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Chapter II - Chasing the Black-Cloaked Man

Chapter II
Chasing the Black-Cloaked Man

Amarant just sat there, against the tree. He didn’t have the strength to even move his legs anymore: he tried while Tailz was there, but to no avail. And now he was pretty much defenseless.

“At least I’m not the only one who is injured.” Amarant said quietly. “Looked like Tailz was limping as he left. It must be because of his curse upon me.”

Amarant looked around to see if anything could help him get to his feet, but other than the tree he was up against, he would not be able to grab anything else.

Amarant felt sleep overcome him again. “This time it’s natural.” He said to himself, as if to reassure. Within a few seconds, he was dead to the world.

When Amarant opened his eyes, he wasn’t sure what was wrong. In his post-sleep haze, all he could see was brown. “What’s going on…” He said, slowly coming into focus.

Before long, he wasn’t so concerned. When at last he could see clearly, all that troubled his vision was a lone deer, checking out his territory near him. Amarant looked around again to see that daylight had already passed: it was long into the night, with the full moon illuminating the forest around him.

“I’ve been out long enough.” Amarant tried to get up, but found the deer was in his way. “Get out of here.” He said out loud, but the deer made no heed. He just continued standing over Amarant, restricting his movement. “Move!” Amarant said louder, then swatted the deer with his hand. Amarant’s eyes went wide when the deer slid across the ground into a nearby tree, knocking it over. He held his hand to his face as the deer sprinted away.

“So this is what Tailz was talking about.” Amarant said with some fear on his voice. After a tense moment, he slowly brought himself to his feet and started home.

As soon as Amarant got to his house, he began packing for the upcoming voyage. All the money he had saved and all his equipment were put on his person. The latter was the easiest, for he didn’t have that much for weapons and armor at all: just a thick leather shirt that could be used for some protection, and his metal claws. And after putting some food in a small bag for the road, he was ready. However, he wasn’t prepared for the next moment.

Amarant suddenly turned his head towards the door. He had thought he heard something, but not for sure. He went silent, and after a while, there was a definite tapping at the entrance. “Who’s there?” He said to hear a soft voice say “Larissa.” back.

Amarant opened the door. “Larissa, I’m sorry. I imagine you have been trying to get in touch for a while. Your face tells it.” He smiled.

Larissa smiled back. “Once again, your perception of people comes through. I have been looking for you for some time. I heard that you had left your home yesterday, and that could only mean that the man was awake.” Amarant looked into her eyes. “Was it Mark?”

Amarant wanted to tell Larissa the truth. He wanted to tell her the change of Mark to Tailz. He wanted to let her know he might have to destroy him. Larissa’s face was not one you ever wanted to lie to. But Amarant knew he had to. “The truth would tear her apart.” He thought.

“No.” Amarant said with much effort. Larissa’s head slowly went down in despair. “I’m afraid that was not Mark.” Amarant said to try and comfort her. “And so, I must leave.”

Larissa’s face shot back up with hope in her tears. “You think he is still…"

Amarant took Larissa’s hand. “Something tells me that Mark is alive, and that I must rescue him. I already lost my parents; I will not sit by and lose Mark. I couldn’t save them, but maybe I can save him.”

Larissa looked gravely into Amarant’s eyes. “Yeah…when the Lifestream went to save the Earth, many died. Extreme mako poisoning is not something you can reverse.”

Amarant nodded his head, trying not to show the surprise he felt from the change in Larissa's tone and words. “Yes, it’s something you cannot cure. Many people died within hours of Lifestream contacting them. If only my parent’s had stayed inside, they would have lived…” Amarant said solemnly.

“I understand. If you ever do find him, remind him that I still wait for him. His necklace is a very heavy burden.” She grasped the Lion pendant, still on the same chain, dangling in front of her chest.

Amarant looked at the pendant, then at her face. “I shall. Farewell, Larissa.” Amarant let her hand go, and opened the door. He started to head out, but stopped half-way through the doorway. He faced Larissa once more. “I don’t know if we will ever meet again.”

Amarant stood outside of town for a while, trying to decide which way to go. “To the west, he have Kalm. There isn’t much there for a traveler, except a stop before the ruins of Midgar. To the east lies the Chocobo Ranch. And once there, one could easily get a Chocobo to cross the Midgar Zolom plains, and go on to Fort Condor and Junon. From Junon, you could go anywhere.”

Amarant stood a while longer before going East. It wasn’t long into his walk that he was in a different forest. Many of them sprouted after Meteor, for in places where Lifestream touched the Earth, a few forests sprouted. The great abundance of life and knowledge caused the forests to grow very quickly, and the trees were renowned for there girth and height. Even though it was only twelve months since Lifestream was unleashed, the forest appeared to have grown for at least a decade. Amarant admired the forest he walked through on his way to the Chocobo Ranch.

Tailz had just read a sign saying Kalm was not too far off. However, he wasn’t getting any closer at the moment: he had stopped in a forest to rest.

“Never thought the pain would amount to this.” He said. He had limped all through the late day towards Kalm, and nearly made it. But the pain was reaching his limit of late, and he had to stop.

“Too bad none of these branches would make a staff of some sort.” He thought, looking around the forest. It was a younger forest, and the tree branches were still very slender. While looking for an adequate branch, Tailz saw a man walking towards him. When he got close enough, Tailz could tell he was a weapon master of sorts. Two katana’s were strapped on his right side, and a broadsword on the other. A large scythe adorned his back, while Tailz could catch glance’s of a short sword tied to the man’s leg. In between strides, the man’s black cloak would also reveal a small dagger, quite shorter than most.

When the man was in front of Tailz, he called out to the man. “That is quite the weaponry…do you duel often?”

The man stopped and looked at Tailz, showing long black hair that was unseen before admist the dark cloak. “Often enough.” The man replied. “And I travel the dangerous paths in order to keep my skills sharp.”

Tailz smiled at the man. “You make it sound like you are skilled.”

The man grinned at Tailz. “An understatement, but yes. I am known as…”

“I do not care for your name.” Tailz interrupted him with. “But, I do care for a challenge right now.”

The warrior unclasped his cloak and threw it on a tree branch. He grabbed his scythe with two hands and prepared himself. “I accept your challenge. Draw your weapon!” He yelled out.

Tailz did nothing, except hold out his right hand, palm faced towards the warrior.

The man laughed. “Do you wish for death?” Tailz made no movement, made no response. “So be it!” He charged Tailz with great speed. When his scythe was within strking range, he raised it and began a mighty swing. Then, in an instant, he froze.

Tailz showed a small smile, his hand still held out. “What if I did wish it, or what if I could just make you unable to move?”

The warrior struggled to move, but to no avail. “What type of sorcery is this?” He said angerly at Tailz.

Tailz slowly reached for the man’s dagger, and examined it upon drawing it. There was, oddly enough, no sheathe for such a small weapon: it was held by the man’s belt. “Intricate…and smaller than usual. What a shame. For I expect none to ever see it again.” He quickly stabbed the man in the heart with the dagger, and drove it so deep that it was lost in his flesh. The man groaned in pain, then went completely still. Tailz was then surprised by the man’s wound, for it healed itself as if it never existed.

Tailz took the scythe from his hand, and stuck it in a nearby tree. He then put the man’s body against a tree, and took his short sword. He also untied his own cloak and put it on the man.

“Yours is much nicer.” He said, claiming the warrior’s cloak and clasping it around his neck. He put the hood over his head, and pulled the scythe from the tree. He then leaned on the scythe. Suddenly, he collasped.

“I need to condition my...” He said, and then went unconscious. He was feeling greatly drained after using his power, one he had only used once before. He lay still, recovering his strength.

“I must have moved in my sleep…” Tailz said when he awoke. He was deeper into the small forest. “And it is well that it happened. The dead weapon master has drawn some attention.”

Several people had found the dead man, and they had not discovered Tailz yet. As quietly as he could, he left the forest and continued towards Kalm, keeping a fair distance from the main road. It didn’t matter much though: the clouds kept the moonlight from hitting the ground. Even if he was on the road, no one would be able to see him until they could reach out and touch him. Tailz stumbled a few times as he slowly walked, for naught could the ground be seen either.

“Stupid sun…” Thought Amarant at the day’s light, even though it was getting close to the horizon. “ would help my mood if it was cloudy and miserable. It doesn’t help me to think that others are having a great time. It makes this burden harder to bear.”

He continued walking towards the Ranch. He couldn’t see it yet, but he knew he was getting much closer. The land was changing, becoming flatter with less grass: a sign that Chocobos were frequently used around here.

Amarant continued to think of his trial. Lost in thoughts of despair, he didn’t hear a voice in front him.

“Excuse me, sir!” The voice yelled out a second time, clearly audible, and still Amarant didn’t hear it. Then, the individual touched Amarant on the shoulder. Amarant ‘woke’ out of his thoughts, and lifted his head to see a woman standing in front of him. She was wearing simple brown overalls and a white shirt, but both were worn out from her work. Her long blond hair flowed over her shoulders.

Amarant shook himself out of his trance and stood up straight. “My lady.” He finally said with a bow.

“It is obvious you are heading for the Chocobo Ranch, correct sir?”

“It’s Amarant. And yes.”

She smiled. “And I am Suonymona. After you obtain a Chocobo, which I also assume, where are you headed?”

Amarant thought for a bit, but decided to answer, “After that, I am not sure.” He didn’t want to warrant any undue attention upon himself.

“Then I shall warn you.” Suonymona said with some despair. “Just a few hours ago, during the night, a lone swordsman was found dead.”

Amarant showed concern on his face. “How so? By a beast?”

Suonymona shook her head. “That they cannot make out. There are no real signs of conflict, and there was nothing missing on the swordsman…save what they think is a short sword.”

“Interesting…” Amarant said with thought. “But how does a man die without signs of combat? A swordsman wouldn’t die of natural causes, and a duel to the death would have showed other wounds.”

“Yes, that is what they thought as well. You see-” Suonymona began before Amarant interrupted.

“Who is this they you keep referring to?”

“The Guard from Kalm. The swordsman was found near there, and they contacted us at the Chocobo Ranch to warn travelers.”

“I understand now. Please continue.”

“Thank you.” Suonymona took a short bow. “You see, there are no signs of struggle or combat, except for one odd set of footprints. It seems like the swordsman charged another person, but never reached them. Or, perhaps it is the other way around. Either or, the swordsman seems to have ‘died from within’, or something similar. Like a force took his life away without any struggle.”

Amarant pondered these words as his chin fell into his right hand. They sounded fearfully odd, and yet remarkably similar. He thought for a bit, before Tailz making him unconscious came to mind. All Tailz did was hold out his right hand, and Amarant fell asleep.

Amarant shot his head up and looked at Suonymona with fear-induced eyes. “How far is the Chocobo Ranch from here?”

“A good 10 minute run, sir.” Suonymona stated. Amarant instantly ran off towards the Ranch, but stopped short when he heard “Oh right! I forgot!”

Amarant stopped running and waited for Suonymona to catch up. “What did you forget?” He asked after she got close enough. He went quite the distance in his short run, however, but did not notice it.

“I’ve never seen anyone move that fast.” She thought as she ran to catch back up to Amarant. After about a minute of running, Suonymona slouched and breathed heavily next to Amarant, “Well…*puff* all of our Chocobos right now *puff* are either being occupied or *puff* are out of commission.”

“WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO EARLIER!!?!?” Amarant yelled out, and began running back in the direction of Filo-Finale Oril, and to Kalm beyond it.

Suonymona just stood there and waited to recover her wind. “I’m sorry.” She heard in the breeze as the man ran off. She stood there a while longer. “No more running for a while.” She started walking towards the Ranch.

“C’mon Amarant! You have to make it to Kalm by midnight, or you might not catch Tailz!” Such thoughts as those ran through his mind as he continued a hefty pace towards Kalm. It is usually just over a half a day walk, and Amarant was attempting to cut that time in fourths.

Again, Amarant was lost in thought when he suddenly bumped into another traveler. “Sorry about that…I didn't see you...” Amarant said, completely surprised at himself. There was a rather large caravan in front of him that anyone would have seen. 5 Chocobo-drawn wagons led the pack, with about 30 people trailing behind it.

“How the hell could you not see us?” The man he bumped into asked. “You should have seen us coming a good league ago!”

Amarant stared blankly at the man, and didn’t respond. Instead, he just kept on running. “Well, he’s fast.” The man said.

“Maybe this ‘curse’ is a gift…” He told himself. “I moved so fast, and still am, that I did not see a caravan until I ran into it. Maybe I will get to Kalm by midnight. But this is very draining.” He had slowed down a bit, but was still jogging quite fast. Unfortunately, he did not see a small but tall stone in the ground that seemed to be there just to slow him down. When he caught up to this stone, he lost his footing and crashed to the ground, hitting his head on another. Amarant didn’t see darkness overcome him: he just lost all feeling.

“Still a small town.” Tailz said. “Much like a decade ago…”

When Tailz was ‘Mark’ and his family moved from Junon to the new community of Filo-Finale Oril, they made a night’s stop in Kalm. Back then he disliked the small town: it was too ‘personal’ for a kid raised in such a great city. But it was a place of memory: just in front of the Weapon’s Shop he bumped into another kid also moving to Filo. His name was Andrew.

Tailz shook his head and cleared his mind. “An interesting young boy’s face I just saw in my mind…I’ll have to discover who it is one day.” He looked around the town and nodded by the bridge in the center of the small center. “The tavern should be able to provide me with the info I need.” He walked towards it and noticed an older man sitting by the entrance. He had a broken mug in one hand, and a dead expression on his face.

Tailz stood by the man and broke a wry smile. “Not all life ends in death.” He walked in to find it rather slow for the night. He went to the corner table and looked around. At the bar, he noticed what appeared to be a priest sitting down. He, too, was looking around, as soon as he noticed Tailz, he was waved over. He sat down at the corner table, and revealed his white collar to Tailz.

“A priest indeed. This should be most interesting.” he thought. And before the priest could even speak, he broke in. “You don’t need to know my name, and I do not desire to learn yours. I have a question, that is all.”

The priest showed no movement when he replied, “Then ask away.”

Tailz smiled and leaned closer to the man, but did not lower his voice. “Have you heard of where I may find The Black Materia?”

The priest immediately got up and left the bar. Tailz continued smiling. “Useless.”

He stood up and shouted out. “Does anyone know where The Black Materia may be found?”

The bar went silent. No one knew for sure what The Black Materia was, but the rumors were enough to keep talk of it slim to none. Everyone stared at Tailz, keeping their lips closed until a drunken man stood up.

“Only a fool be dare achieve such an items. You’re crazy!”

Tailz walked towards the man, and with a incredibly swift strike, gave the man a massive cut across his chest with the scythe. He man fell to the ground dead. “Beyond your wildest dreams.” Tailz said. He started towards the door, and without delay, a path was shown before him. He left Kalm, and some who dared to watch him leave, seen that he headed east.

“I’m from Midgar, where are you from?”

“Junon. My family is going to Filo…Filo…I can’t remember the rest of the name.”

“It’s ok. I can’t say it either.” The boy said with a smile.

“Yeah, it’s a long name. Why are you moving there?”

“My mom says Midgar isn’t safe anymore. She says its cor-upt-tet. You?”

“My father always wanted to get out of the city. And when this place came a year ago, he bought a house there. Just now, we are getting there.”

“Wow, you already have a house. We are going to be leaving in someone else’s basement for now. We don’t have a lot of money.”

“Maybe you can live with us. Maybe I can get my parent’s to let you guys in for free.”

“Yeah, that be nice! I could use a friend in Filo.”

“I could too. We could play lots and have a ton of fun!”

“Yeah! Let’s do it! Let’s keep on going! C’mon Amarant, keep on going!”

“But my name is Andrew…”

“Amarant, how can you defeat me when you’re not moving?”

Suddenly, Amarant shot up to see empty lands all around him. He half-expected to see Mark there, standing there as the kid he once knew. “Amarant, you’re lacking again.” A voice in his head said. He recognized it as Tailz's voice. “You just keep to yourself.” He thought back, but nothing happened. After a while, he heard Tailz again. “Amarant, if you are trying to speak to me, concentrate more. You need to ‘direct’ your thoughts to me.”

Amarant sat up and concentrated as hard as he could. “Well? How’s that?” He thought. Soon enough, he heard, “You know, Amarant, you were always the spiritual one. You should have been able to think to me right off the bat, but that will do for now. I had to make sure you were still on alive. Can’t have much fun if your rival isn’t following.”

Amarant grew angry at that comment. “You think this is fun?!” He thought with force. “Always nice to anger someone. Now I can leave you be.”

“That bastard!” He yelled in great anger, and jumped to his feet. He was off running at an incredible rate, and before long, passed Filo. “There goes home…” He thought, and half expected Tailz to answer. “Oh right, I have to ‘direct’ my thoughts…well, at least he can’t hear everything I can think.”

He kept his thoughts to himself as he ran unceasing toward Kalm.

“This doesn’t make much sense…” Amarant said quietly, looking at the dead swordsman’s covered body. His weapons were put to the side in hopes of finding someone who knew him, for they were rare and beautiful. Each katana had symbols down the blade, and the broadsword showed a stretched-out jaguar curling around its steel. “Why would Tailz leave such weapons if he did kill this man? He didn’t take any with him…not that I seen, anyways.”

“Do you know this man sir?” One of the Guards asked Amarant. He shook his head at the plate-mail-covered man. He bore the symbol of Kalm on his chest plate, just like the other, shorter guard next to him: a mug, dangling from a sheathed sword. “Alright. It’s just that there is an empty sheath for a short sword strapped to his leg, and we would like to confirm that there was a weapon there. And there seems to be some strange device on his back, made to hold a staff.”

“Not a staff!” Another man said to get attention. Amarant and the guards turned towards the man. He was wearing a business suit, and still had a briefcase in hand. His hair was hidden under a brimmed hat. “I knew this man. We were friends for some time, before he started adventuring more and I saw him less. Don’t blame him: the rotting cesspool of Midgar was no place for such a rebellious man.” The man walked closer to the body. “Kima was his name, and mine is Tamog. That holder on his back was made to keep a scythe.”

“A scythe?” The taller of the two Guards exclaimed. Amarant looked at the man and said, “What matter of swordsman uses a scythe as a weapon?” Amarant never heard of such a device having a purpose in battle.

The man noticed Amarant’s loss of knowledge in the matter. “One that is quite skilled. Although it is surely not a preferred weapon, it is quite deadly in the hands of one that is well experienced. And this man was more than that.”

The smaller Guard took a step forward and voiced his mind. “If he was so skilled, then he was obvious very strong in mind and body. How could he have died of natur…” He couldn’t finish his sentence, for he was cut off by Tamog.

“Are these all the weapons you found on him?” He asked the guards. They nodded. “There should have been an ancient, intricate dagger on him as well. It is quite a bit smaller than other daggers, but had the power to heal wounds. All you had to do it make a cut across another wound with it, and it would heal it.”

“A magical blade…” The shorter Guard said, intrigued. “…no, unfortunately, there were no other weapons found on him. And as you do know this man, do you know if he carried a short sword on him?”

“Yes he did.” Tamog replied. “On a sheath strapped to his leg.”

“Alright. Then that weapon is missing as well. I would say that this man died here, then another came to steal his weapons for trading. Why he didn’t take the other two…hey!” The Guard stopped when Tamog lifted the cloak covering his body to take a look.

“No signs of combat what so ever. Could it simply be that another man cast Death on him?”

“That’s preposterous!” The short Guard said. “It has been years since anybody had the power to wield such Materia and Magic, AND lived to tell about it. Besides, if that were the case, the caster would not take weapons, for he would not need them.”

Amarant drifted off into thought as the three men bickered. “How he died doesn’t really matter. If what I think is true, and Tailz did take this man’s life, then there is only one relevant question:why would he leave three perfectly good swords lying there? What purpose does a scythe, a short sword, and a dagger have to him?”

“Is that daddy?” A young boy asked his mother when they arrived. She had been crying, but ceased now. “No, thank the Lord. That is not your father, my child. Let us go home.” They headed back the way they came.

“Well, he did say he had relatives on a farm, and he did do some…uh…well, scything I guess you would call it. But even so, he is more skilled with a sword, I’m sure of it. So why take such a long and burdensome weapon? I’m also sure he wants to keep a more ‘low’ profile around, as to keep suspicions down, so why again take a weapon that cannot be hidden?”

“…those swords are just regular swords, nothing really special. But they are worth more than others…”

Amarant couldn’t think of a great reason why Tailz would take such a weapon. He knew Tailz wouldn’t take a weapon other than a sword unless there was a good reason behind it. He went by the dead swordsman and leaned against a tree. He stared at the man and thought about such a weapon. Then, it hit him. “Of course!” He said out loud. “He didn’t take it out of want; he took it out of need! He must still be somewhat injured, and a scythe could serve well as a staff! He could use it for support! Not bad Tailz…” He mumbled the rest to himself as the Guards and Tamog looked at him. But before they could ask any questions, Amarant took off towards Kalm at a great pace. Inside of 20 seconds, he was well out of yelling range.

“Does he know something we don’t?” The taller Guard said.

“It seems so. Either way, I couldn’t make out what he was muttering after that explosion. Odd, it was.”

Amarant slowed his pace again, for he saw Kalm in the distance. “Another 10 minutes or so, and I should be there.” He said. He kept at more a walking pace, so he could look around while he continued on. He had no idea if Tailz had left yet, so he thought it best to go slow and keep his eyes open.

While he did so, he saw another man walking towards him. He, however, had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road. He kept on looking behind him and to the sides of the road. When Amarant caught up to the man, he asked him, “Are you being followed?”

The man jumped when Amarant said that, obviously startled. “No. Well, at least I hope not.” He said very nervously.

Amarant took a look at the man. He wore coveralls similar to Suonymona, and even had a similar shirt, although it was cleaner. His slicked-back hair showed a face with no-worries…usually. “You sure don’t seem like on to get into trouble, sir.”

The man took courage to show a smile, but was still very tense in his voice. “Quite right are you sir. I am called Dincht, and I simply work at the Chocobo Ranch. This is my day off, and I decided to go to Kalm and have a drink or two. I never thought I would see such a terrible thing though…”

Amarant was immediately suspicious. “What did you see?”

The man started to speak slowly, and never looked into Amarant’s eyes when he spoke. “There was this…madman at the bar. He got everyone’s attention by speaking of the Black Materia. Then, he murdered another with a great scythe.” Amarant looked at the man with great concern. Dincht looked up and met Amarant’s gaze with one similar. “Do you know what that is…this Black Materia? For I wonder what kind of object would drive a man to such killing. And he looked like he enjoyed it!”

Amarant eased his concern, and put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “The best thing you can do is forget all about this. It does not concern you. Go back to the Ranch, and live a good life.”

Amarant began walking towards Kalm again when Dincht walked back to him. “If you search for this man, he was left town. I have heard he headed west, but there is nothing there, save the Ruins of Midgar. Why would anyone wish to visit them? It is full of death and suffering.”

Amarant stopped and pondered the man’s words. “Well, at least I know the general direction he went in.” He turned towards the man. “Thank you, Dincht. Maybe I shall see you again, if ever I rent a Chocobo. Fare well.”

“Fare thee well. Good luck finding that man, and please be careful!” With that, Dincht headed back towards the Ranch. Amarant watched him leave, and then turned towards Kalm.

“I can’t pursue him right now; I don’t feel up to it.” Sudden exhaustion hit Amarant, who had been running at an accelerated pace for most of the day. “I’ll stay at the Inn until sunup, then go after him once again. I need to learn to control this ‘curse’ better.”

When finally Amarant got to his room within the Inn, he collapsed on the bed, and fell instantly asleep. He will need all his energy, for now it was even clearer to him how dangerous Tailz was; he killed men for the sake of power. The true quest is now before him: he must stop Tailz from obtaining the Black Materia. Where it would lead him to, he does not know. What dangers and enemies he would face is uncertain. But so is how many friends and allies would aid him, even if he is not looking. So much is unknown. And maybe because it seemed obvious where Tailz was going, his friend would go off-course to another side...another place to bring death.

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