<Chapter IX – When One Wing Falls
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Chapter IX
When One Wing Falls

Silver and Tailz walked along towards Midgar, but they did not speak. Tailz seemed to be preoccupied with just getting to the ruined city, let alone talking to his apprentice. What he was thinking about, Silver could not guess. He seen no reason why they should go to the ruined city, even if Tailz felt drawn to it.

”Why?” Silver said, and Tailz stopped walking. Silver walked in front of him and looked at Tailz, who was hanging his head. “Why go to this place? You won’t find anything there; nothing will be found there!! Nothing but death!”

”Just as there is answers in life, so are there in death, Silver. I doubt just like you do that we will find anything living in the ruins of Midgar, but something else might be found.”

”And what is that? What is that object that is so important?”

Tailz looked Silver in the eye. “I do not know.” He pushed Silver out of the way, and continued walking.

I don’t understand how he can be so calm when he doesn’t know what drives him.

Amarant thought for a moment, contemplating and reviewing everything that White had told him about the Cetra, and Jenova’s corruption of them. And then of the creation and birth of Sephiroth, and his downfall. But when he got to the part where White said ‘such evil never ends when you truly want it to’, he thought the longest and hardest. For the first time in their conversation, Amarant was the one making White impatient.

”So…” Amarant finally spoke. “…Sephiroth survived his fall into the Lifestream.”

”He did.” White Magic replied. “He survived the fall, and drifted through the Lifestream still alive. While he drifted though, he accumulated much knowledge from the Lifestream, being submersed in so much of it. He eventually surfaced within the Northern Crater, and we believe it was at that site he developed a reason to use the Black Materia, and summon Meteor.”

“Did his ‘mother’ have anything to do with it?”

”She did, Amarant. The rest of Sephiroth’s actions he did so for mother. He felt that humans were traitors, and he would get rid of them and take back the planet for his mother. He saw them as traitors for when Jenova came to earth, they hid themselves so they would survive. He thought they should have embraced Jenova as the god he thought she was, but all they did was hide and wait. Sephiroth branded all humans traitors on those criteria after he found out his past and learned of Jenova.”

”And Sephiroth didn’t see himself as a traitor?”

”He didn’t see himself as ‘human’, so he did not. Being injected with Mako and Jenova DNA, there was no possibility of him viewing himself as something so ordinary. And because of his view of himself, he planned to use Meteor.”

“Revenge for his mother being defeated?”

“We don’t know all of the motives.” White said. “But we do know what Sephiroth intended. He was going to cause such a massive wound to the world with Meteor that it would be forced to use the Lifestream to repair it. And Sephiroth intended to be at that site, and absorb the Lifestream to become, in essence, a God.”

“Wouldn’t that just kill him? I thought the Lifestream was very powerful.”

“It is very powerful: it stopped Meteor, remember.”

”So did Sephiroth stay in the Northern Crater for five years and recuperate, to prepare to absorb all this Lifestream?”

”We really don’t know.” White replied. “The Sephiroth clones have been around for nearly that long, and they cannot even speak properly. I doubt that Sephiroth fully recovered in that time either, but his strength and will was remarkable.”

”Let’s just say that he didn’t recover enough, like all the evidence points.” Amarant said. “Could it be possible that another disguised as him did all of this?”

”It was Sephiroth, we know that for certain. We had the thought of an imitator go through our minds, but we are certain it was him. Just the things he did, and was able to do.”

”All because he lived through the Lifestream?”

”I imagine that certainly helped, for if even in small doses, it can make a human extremely powerful. But back to him becoming a God: it was clear to us that he could withstand a ton of Lifestream being bombarded at his body, and he would absorb even more of it and live on, given the chance. If he was able to do this, the world would be ruined. For even though Sephiroth couldn’t take on a huge amount of Lifestream, what he could take would probably make the Lifestream unable to stop Meteor.”

“But it never happened, right? The world is at peace.”

“We are at peace, and yes, Sephiroth never did become the God that he wished to become. But there is more to it then that. Around 5 years ago, ShinRa made a final decision to search for the fabled Promised Land, the one I spoke about earlier.”

“The land of mako, right?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. Well, somehow, Sephiroth found out they were searching for this Promised Land, and killed the President of ShinRa in Midgar. He also took back Jenova, whom had been moved there by Hojo. Immediately after that incident, ShinRa halted all searching for the Promised Land and went after Sephiroth. Knowing that he was alive excited them, and they wanted nothing else to have him back on their side. They followed him around the globe, eventually catching up to him at the Northern Crater. It was there that they found the body of Sephiroth encased in Materia.”

Amarant raised an eyebrow at White Magic. “But…he killed the President…”

”Yes, it perplexed ShinRa as well. There was no way Sephiroth could have escaped the Materia, did all of his actions, then returned to it. So two opposing theories have come into light. One says that Sephiroth used the knowledge that the Lifestream gave him to re-create himself outside of the Materia with his mind, then did all of the actions I have said. The other is just as farfetched: that he was able to control some of the Sephiroth clones with his mind. When that happened, they would take on the shape and form of Sephiroth, and be completely under his control. The latter seems a bit unlikely, for no clones were reported to leave Nibelheim. But when Sephiroth was sighted, he was said to have the power to teleport and more-or-less fly, so perhaps a clone teleported, did what was needed, and returned to Nibelheim with no one the wiser.”

“I wouldn’t know which one to believe.” Amarant said.

“I’m not perfectly sure myself, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that Sephiroth finally found the Black Materia within the Temple of the Ancients.”

“Found it? I thought he had it to begin with.”

”No. When the Cetra defeated Jenova, they hid the Black Materia, and took some other precautions to make sure it never fall into enemy hands.”

“Where did they hide it?”

“You’ll see it shortly.” White said. Amarant looked at her, then looked around. He didn’t see any kind of structure, but he did notice some changes in the surroundings. The trees that were basically non-existent before were just a short walk from their current position, all part of a large forest: 5 minutes and they would be engulfed in the sea of green. It seemed to Amarant they were supposed to surround a building or something of the like, but no structure could be seen. At least, not one that was taller than the trees. Amarant looked forward to see White Magic some steps ahead of him, and he took a few quick strides to keep one step behind her.

“Is it in the middle of the forest up there?” Amarant asked. White nodded. “Looks like the setting for a Temple, or something along those lines.”

“It was a temple of sorts, at one point.” White stopped and looked at Amarant. “But I’ll let the scene explain it. It will work more than my words will.”

“I always thought your words got the job done.”

“Thank you. But I’ve been talking for quite some time. I’ll let you relax and take in the scenery of the jungle we’re about to enter.”

”Might be my last time to relax like this.” Amarant thought to himself, then entered the jungle.

Tailz and Silver were getting closer to Midgar now. By the time they would stop for the night, they would be a half-day’s walk within the ruined city. And still, Silver had gotten no answer from Tailz on what they would be looking for in the rubble. Silver had given up, now knowing that Tailz either really didn’t know, or that the truth would make Silver an enemy instead of an apprentice.

”But why not tell me the truth? He said not to trust him. If the truth is so horrible that it makes me an enemy, then he has a reason to kill me, and it would certainly make me trust him less. It makes sense to tell me! It would give me a more tangible reason not to trust him! He says not to trust him, but I have to trust his word not to trust him!” Silver let a sigh go. ”This is driving me insane.”

Silver looked over at his Master. If something was occupying his mind, he wasn’t letting the world know. Tailz showed no emotions or actions on his face…a face that looked at Midgar with each step. Silver never saw his gaze shift to any other location other than the ruined city, but it did not surprise him. All the time that Silver had known Tailz, though only about two days, Tailz never did look around much. He stayed focused, going straight for the area he wanted to go. Nothing would distract him. At least, nothing that could be seen.


Tailz let out a sigh, but did not stop walking. “What is it?”

”I know I don’t have to understand why we are going to Midgar, but couldn’t you tell me anyways?”

”I’m not trying to give you something to think about Silver. In all honesty, I don’t know what I’m looking for in Midgar, nor do I know why I am going there.”

”So you are going to find out?”

”That’s the point of going. If you don’t know something, find out.”

Silver nodded his head, and continued alongside his Master. ”Maybe it’s not so complicated after all. Well, it could still be…but those words make sense.”

Tailz looked over at his apprentice. ”Second guessing, trying to understand each situation…he’ll keep on his toes. Seems I’ve made a lucky choice. Perhaps he won’t die, or choose to be killed.”

They continued to walk towards Midgar, well after the sun had been swallowed by the horizon and the moon triumphantly showed itself. But Tailz did not notice. So focused was he on getting to Midgar that no thoughts had entered his brain, and his eyes did not waver from the destination his feet were taking him towards. But it was then, when all was quiet within the mind of Tailz, that he suddenly lost his footing.

”What the…” Tailz said quietly, not knowing exactly how he nearly stumbled to the ground. Looking along his path, he noticed nothing that could trip him, nor hinder him in any way. But as he looked once more to confirm himself, he felt like he was floating just above the ground as he did so.

”So…light-headed.”  Tailz did not move for fear of losing his balance, but even without movement he could tell it was a losing battle. He slowly lowered him to the ground and sat down for a moment.

”You alright Tailz?” Silver looked at his Master, who looked on the verge of passing out.

”It’s nothing serious. Just exhaustion.” He looked up into the sky and seen the Moon was in plain view. “It’s late enough. We will rest here for the night.”

Silver took a quick look around the area: nothing but dirt. But he was exhausted as well, and even concrete would have been suitable. “Works for me. I’m bushed.”

”Then you will keep watch under those conditions.” Tailz said. He laid himself down on the ground and created the black mist that covered his body, like he did the night before. “I won’t need much sleep, so I’ll probably be up in 3 or 4 hours.” He closed his eyes, and to Silver’s viewpoint, he was instantly asleep. Silver walked around the camp, checking around for any signs of animals that could return.

Tailz was not asleep though: his mind was active. ”I am still light-headed. What could cause this…it is no matter.”  Tailz fell into sleep a moment later.

Amarant looked at the site they stopped at for some time. What had been there was once huge and majestic; he could tell that just by looking at the surroundings. The small bridge that connected the great temple was still intact, and they had used it to reach the site that White had told Amarant about. But there was nothing there. Barely even a pile of rubble was left in the great crater before them. He glanced at White Magic, standing beside him before turning his gaze back to the ruin.

”What is this place?”

’This is the Temple of the Ancients.” White said. “Well, what is left of it, anyways. It was here that the Black Materia had been stored since Jenova’s defeat.”

”Why here?”

”This Temple was specially designing to keep the Black Materia within it forever. You see, after Jenova was defeated, the Black Materia was put here to keep it from falling into evil hands. But the Cetra did not stop at this alone to keep the world safe: they made another Materia. It is called the White Materia. Like the Black Materia, it is immensely powerful, but it summons a spell to our aid. That spell has been named Holy. Also like the Black Materia is its simple goal: while Meteor is sent only to destroy, Holy is only sent to protect the world from Meteor. Where they keep it though, no one has ever been able to find out. But let’s get back to the Temple.”

”Agreed.” Amarant said, nodding his head. “But how can a Temple be trusted to hold such a powerful artifact?”

”Maybe you’re thinking of a museum.” White said. Amarant raised an eyebrow back at her. “A museum takes it’s most valuable possession and puts it on display for the whole world to see. This Temple was nothing like that: actually, you would never find the Black Materia just by going in there and looking. Only through death could you find it.”

”A sacrifice?” Amarant said, with a bit of hesitation.

”The Cetra were nothing like that, not even to their greatest enemy. Inside the Temple, one would eventually find a miniature of the same Temple. But that was no ordinary miniature: it was a puzzle. Inside of that miniature was another miniature, and so forth, until you got to the very center where the Black Materia was kept. However, when each miniature was ‘solved’, the real Temple would get smaller, until at last it collapsed upon them at the solving of the final puzzle. It left behind this crater with the few ruins you see, as well as the Black Materia.”

”That is when Sephiroth retrieved it.”

”That’s correct. He took it, and left for the Northern Crater, where Meteor was summoned. Just before that though, all the Sephiroth clones left Nibelheim for the same place. Later on, they were all found slaughtered, no doubt by Sephiroth’s powers or a different clone under his influence.”

”What happened after that? I know about Meteor: I saw it in the sky.”

”Then you undoubtedly saw Midgar being destroyed by Meteor before Holy arrived. How Holy was summoned we haven’t found out, but we know that Sephiroth was somehow blocking it from helping the planet. It’s the only explanation, otherwise it would have came to our aid much sooner. That was also the problem: Holy coming at all. You see, Holy was not able to stop Meteor from coming to the Earth, so it had to stop Meteor from doing any more damage. But when the two incredible forces were put against each other, they did far more harm than what Meteor was doing alone. The Planet had no choice but to use the Lifestream to put both to rest.”

”But what about the Black Materia and Sephiroth?”

”As far as we have been able to determine, Sephiroth is dead. He was defeated, allowing Holy to come forth and try to stop Meteor. As for the Black Materia, we don’t know. I have told you already that we have found no trace of it on this world. The only place we have left to check thoroughly is the Northern Crater, where our people always end up deceased by some unknown monsters.”

”Sorry, I had forgotten that you said that.” White nodded. “But what about the White Materia?”

”We know next to nothing on the White Materia. We don’t know how it was summoned, nor where it resides. I can’t tell you anything else, because that is all that there is to tell Amarant.”

”That’s not a good sign.” Amarant said.

”Especially if your ‘friend’ finds the Black Materia, and summons Meteor. I know for a fact that the Lifestream cannot withstand another attack so soon after Midgar.” She turned to Amarant. “That is why you must be informed of the history and the consequences. For if you have any hope of stopping him from using the Black Materia, you must know everything behind its dark history. It may be the only way of persuading him.”

”I hope your right.” Amarant said, but he knew those words were false. ”Mark was very determined in his goals. If, as Tailz, he kept that same determination, words will not stop him. His death may be the only way.”

Tailz opened his eyes, but he did not see the stars. He seen a roof instead, solid and plain. Getting to his feet, he noticed he was in a room of pure metal; the walls were perfectly flawless, as was the floor. He walked up and touched the silver surface, only to feel the coldness it emulated. But a moment later, that was the farthest thing from his mind. He had turned around during that time, and faced a woman looking back at him.

”My son.” She said, not showing a smile on her face or any emotion in her voice.



Tailz looked at the woman closely. Her whole body was covered in a long red cloak, keeping only her head in full view. Tailz took a few steps towards her, looking deeply within her blue eyes as her long black hair kept still. Tailz stopped walking.

”You are not my mother.”

”I am, Tailz.”

”You look nothing like I remember.”

”Many aspects of your life have changed, including me.” She slowly turned her head to look behind her, and Tailz noticed the silver wall was growing green, as if something was about to burst through.

"You must leave now.” She said calmly, facing him once more.

Tailz looked around the room; a room with no exit. ”Where am I to go? There is no path!”

”You will find one. Perhaps, you will even make your own.” At that moment, the wall behind her split apart, and a green energy engulfed her completely. “Go, my son.”

As she was being slowly pulled towards the wall, Tailz saw himself raise his hand at her, as if to reach out and grab her. “Nooo!”

”Leave, and live on.”

”MOTHER!!!” Tailz opened his eyes, and looked down at the earth he was sitting on. He took a deep breath.

”You alright, Master?” Silver said close by.

”Why do you ask?” Tailz said, somewhat disturbed by the lack of privacy.

”You just yelled out ‘Mother’ and woke up very quickly.”

Tailz looked his apprentice in the eye for a moment, then looked away as he raised himself to his feet. “You may as well rest now. I am done for the night.”

”Is it because you have to think, Tailz?” Silver said as he lowered himself to the ground.

”No. It was a meaningless dream: there is nothing to think about.”

”Alright. See you in the morning.” Silver said before laying his head on the ground and allowing his eyes to close.

Tailz started to pace around the camp, looking at the Moon as he did. It hadn’t moved much in the night-sky since he was asleep, meaning he only got a 2 hour sleep, tops. But he still felt fully rejuvenated and ready to continue on. But not at this moment.

”Was she who she claimed to be…” He thought, as he continued to walk around the camp. Many circles he made with his tracks, but still his thoughts did not change.


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