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Chapter IV - A Different Path

Chapter IV
A Different Path

“That window doesn’t let enough light shine in.” Amarant said as he awoke from one of the best sleeps he had in a long time. Whether or not it was the sacred place, or just the simplicity of the bed, it did wonders to rejuvenate him.

He lay in bed for a while, but noticed it wasn’t getting any brighter in the room. “Is it that cloudy out?” He said as he approached his window…and noticed the sun was not even up yet. “How did I ever think the Moon’s light was the Sun’s?”

“In this scared place, all light that comes in is blessed. And, as such, it appears the same to the untrained eye.” Amarant looked towards the door and noticed Brother Aarton standing in the doorway, along with two monks standing guard. He brought in a tray with some bread and hot soup, with a glass of water beside them. “It isn’t much, and the bread is going a bit stale, but I wager it is better than nothing.”

Amarant took the tray, and bowed. “It is better than nothing. However, I am afraid that after this, I must be on my way.” He picked up the bread and took a great bite out of it.

“Did you forget the Head Mage?” The monk reminded Amarant. Amarant slowed down a moment, then finished his piece of bread and swallowed.

“I actually had. I suppose she is ready now?” Brother Aarton nodded. “Then after breakfast, I shall visit her.”

“That is well. I will go tell her.” Aarton then left Amarant alone to finish his meal.

Amarant finished off his bread, then picked up his soup and began eating it. While he did, he walked over to the window and looked around. It was then that he saw a monk standing against the Temple below his window.

”This can’t be right.” Amarant told himself as he finished the soup. He waited for the monk to move, but he never did. Amarant went inside, and got the glass of water. After drinking most of it, he poured the rest out of the window.

The monk immediately brushed the water off his hair, and looked up. Amarant just smiled and waved at him. The monk smiled very embarrassingly, and then leaned up against the wall again.

”So he is watching me. Those two by the door must be as well. Do they know something I don’t?” Amarant thought, then checked his person. ”Ok, why would they set guard but let me keep my claws? That doesn’t make any sense…perhaps I should just leave. Maybe the Temples are still under ShinRa command.”

Amarant opened his door and walked quickly towards the Gate. He did not make it far, though, as the two guards by his door quickly stopped him. “Sir, you must see our Head Mage first.”

Amarant did not resist for a moment, but instead took a deep breath. With great speed, he elbowed one in the face, knocking him out. And before the other could get a hold on Amarant, he twisted around and punched the man in the face. Seeing that they were both down, Amarant made a wild dash for the door.

”They will not capture me!” Amarant told himself as he rounded the corner for the door, then realized there was no point; 15 monks had the door guarded, and a few even had swords. One had fire within his palms.

Amarant stood still. “You may as well kill me now.”

One of the monks approached him. “Now we you see our Head Mage?”

Amarant looked at him puzzled. “...ok.”

The monk led Amarant towards the large Chamber he had seen yesterday, and he entered right behind the monk, fearful of what he may see.

However, there was nothing to fear. It was no torture chamber; it was more of an office if anything at all. Papers covered the desk in the center of the room, while books adorned shelves on every wall. Except for the single cross hanging above the desk, it was nearly a library.

Amarant noticed a rather large chair behind the desk, and he wondered who was in it. It was facing away from him, towards the windows and the now-rising sun.

“Please have a seat.” A female voice told him, and Amarant sat down. The other guards left the room.

Amarant looked around puzzled. “First of all, you have fifteen guards stop me at the door. Then, you leave me alone in a room, still armed, with a woman. Am I the only one missing something here?”

The chair did not move. “You could not hurt me, let alone reach me, if you tried. It’s called Protect. Think a little, why don’t you.”

Amarant forced a smile to keep his real fear from showing. “What is this all about?”

The chair turned around to reveal a young woman, looking no more than an older teenager. Her long brown hair was spread out on her white robe’s shoulders. Amarant sat there, showing much surprise.

“No matter how many times I see that same surprised face on a new visitor, it still humors me.” She stood up and bowed. Amarant could then sense her ‘Protect’ had vanished. “I am called White Magic.”

Amarant finally collected himself as she sat down. “ ‘White Magic?’ I suppose it was a suitable name change after Midgar.

“I prefer just White, like I have all my life.” She smiled. “I never changed my name. I was born into the Temples, and have bore that name all my life.”

“An odd name, even for one born into the Temples.” Amarant said.

“Perhaps, but that is no matter now. We have some important issues to discuss.”

Amarant looked puzzled. ”Do they take missing people so serious?" He shifted in his seat. “It is not that important, White. Just a missing friend, that is all.”

White smiled. “Not quite. Last night, one of the monks heard you speaking last night, so they went to see what the matter was: they figured you couldn’t sleep.”

Amarant shook his head. “No one visited me last night. I feel asleep as soon as I reached my room.”

“Exactly. You were talking in your sleep. What he heard scared him, so he told me.”

Amarant tightened his grip on the chair’s arms. “What did he hear?”

“Three main phrases.” White said. “This one has no effect on me, ‘my friend.’ No doubt you have thoughts about your friend last night, what with him gone and all.”

“So what is the point here?” Amarant said impatiently.

“The other two phrases you said. ‘The Black Materia will not save you’ and ‘died when Meteor hit.’ “

Amarant physically prepared himself for a struggle, and mentally to keep from saying anything about Tailz.

“Whether or not those two phrases are related to your friend is of no concern to me.”

Amarant stood up. “ ’Of no concern?’ You are a White Mage! Is not one of your main traits compassion?”

“Yes, most of the time.” She responded. “However, under special circumstances, compromises must be made.” She leaned forward in her seat and gazed directly into Amarant’s eyes. “Are you or do you know of someone that is searching for the Black Materia?”

Amarant did not respond. ”I say the truth, I die.” But he had to buy time. “Do you follow the old ShinRa Policies?”

White was taken back by the question. “Pardon?”

Amarant smiled inside, knowing he was successful in stalling her. “Many Temples and Orders were tied to ShinRa. And they had their people running them, or so I’ve heard.”

“Yes, but that is in the past-”

“I’ve also heard that anyone mentioning such items like the Black Materia were killed.”

White sprung up from her seat, surprising Amarant. “That’s absurd! I would at least like to hear a why!”

Amarant smiled in relief. “So it is true. But by your tone just now, I would say you are not one of them.”

“Kill people just because of the mention of an item? Not only is that WAY against our beliefs, it’s just wrong!”

“Well, it looks like I’m in good hands now. But why the cold act before?”

White looked at Amarant with narrow eyes. “Would you have taken me seriously if I was all spunky like I am now?”

Amarant laughed. “Yes, I suppose not.”

White sat back down. “Alright now, let us get serious once again. What do you know about the Black Materia?”

“Only rumors.” He replied quickly. “The most predominant ones saying it will destroy this world.”

She looked off to the side. “There are too many rumors around about that item.”

Amarant nodded. “There is another one that mentioned the Cetra were involved, but I do not believe that.”

White looked at him. “Few use the word ‘Cetra.’ The Ancients seem to be more common.” She leaned forward. “And if I were to tell you that the Cetra were greatly involved?”

“Without some sort of proof, I would never accept it. The Cetra were protectors of the planet. Why would they devise something to destroy their purpose?”

White looked into his eyes for what seemed like eternity. Even while she stood up, she did not lose that gaze. Not until she spoke did her eyes stray. “It is obvious you are searching for that item. And the fire in your eyes tells me you do not want to use it.”

Amarant just nodded his head.

“Now, I ask that you accompany me on a small quest.”

Amarant lowered his head. “I must decline.”

White walked around her desk and stood right beside Amarant. “I know you must. However, this quest will provide some more understanding of the item you search for. Perhaps, along the way, your friend will be found.”

Amarant wanted to let her know everything. But he couldn’t. He did not want to admit the evil that had become his friend. “I…don’t…”

White put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him. “Think about it. But this quest will greatly help you, even at the sacrifice of some time.”

Amarant looked up at White as he stood up. He kept eye-contact for a while, then left the room, returning to his own.

“I can’t go.” He kept on telling himself. “To leave Tailz to his own will is not something that can be done.” He paced around for a bit, saying that phrase in different order or with different words: but it all meant the same to him. He couldn’t leave Tailz alone in his state.

“But information is what I need.” He also told himself. “Maybe, if I just told him enough to confuse him, that would buy me some time.”

Amarant stopped pacing around the room. “Just enough…”

“Boring.” Tailz told himself. He had been walking for hours, and there were no more forests. He was closing in on the Ruins of Midgar, where destruction was the only visible encounter. Even the most powerful of monsters or the most gentle of creatures would not come near this place. It had become a Sanctuary…of death.

“Nothing to see, except Midgar. What now lies in the center of it…perhaps the Black Materia is there.”

Tailz looked towards the Ruins, still in the far distance. He started towards them when he heard a familiar voice. ”Tailz.”

Tailz smiled. ”What’s happening?”

”I am leaving on my own quest. Do not think you’re free yet…I’ll be back.”

” ‘Do not think I am free?’ I am free! You cannot stop me! Where are heading off to?!

”No where you wish to know.” Amarant stopped speaking with Tailz.

”Where are you going?!!" Tailz yelled inside his head, but to no reply.

“WHERE ARE YOU LEAVING TO!!?!!?!!!??!” Tailz yelled out in anger.


Amarant was sitting onthe bed, looking gravely out the window. “Let us hope that it stalled him.”

“Hope what now?” A voice said. Amarant turned around quickly to see White standing in the doorway.

“Nothing at all. Let us go.” He stood up. “Now, what about supplies?” White asked him.

Amarant showed his Claws to White Magic. “This is all I travel with. I have spent all my money, for I had little. As for food…I find what I can.”

“Sounds like a painful road so far, but how many years have you been traveling?”

Amarant smiled. “Let me see now, about…2 days.”

White let her jaw drop. “TWO DAYS!??!!”

Amarant chuckled a bit. “Guess we both have our surprises.”

“Indeed.” A still-amazed White mumbled out. “Time to go now. You said you couldn’t waste time.”

“Yes.” Amarant headed towards the door. “We must be getting on.”

White nodded her head and ran in front of Amarant. “I’ll be leading from now on. After all, do you know where we are going?”

”I have to admit…” Amarant stopped and faced White. “I don’t have a clue. Want to at least give me a hint?”

White smiled. “If you must know, it is south. Far south on a whole different landmass.” She started walking with Amarant by her side. "If you were more involved in the Temples, you would know. But keep it to yourself: not everyone should know where we are heading.”

”Keeping secrets within the Temple?” Amarant asked her. “Do you not trust your fellow worshippers?”

”I really do hate this phrase, but it does work very well: ‘appearances can be deceiving.’ Any person can put on a Monk’s garb and assume their holy attitude. And since that is true, we must always be cautious to whom we give our information to.”

”I suppose that should be true.” Amarant reluctantly said. “It doesn’t seem right that the head of a Holy Temple must keep secrets from her brothers and sisters…but if she must, she must.”

”Not exactly the most cheery way to think.” White said to Amarant. “However, if that’s the truth, then it is the truth.”

Amarant stopped. White quickly spun her head around. “What?” Amarant smiled. “You were just mocking me, were you not?”

White laughed out loud. “I was! Now, c’mon! Let’s get going! First stop: The Chocobo Ranch!”

Brother Aarton stood at the doorway of the Communication Room. ”May I ask the nature of your message, Brother Meot?”

A slightly older Monk faced Brother Aarton and smiled. “Just getting a message to my close friend in Cosmo Canyon, Brother. It has been such a long time since our last meeting that I thought I would let me know how I am doing. He is fairly new to the Temples, and as such, seems to worry a bit too often.”

”Alright, Brother.” Aarton said. “Just finish it off soon. There is an important meeting outside today that all must attend. It will begin in about 10 minutes or so.”

”Of course, Brother.” Meot said. “I shall end it very soon and be sure to come to this meeting.” Aarton bowed and left the room. A moment later, Meot peeked outside of the doorway and glanced down either hallway. No one could be seen: they were all outside waiting for the meeting to begin.

Meot sat back down and typed the rest of his message before it was sent. He then deleted all traces of it, yet he could not help but read some of his own work. “Brilliance, this really is.” He said. “ ‘There is one looking for the Black Materia. No descriptions as of yet, but the name Tailz was mentioned. No confirmation if this is the seeker’s name. Perhaps planning should be reviewed for flaws. This is much quicker than we thought.’ ”


”Has he finally reported something of use?”

”He has indeed. There has been talk about his Temple from a guest staying for the night. Although it does not appear that he is the one seeking the Black Materia, he might just be deceiving everyone. Nevertheless, someone is looking for it now.”

”If one person shows up and mentions the Black Materia, who else could be looking for it? One does not simply shout its name to retrieve it for another.”

”He was looking for his friend, the report mentions. Perhaps it is he who is trying to obtain it.”

”And this friend? Who is he, and does anybody know where he is?”

”The name ‘Tailz’ has been said, but the informant did not mention if that was the guest’s name or the lost traveler’s. As for where he is, your guess is as accurate is my own.”

”This is quite unexpected. We estimated that perhaps a decade or so would pass by before anyone would mention that cursed item, let alone try and claim it. And after shortly a year, it is so.”

”Yes, it has caught us quite off guard. Our plans are no where near ready.”

”Far too true…find out what you can about the man that was at the Temple, and anything about this ‘traveler’ of his. Perhaps, with more information, another plan can be formulated.”

”I will let the man know. Hopefully it will only take a few days for him to respond with the correct information.”

”Yes. And also tell him to send clearer messages, not those short sentences that leave too much thinking in the mind. Everything must be clear as the sparkling night sky.”

”You know, ‘clear as day’ would have worked just as well.”

”It would indeed. But new sayings give me something to think about. After all, my mind is very tired by this darkness we have to keep ourselves in.”

Amarant stood impatiently by the keeled-over White. “This is the eighth stop since Kalm! We have to hurry!”

White looked up at Amarant, then lowered her head again as she breathed very heavily. “Yeah *huff* but I do not *huff* stride as fast *huff* as you do.”

Amarant sighed, showing his great impatience. A few moments later, he could not contain himself. “While we wait for you to live again, could you explain our path?”

White smiled as Amarant started pacing. She had finally gotten the air back into her lungs. “Naturally, we need to rent a Chocobo to avoid the Midgar Zolom. After that, we go south through a cave, and rest at Fort Condor.”

”Rest at Fort Condor? I thought they were unsympathetic to anyone relating to ShinRa.”

”They usually are, but I have helped them a few times with some healing, so they will welcome me.” White Magic lifted herself to a stance. “Half of my travels are making allies and strengthening the Temple’s words. After all, what is the point of having Temples if no one hears about them?”

Amarant smiled. “That is quite the point. I have also noticed that you are not quite as spunky as you were back in your office.”

White clapped her hands, confusing Amarant. “I did that for my own amusement. However, I am not all ‘cheery’ since I am too exhausted for something like that.”

”Alright, well, let us get going. We might have to just stay at the Chocobo Ranch tonight and go straight on to Junon.”

”Hold on a minute!” White said, prompting Amarant to turn around and face the stopped White Magic. “I didn’t say we were going to Junon! How do you know we are?”

Amarant laughed. “Considering that is the farthest southern city on this continent, we must be going there. Also, we can take a boat or airship to wherever we are truly going, unless the half-destroyed Junon holds something very important.” Amarant approached White, putting his hand on her shoulder. “But I doubt it.”

White started walking once again. “True enough. To Junon! Well, eventually…”

If anyone else weas around, they would see large pieces of the Ruins flying around, preluded by fireballs hitting the stone. Tailz held out his right hand, and yet another fireball formed within his palm. With the will of his mind, it was sent forth, destroying stone and rock.

”Not too bad at all.” He said after the dust floated to the ground. “Fire seems to be incredibly destructive. Maybe, a more personal preference will do just as well.”

Once again, Tailz held out his right hand and felt the power surging towards it. Mist emulated from his hand as it glowed a light blue. He spread his hand out towards some of the Ruins, and willed his powers to be shown. A blue light blasted forth from each finger, all going in different directions as four different pieces of the rubble were instantly enveloped in clear and cold ice.

”Beautiful.” Tailz said as he approached one of them, but noticed water dripping at his feet. “Needs some work.” He quickly drew his short sword and swiped the ice block, shattering it and the rubble it encased to tiny pieces. Approaching another ice block, Tailz put his hand against it. “Interesting: I feel nothing.”

Tailz froze there, staring at the block of ice. He felt an instant rage, and melted the other ice blocks with even stronger fireballs.

”WHY!!?!?!?!??!?” Tailz yelled out, staring at the sky. “WHY DON’T YOU FOLLOW ME!!?!?!?!”

Tailz fell to his knees, his head nearly touching the ground. “I don’t understand…how can you just cast me off like that? What exactly are your thoughts, friend?” He was talking slowly, as if in great grief. “Don’t you realize what I might do…”

Tailz was silent. He did nothing…then he was instantly on his feet. “AMARANT!!!!! You CANNOT forsake me like this! You CANNOT just leave AS YOU WILL!!!! PURSUE ME!!!!!!”

He could no longer stand. Not even a second later, he was sitting down. “You cannot leave me here…not alone…” He felt his body giving, as if after a massive battle. His energy seemed to be totally obsolete. He felt dead.

”Not alone…that is the only time I fear myself.” Tailz did not move. “Follow me, friend.”

Tailz spent the rest of the night just sitting there, trying not to think.


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