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Chapter III - Reflections In Silver

Chapter III
Reflections In Silver

“Holy crap…it’s bright out already. It must be nearing lunch.” Amarant shook his head awake and got up. He quickly left and locked the door, leaving his possessions inside. He went down the stairs towards the kitchen. Along the way, he stopped at the desk.

“Good day.” The man at the desk said. “Do you need anything?”

“I’m just wondering if they are still serving breakfast…I usually don’t sleep in this late.”

The man just stared at Amarant. “No, sir, of course not. But supper shall be served shortly.”

Amarant returned the look with confusion. “Supper? What time is it?”

“It is just after 5 in the afternoon.”

Amarant slammed his hands down on the desk. “FIVE O’CLOCK!!?!” He then rushed up the stairs, and within seconds, came down with all his possessions. He threw some gil on the counter with the key and left the Inn running.

“How did I sleep so late…” He told himself. “I’ve never slept that late! Unless…maybe it was because of my speed yesterday. Perhaps I shouldn’t go so fast.” Suddenly, he stopped running. ”But if I’m not quick, I’ll never catch Tailz! And now he has the better part of a day as a lead! This is not going to be easy…”

Amarant started running off again.

Night was coming quickly, and Tailz found himself nearing another forest. “There sure are a lot of forests near the Ruins now.” He walked into the forest and found a tree near the center: a large yet slender tree sat in a small clearing. Tailz stopped and looked at it. “Should be well enough for sleeping.”

He walked up to the tree and stuck his scythe in the back of it. He then went to the other side and sat against the tree. He closed his eyes, and rested.

“Well, he certainly looks asleep…” A voice said from behind a different tree. He couldn’t be seen behind the large tree, spying on Tailz. “Let’s see how good he really is…”

The figure stepped behind the tree, and drew his sword. After a few deep breaths, he jumped out right in front of Tailz… or, at least where he was.

“Where is he?” He said out loud, looking around.

”A kid? Your kidding me…” The figure wasn’t even as tall as Tailz's neck, and was slim as well. He was wearing somewhat-dulled yellow pants, along with a normal grey t-shirt. His short white hair flowed towards the back, as if a wind was continuously blowing in his hair. Tailz reached down with his short sword and tapped the kid on the shoulder. The figure looked up and took a few steps back as Tailz dropped from the branch he was sitting on.

“How did you get up there so fast?” The kid said with some fear in his voice. Tailz did nothing, except lean against the tree again. “Leave. I’m tired.”

The kid stood there, thinking. “Why didn’t you kill me?”

Tailz made no response. After a while, Tailz spoke again. “Are you deaf?” He said with no emotion or change in his voice. He looked up at the kid. “Go, before I do feel like killing you.”

The kid also didn’t move, except to raise his sword as quietly as possible. He heard Tailz exhale sharply. “You may be deaf, but I’m not. Don’t.”

The kid stalled for a moment, then swung as quickly as he could at Tailz. “What the…” Was all he could say, for Tailz had disappeared as soon as the sword would have cut him in two.

“Slow.” The kid heard this off to his left, and turned to face it. He saw Tailz standing right in front of him, but before he could act, Tailz landed a very solid punch to his face. The kid staggered back a few steps, and dropped his sword. Tailz smiled as blood could be seen pouring from his wound on the right cheek. The kid picked up his sword and went into a battle stance.

Tailz lost his smile. “You know, I’m really not in the mood for this.”

The kid looked him in the eye and clenched his teeth. “I search for the killer from Kalm! Men said it was one like you, though he wielded a scythe.”

Tailz waited for a moment before walking to the center tree. He pulled out the scythe, and held it in full-view of the kid.

“Looks like it to me! Prepare for battle!”

“You HAD to rain, didn’t you?!!” Amarant yelled at the sky. He was following Tailz’ tracks all day, but it had started to rain, and now he could not see any trail in front of him. All that was visible was a massive flat plain.

“I’ll never be able to find him if I choose the wrong way…there is nothing else for me to do. I’ll just have to go to the nearest village and hope for the best.” He started walking towards Midgar again, but couldn’t see much. It was starting to get dark, and he had no source of light. The moon wasn’t coming out tonight.

“This is just great…” He was looking around for a place to gather some information, but none were shown to him. Then, as he was looking towards the far-off mountains, a light appeared, showing him what appeared to be a temple. “Well, now, that will work.”

Amarant turned towards the mountains, heading towards the light.

Both were standing a few feet apart, ready to strike, when Tailz spoke. “Isn’t this just great. My reputation wil now include the killing of stupid kids.”

“Hey! I’m not a kid!”

Tailz chuckled. “Don’t forget the stupid part.”

The kid took a step forward. “You do not truly know if I’m stupid or not, so I can forgive that. But when you can see for your own eyes that I’m not a kid, that makes you the stupid one!”

Tailz smiled, and tightened his grip on his scythe. “Now I’m in the mood to fight!” The kid also smiled, and charged Tailz. He took a swing with his sword, and it was easily dodged. He then attempted a punch with his left hand, but Tailz twisted around that.

“Dammit…” The kid said, then attempted a sweep-kick on his enemy. The kid watched amazed as he jumped high into the air and landed softly.

“Tell me, why are you fighting me? This will clearly end in your death.”

The kid made no movement. “How much respect would I get for killing the man from Kalm?”

Tailz smiled. “I’m honored. Really. So…tomb or grave?” Tailz started laughing at the kid.

“Hey! That’s not funny!” The kid jumped at Tailz, but he quickly moved to the side, still a few steps away.

“You want to be buried in that, or something descent?” He continued laughing as the kid grew more angry.

He yelled as he charged and attempted to stab him, but again Tailz side-stepped the attack with ease and ended up a few steps away to the side.

“Or maybe cremation?” Tailz still joked. “AHH!!! I’m BURNING!!!!!” He roared out in laughter, and the kid swung his sword in the air, showing his frustration.

“You’ll pay for that!” The kid said.

Tailz stopped laughing and looked up at the kid. He planted the scythe into the ground, handle first. The kid looked amazed at Tailz, not realizing his strength before that. Then, he put both of his hands in his cloak-pockets, and brought out two fists. The kid had a look of horror on his face: he did not know what was in those fists, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. Tailz lowered his head and looked at his fists, then looked at the kid without raising his head. He started to back away in fear when Tailz released his fists…to show empty hands.

“But I don’t have any gil!” He started laughing once again.

“SHUT UP!!!!” The kid yelled, but this time he didn’t charge Tailz. He took a mighty leap back, putting even more distance between himself and his adversary. Then he stood still and thrust his sword deep into the ground, so only a small part of the blade and its hilt was showing.

”And he’s doing…” Tailz thought to himself as the kid made no movement. Then, he kneeled down and grabbed his sword with both hands. He looked at up. “Feel more than just my wrath!”

Tailz was perplexed, but felt it was necessary to prepare for what was coming. The kid still stared at Tailz for a moment longer, then thrust himself forward, flipping through the air but still keeping his grip on the sword. But when he got near the ground, Tailz saw him pull his sword from the ground, and it was covered in earth. “FEEL EVERYTHING!!!!” The kid yelled as he swung his sword down and launched the earth with incredible speed.

Tailz readied himself to dodge it, but when it got about half way to him, the kid thrust his arms to the side. Tailz didn’t understand it, but soon after that, the earth spread out to make it harder to dodge. And about half of it slowed down so he had more than just one primary target to block.

Tailz stood sideways as the earth approached him. And looked at the kid and smiled. Then, as the earth was about to hit him, he simply ducked. The earth flew right over him.

Tailz stood up and noticed the rest of the earth was following his movements. He took off running through the forest, and noticed some of the earth was stopped when it hit trees and branches. However, most of it was still coming.

“You will not outrun it! You should not have insulted me.” The kid said, but Tailz yelled back, “What do you think you are? Some kind of powerful geomancer?” That angered the kid even more, and Tailz noticed the earth grew larger and even seemed to glow in heat.

”Maybe I should keep my mouth closed…” He looked around for some sort of edge, but noticed it was getting even darker where he was running. Tailz lowered his head for a second, then lept into the air.

A great explosion lit up the sky as the kid smiled. “Well, he ran fast, but couldn’t avoid his doom. Now, about that other guy…” He walked away, and sheathed his sword. But as he got closer to another tree, a long branch come out of nowhere and pinned his throat to it’s trunk.

“Not too bad, kid.” A voice said, and he saw Tailz walk away from the shadows. The kid immediately felt the branch that was holding him, and noticed it was the scythe that he has mentioned to this man.

He tried to pull the scythe out, but he couldn’t get the proper leverage. Instead, he tried to stall Tailz. “How did you avoid all of that?”

“Maybe your not deaf, but you are blind.” Tailz said. The kid took another look at him as he walked more into the light, and noticed that his cloak was burned in several places, and his face was somewhat black with scorth marks. “You hit me, but nothing too serious. But I must admire talent, kid. Never heard of a earth-wielding swordsman before.”

The kid smiled. “Thanks. And I prefer Swordsman Geomancer.”

Tailz then smiled. “Not the other way around?” The kid smiled, then Tailz took a small bow. “To be in the presence of one such as you is a bit honoring for me. I heard it is hard enough to control the elements like a geomancer, but to wield it with a sword must be even more difficult.”

The kid moved his head a bit, as if to bow. “Again, thanks. And yes, it is difficult.” But in his mind, he was thinking ”Is he trying to find out who I really am, or just wasting time?

Tailz looked at the kid. “I believe introductions need to be in place. I am Tailz, though you know that already.”

The kid smiled. “I know of you, but not of your name. Mine, however, is Silver.”

”It is farther off then I imagined…” Amarant thought as he neared the mountains. The ground was starting to get higher as he walked along, and he could even see Midgar from his position.

Exhausted, Amarant sat down on a rock and looked at Midgar. Although it had only been a year after Meteor, it looked like the ruins of an ancient civilization had flourished there, but were destroyed within seconds. One tall building could be made out in the center of the ruins, and Amarant guessed it was the old ShinRa HQ building.

“The end of an era.” Amarant said out loud. After Midgar, his hometown changed much. He had always assumed the rest of the world has changed to, and how could they not? Midgar had changed forever. It glowed an eerie light-green, for still much Lifestream flowed there, trying to heal a wound that may never recover.

“You’ve spent too long looking at the past Amarant. Time to go for the future.” Amarant got up, and continued towards the now-visible Temple. It looked very simple, just a tall stone building with one entrance and a few windows. ”Should be there very quickly.” Amarant hoped.

“That’s better.” Silver said as he sat down. Tailz had finally pulled his scythe away from his neck, and he could breath a little easier.

“So how did you come about those powers?” Tailz asked, a bit curious. ”If he talks enough, perhaps I can obtain them as well. This kid does remind me of a earlier stage in my life.”

“You have to bond with the earth, the water, the air.” Silver said. “You have to become one, to feel each other. Then, you can control the other.”

“Interesting…and you learned this all on your own?”

“I did, through many years of living and experimenting.”

“How did you develope your powers in the beginning?”

“I'm not 100% sure on that.” Silver said, moving around a bit to get comfortable. “I believe I am blessed, simple as that.”

“I see.” Tailz replied, looking into the kid's eyes.

Silver shook his head. “But who knows for certain...maybe it will become a burden instead of a curse. But enough of me! How are you so quick and powerful?”

Tailz lowered his head, and got up. “May we meet again some other time, Silver.” He started to walk off.

“Hey! Don’t you know or something?” Silver asked as he stood up. He saw Tailz stop and turn only his head towards Silver. “No. I don’t.” He continued walking away.

“Well, I’ve coincided with one. About the other…” Silver walked off in the opposite direction, back towards Kalm.

Tailz seemed to walk blindly towards Midgar. ”Why don’t I remember…”

“May I ask why you ventured all the way up here, sir?” A monk asked Amarant, who had just arrived.

“I am searching for my friend; a traveler venturing towards Midgar. I had hoped you could tell me if you have seen him or heard of his location.” Amarant replied. The monk smiled.

“I have heard nothing of travelers lately, but please do come in. Perhaps the Head Mage can assist you.” The monk bowed to the other monk standing at the gates, and led Amarant inside.

”Cheery.” Amarant thought as he walked through. He could see nothing on the walls or ceilings, and what little light did make its way into the Temple didn't show anything more. There were torches every couple of feet, and even they did not provide anything more to one's eye. He just kept his sight on the floor just behind the monk.

“Personal is your loss.” The monk suddenly said. “I can tell. Your emotions tell it.”

Amarant made no movement or sound to reveal his reactions.

“This is a White Temple, where White Mage’s and Monk’s can worship and train in silence. We are quite attuned to the sense’s of pain and loss, and although a missing friend cannot compete with death, it is still an issue.”

Amarant looked around and still saw the same dreary setting. “And what do White Mage’s need to train for? And with what?”

“There may be another place like Midgar that will need all the power of revival they can receive. When that day comes, we shall be ready. We train for that day, perfecting our healing powers and mind so when it does come, we are truly prepared.”

“I never thought about it like that…” Amarant admitted, then noticed the monk had stopped and had extended his right hand.

“I am Brother Aarton.” Amarant smiled and shook his hand. “My name is Amarant. Now, where is this ‘Head Mage?’ “

“Just a few steps more.” Brother Aarton said as they started walking again, and turned a corner. A large wooden door awaited them, and Aarton turned towards Amarant. “Wait here for a moment.” He knocked on the door and stepped inside.

Amarant stood for a moment, then went to the nearest window. He looked outside as he waited, and thought he saw a flash of red far off in the distance. But before he could ponder it, Brother Aarton approached him.

“I apologize. The Head Mage is out right now, worshipping the earth and receiving its blessing.”

Amarant turned towards the monk. “So I assume he cannot be disturbed right now, correct?”

“Yes.” Brother Aarton replied. “But she may still be of some help to you, in the morning. All occurances that seem out of place to us are reported, and travelers as well. May I offer you a bed for the night, and perhaps something to eat?”

Amarant thought for a small while, then smiled. “That would be appreciated. I did miss supper today…”

Brother Aarton smiled. “Then please, follow me.”

“I ate far too much…” Amarant said as he walked slowly into the room Brother Aarton had showed him earlier. It wasn’t much of a bed he was provided with, but right now a cement floor would have done.

Amarant immediately laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

“Tailz!” Amarant said. “Tailz!!”

“What is it?” Tailz said.

“I cannot let you leave, my friend! You might destroy us all!”

“We are all to perish.” Tailz replied. “But with this, I may live forever.”

“The Black Materia will not help you!”

“Perhaps not…but obtaining it will answer questions.”

“What questions? You were once Mark!”

“Mark died when Meteor hit Midgar!”

“Mark never died in my heart, or my mind!”

“Head Mage?” Brother Aarton said in the large chamber. A figure robed in white could be seen sitting there, but no moonlight hit the figure’s face.

“Yes?” A soft voice said.

“The one that is staying with us…”

“Amarant, correct?”

“It is, Head Mage.”

“Please don’t call me that. Just speak my regular name.”

“I cannot. Your understanding is at a much higher level than mine.”

The figure let a deep breath go. “Fine. Now, what about our guest?”

“As I was walking the halls, I noticed speaking coming from his room, but his lamp was off. I opened the door a bit more, and noticed he was talking in his sleep…”

“That is not unusual. Anything else to report?”

“The talking is not unusual.” Brother Aarton said, then walked up closer to the figure. “But the words he spoke were.”

“And what exactly did he say?”

“Most of it was beyond hearing, but three phrases rang out clear enough. One was ‘my friend.’ “

“Well, you did mention he was looking for his friend.”

“I did, Head Mage. The other two I believe you are more familiar with, and must hear.”

The Head Mage leaned forward in the chair. “I’m paying attention.” The voice said nearly sarcastically. It wasn’t the first time Brother Aarton had disturbed her late at night with non-threatening news that he deemed important.

“He spoke out ‘The Black Materia will not save you’ and ‘died when Meteor hit.’ “

The figure made no movements, then sat back in the chair. “Keep an eye on our guest. Make sure he does not leave when he wakes up. I must have a conversation with him.”

Brother Aarton bowed. “Yes. I will have two brothers watch the door, and one by his window to make sure.” He left the room.

The figure put their elbow on the desk right in front of the seat, and dropped their chin into their hand. “How could a traveler know about the Black Materia…I must know what he knows.”

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