have had to deal with here are little worries. It helps me take my mind off of the peril. And I know your up-beat attitude is to try and keep my mind off of my friend as well.”

White smiled. “You figured it out. I thought you might: you seem to be able to perceive what a person aims for, and what they can do.”

Amarant kept his head down. “Yes, I have been told that. And that is why I worry so much for my friend. When it comes to the end, I may have to defeat him to save him.”

White was perplexed. ”Save him?” She thought. ”But if he is truly after the Black Materia, then he is already lost.”

”Yeah, I know.” Amarant said out loud. He slowly brought his head up and looked at White. “It doesn’t sound right, to try and ‘save’ somebody who may destroy the world. But if by his death, he may be saved, then I must comply. I suppose fate is hard-put to me.”

White looked sympathetically at Amarant. She put her hand on his shoulder. “You do not know fate until it is upon you. We will see what you have to do when the situation arises.”

Amarant smiled. “Hopefully, I am strong enough when that situation arises.”


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