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Chapter I - The Beginning...

Chapter I
The Beginning...

In a forest near a small town, two young men are seen walking together and discussing issues.

The younger of the two spoke up. “I’m just saying…” He looked to be about 20 with slightly long brown hair, and kicking around 6’ tall. He was in shape, but didn’t look very strong.

The elder looks at him. “And I’m just replying, but how could you conceive such a thought?” He was slightly older, looking to be around 22 with short brown hair, and also being around the 6 foot mark. He easily looked like the stronger of the two.

“Call me critically exaggeratingly optimistic.” He replied.

“Ok, Mr. C-E-O…” The younger man smiled when he heard this. The older man just smiled back and shook his head. “You planned that, didn’t you?”

“What can I say, Andrew? I know you all too well…and I’m brilliant, of course.”

“And what am I, Mark?” Andrew said with a smirk.

“Heck, your brilliant too, just in a different league, that's all.” Mark, the younger one, said.

“I see…” Andrew, the older one, replied. “…my knowledge is more factual, where as yours is more theoretical and based on experience, yes?”

Mark looked at his friend. “Well, some of yours is as well, for experience anyways. Can’t have much of an opinion without experience. More of mine, though, is on personal thoughts and hopes.”

“Hopes?” Andrew said. “Even the one on meeting Sephiroth?”

“I hope I do meet him!” Mark replied with great enthusiasm. “He’s a great warrior, and a hero!”

“He also hasn’t been seen in years!” Exclaimed Andrew. “And there are people saying he killed the President.” Andrew said with some discomfort.

“That’s nonsense!” Mark quickly said. “Why would he? If not for ShinRa, he wouldn’t be the legend he is today!”

“Maybe he no longer likes what he’s become…or it could be a past issue…”

“Alright, psychologist.” Mark said with a smile, and then takes a whiff of the air. “Either way, it’s time to go home. I think I smell steak, and that’s my cue to go!”

Andrew sniffed the air as well. “I smell it as well;until tomorrow?”

“Until tomorrow.” Mark said. He walks towards the outskirts of the forest, back the way they came. Andrew continued walking through the forest.

Mark walked into his house and went right to his mother by the sink. “Is supper ready yet?” He asked her.

She just smiles. “My God kid! We can’t even light the barbeque without you smelling it!” At that moment, Mark’s dad walks in from the balcony.

“Go figure, the kid is home just as we start cooking.” He said as he walked by.

Mark was sitting in the living room with his family after a long supper. “Well, time for practice.” Mark said. He had been still long enough to let all the food he had inhaled settle.

His dad didn’t look up from the paper. “With Andrew, right?” He said.

“That be him alright.” Mark said with a smile, acknowledging his dad’s non-movement or concern.

“Do you really need too?” his mom said, obviously not sharing his lack of concern. “What are the odds…”

“True, the odds are low.” Mark replied. “But I do not want to be one of the statistics.”

“I guess not…” his mother said, still in disagreement.

“Go already!” His dad practically yelled, putting the paper down. He wasn’t one for confrontations. “And be careful!” He said as Mark headed towards the door.

“I will!” He yelled back, grabbing something by the door and running off.

Just beyond the edge of the forest, Andrew was pacing around. There was a rather wide path in this forest, and he was walking right down the middle of it, back and forth. “I swear, if that kid practiced as much as he ate, he would be 10 times stronger.” Andrew mumbled. “Not like he needs more speed…” Andrew remembered all of their previous ‘practices’; although he usually won because of his strength, Mark had the great advantage in speed. He touched a cut on his right arm, and felt a bit of pain come back. That cut was proof enough of Mark’s agility from their last battle.

“And he never quits either.” Andrew again mumbled. He was still pacing when he felt something hard against his neck. He slowly put his hand up to it, and felt its natural grain-like texture.

“I’ve been here for 5 minutes!” A very familiar voice told him. Andrew looked up to see Mark sitting on a branch about a sword-length’s above his head.

Andrew began to smile. “Creative.” He said, then as quickly as he could, knocked the sword away and charged the tree Mark was sitting on. With a powerful punch to its trunk, the tree began to sway. Leaves began to fall, and after a few seconds, Mark came down with them. “And foolish!” Andrew said with a laugh.

Mark hit the ground hard, but sprung back up on his feet as quick as lightning. “Ouch!” He said, rubbing the back of his head. With a quick stretch of his back, he was standing tall again. “Oh, you’ll pay for that!” Mark said, going into battle-stance with his wooden sword.

“I will, will I?” Andrew replied, still chuckling at Mark’s fall.

“You better believe it!” Mark said with the most evil smile he could conjure.

Andrew took a step back with that smile. In it, he didn’t see a friend: he saw an enemy with great desire and anger. But as soon as he stepped back, Mark looked at him with a puzzled look, and he saw Mark hadn’t changed at all. “Tell you what,” Andrew said after regaining composure, “I’ll believe that later. Right now, let us fight!” he said with a loud voice. He took a set of wooden claws and put them on his right hand.

Mark just smiled, and charged Andrew. Andrew waited for Mark to get close, and then he took a swipe at Mark’s head. Mark quickly rolled at the ground, and after getting to his knees, took a swipe up at Andrew’s chin. Andrew quickly back- stepped the move, but just as he prepared to strike back, Mark was already up and ready to attack once more. Andrew turned left and right as Mark swiped around him, then bent-over backwards to avoid his head-swipe. Andrew, as quickly as he could, then snapped back and punched Mark. Mark staggered back a few steps, and then started to breathe.

“You got a lot of power there, friend…” Mark admitted. Andrew just smiled.

“You’ve got the speed, though. So far, in the whole battle, I’ve been able to take two swipes at you, and you have about 15 on me!” Andrew said, a bit winded. Then, in a blink of an eye, he stood up straight and went straight at Mark.

“Whoa!” Mark yelled as he jumped back, right against a tree. Then, with a quick thrust of his legs he pushed off the tree, flying through the air at Andrew. Andrew didn’t see it coming, and received a double-fist right in his stomach. He staggered back out of breath as Mark hit the ground and quickly got up. He rushed Andrew with all of his speed.

Andrew was pretty much out of breath still as Mark rushed him, but wasn’t totally off guard. He went into a defensive stance and waited for Mark. Just as he was upon him, Mark jumped over Andrew and twisted his body in the air. Andrew knew Mark was going to land on the ground facing his back, so he just waited for a very short moment, then sweep-kicked behind him.

Mark was about to land when he seen Andrew go for a sweep-kick. “Ah crap…” Was all he could say as he hit the ground and was immediately tripped. He fell on the ground, half stunned at such a move. After a painful moment, he felt Andrew’s claws on his neck.

“Do you yield?” Andrew said to his friend. “Never.” Mark said back. Andrew just smiled. “Well, an expected answer.” he said, and took his claws away. He then extended his other hand and helped Mark up. They both walked to the trees and leaned against them.

After a moment of rest, Andrew broke the silence. “Well, your air trip to the Northern Continent leaves tomorrow, right?”

“Sure does!” Mark said back, obviously excited. “A five day sight-seeing trip to where history lives!”

Andrew smiled right back, and hesitated for a moment before saying, “Your going to say good-bye to her before you leave, aren’t you?”

Mark went all red in the face. “…uh…” was all that escaped his lips.

“You don’t have to say a word. I know you are. Just go! I’ll see you in about a week then?” Andrew asked.

“Then why would you ask…oh well, no worries. And about a week sounds right: I’ll need to recover from airship lag!” With that Mark extended his hand.

Andrew took Mark hand's and shook it. “Be safe. And call if you get a chance!”

Mark smiled. “I’ll see what I can do about that.” He then started to walk away.

After a moment, Andrew just told himself, “Ten to one, he forgets.” He smiled, then headed off home.

Mark was pacing around on top of the local water tower. “Am I early? Damn this stupid watch…” He tapped his watch, which always seemed to go dead when time was the essence.

A voice came from behind him. “Actually, you’re right on time! I’m late.”

Mark looked behind him. “Well, if you are late, then you’re right on time, Larissa.” Larissa smiled, and then sat down. Mark stood right beside her.

It was a silent moment until Larissa spoke out, “Your gone tomorrow,right?” She said.

“For about a week.” Mark replied, staring out from the water tower. “It’s only five days, but airship-lag might take effect, so…” He looked at Larissa with a smile, but only found sorrow on her face. “What is it?”

Larissa looked up at him. “Mark…” she said with sadness flowing from her voice.

Mark looked straight at her, trying to smile. But it did not happen this time. He noticed her face was full of sorrow; her bright eyes showed that too well. Her dark golden hair blocked the light from accenting her beautiful, and usually cheery, face. It wasn't long, but it fell down to her shoulders, and kept her face dark on this night. "Your going to do it again, are you not? Every trip I take, you go into great sorrow, thinking I'll never return."

Larissa looked guilty, but still blurted out, “Then do not leave! Forget the trip and stay here!”

Although familiar, he still couldn’t believe his ears. “Do you realize what you’re asking!? This is a trip of a lifetime! Plus, my parents are paying, you know.” Mark said with a smile at the end.

Larissa stood up beside him. “Please!” She said, looking into his eyes. Immediately, Mark stopped smiling. After a tense instant, she hung her head in sorrow. Mark put his hands on her shoulders. “I have this terrible feeling…this dark foreboding that if you leave, you might not have the chance or the choice to return…”

“Larissa.” Mark responded, “Just stop thinking, and realize the truth: I’m coming back.”

Larissa looked up at Mark, and he noticed tears forming within her beautiful hazel eyes. “But I can’t help but think it…”

Mark took the courage to show a small smile. “I know. I know…”

Mark was in quite the joyful mood walking to his airship. He could be heard singing “As clumsy as you’ve been, there’s no one laughing…”

Larissa ran into the airport as fast as she could and began searching for Mark. She saw him far off, and started at a run for him. After getting closer, she yelled out “MARK!!” and saw him stop. She continued running until she was about 5 feet from him, and stopped. She stood still and waited for a response.

“You know, saying good-bye once is hard enough.” He finally said, not turning around to face her.

“Please! Don’t go!” She said to him, but found no remorse or change in him. “PLEASE!!” She practically yelled to him.

Mark continued to look the other way as he put his bag on the ground. He dug in it for a bit before pulling out a chain with a Lion pendant on it. He grasped it in his right hand as he held it behind him. Larissa slowly walked up and took it. When she did, Mark turned his hand sideways, but held his gaze on the floor.

“I’ll be back for that.” Was all he said. He then picked up his bag and continued walking.

“He doesn’t look back.” Larissa thought. “If he did, he might change his mind. Is he going against time, or with it? Is he truly running to his death, or to save his mind?”

Larissa found the nearest bench and sat down, her grief overcoming her. “How many times has he done this? Many times have I warned him, and still he went and returned, defying my heart and mind. But it cannot last forever…but maybe he can do it. Just…one more…time…”

Larissa wiped away her tears and headed home. She did look back once…but Mark was gone. Out of sight…forever?

Three Days Later

“Andrew! PHONE!” Andrew woke with that yell in his head. He had been playing Final Fantasy and as soon as he shut it off, sleep had overcome him. It was still early in the afternoon.

“Interesting, I never get calls.” Andrew said as he picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“How goes it?” A voice said.

“Mark!” Andrew said, now fully awake. “This is an unexpected surprise! How’s it going?”

“The trip is awesome!” Mark said back quickly. “After a fly-by of the continent, we spent the night and day checking out Bone Village.”

“That only accounts for one day.” Andrew said after thinking for a moment. “What do you do on the first?”

“Oh, we had some mechanical problems, so we stopped at Mideel for the night. Nice place there, and it’s brighter than… nor…al…”

“Mark? You’re breaking up!” Andrew said back.

“…ry. Damn airship phone got some interference.”

“That would explain it. Where are you now?” Andrew tried to guess before Mark responded.

“We are just approaching the Northern Crater. It’s so…ge…”

Andrew let a deep breath go. “Not again.” he said.

“Damn…tupi…pho…” Andrew could make out before static filled the air.

“Mark?” Andrew said, hoping for a reply. “Oh well, he’ll call later.” He said. “Well, more likely not.” He whispered to himself. He went back to Final Fantasy.

After a few hours, he heard his dad yell, “Andrew! The News is starting in a minute!”

Andrew saved his game and went to the living room. “Let’s see what ShinRa is up to today.” He stood by the entrance to the room, and seen a small picture of fire in the right-hand corner of the screen. “Must have been an accident.” He said.

“Tragedy has struck the Northern Continent. Only a few hours ago, an airship full of tourists was found destroyed on the continent, very near the opening of the great Crater. According to Airship Crash Investigators, who have been surveying the scene for some time now, there were no survivors…”

Andrew went dead. He didn’t feel his legs give, but rather saw himself fall to his knees. He didn’t make a sound, except for one: “Mark…” escaped his lips in a soft, sorrowful whisper.

Three Months Afterward

“Well, Elena, what a trying time this year has been.”

“The world has really turned upside down. With the fall of ShinRa and the destruction of Midgar, people took it upon themselves to start anew.” Elena replied to her husband.

“Yeah. Everyone changed their name so that what is left of ShinRa…”

“You mean with their main headquarters and archives destroyed?” Elena interrupted.

“Exactly. Now if you don’t mind…” The man said.

Elena just smiled. “Go on, Larry.”

“Thank you.” Larry said with a smile. “Now, with all of ShinRa destroyed and everyone with new names, no one will be able to become another ‘ShinRa’ and dominate the world, so to speak. The world is now better off.”

“Well, for some of us, Larry. People still whisper that the giant meteor that demolished Midgar was summoned, and so could be summoned again.” Larry just nodded his head. “And remember, the world has stood still for Andr…I mean Amarant. Ever since Mark perished in that airship incident.”

A voice came from the hallway, just past the living room. “That was exactly three months ago.” Amarant had changed with the world, now having long fire red hair and was more muscular than before.

Elena hung his head while Larry looked at Amarant with a regretful smirk. “Sorry, Amarant. We didn’t know you were there.”

Amarant did his best to smile back. “It is alright. But I’m going for a walk.”

Elena looked up at her son. “To that part of the forest, right?” Amarant nodded his head. “Well, you…” She started, but Larry cut her off.

“Stop talking, and let the man go.” Larry said. She nodded and Amarant headed towards the door. “Thank you.” He said as he left home. He tried to hide it, but it was too obvious: a forlorn look radiated from Amarant’s face.

After a silent moment, Larry spoke up. “Poor boy…” he said as he stifled a cough.

Elena got up and watched Amarant walk towards the forest. “Do you think he’ll ever recover?” She asked, even though she knew the answer.

“You ask me that almost everyday and the answer is still the same: I really can’t see it. He tries to be so strong that it hurts him in the end.”

Elena tried to respond, but only coughed a few times at first. “I know…but sometime, I hope that answer would change.”

“Why, Mark…” escaped Amarant’s lips. “I feel so…dead…” He put on a set of real metal claws, and rage filled his eyes. He took a powerful swipe at the nearest tree, and looked up to see leaves falling off one of the higher branches. He could ‘see’ Mark sitting on that branch; the same one he had surprised Amarant from three months ago. He could even feel Mark’s wooden sword touching his shoulder.

Amarant hung his head in great sorrow. “What is there left…” He asked himself, but before he could answer, he heard something moving just in the forest beyond that tree. He went into a defensive stance and said “Who’s there?”

He got no response, but instead saw someone walking down the trail towards him, dressed in black robes. Amarant prepared for a possible attack, but was soon walking towards the man carefully. He could see that the man was wounded. “Do you need some help?” He said loudly, but the man disappeared instantly. Amarant looked puzzled until he heard the man behind him. “What are you doing here!?” Amarant yelled, and held his claws out in full-view.

The man walked very slowly to Amarant. When he was about an arm’s length from him, the man raised his head and showed Amarant his short white hair hidden within his hood. “Andrew...” he said, and then collapsed.

Amarant was stunned this person knew his ‘real’ name. No one has called him Andrew for about two months now, when Rufus was killed by the WEAPON raid on Midgar. That was when everyone started changing, and yet this man did not. Amarant did his best to throw the man’s arm around his neck, and pick him up. He started to head home with one thought going through his mind as he half dragged and half carried this man: “How does this man know my name?”

About half way home, Amarant stopped and put the still-unconscious man on the ground and rested. He sat down on a nearby rock and glanced at this person. He saw a small necklace on him, and Amarant went to check it out, seeing if that would help identify him. Amarant crouched by him and held up the necklace, but no time in the world could have prepared him for what he saw…

It has a small rope necklace with a long round piece of black wood right in the center that said “I AM”, followed by a small painted-red Maple Leaf. It was quite rare, and was only worn by those who truly love the North, and the cold. Amarant had only heard of one person who ever worn one. “Mark?” Amarant said, doubting his sight and thought.

During The Next Nine Months...

Amarant had been taking care of this unconscious man for a very long time, and it showed. Amarant was much wiser than before, and he lived by himself: his parents had died during this time. But still, Amarant carried on protecting and trying to rejuvenate this man, this one person in the world whom could be Mark.

He didn’t tell anyone else about his discovery, save one person: Larissa. The rest of the world could wait until it was proven, when the man would finally wake. He remembered Larissa’s first visit vividly: she came, tears streaming down her face as she clutched the Lion pendant Mark promised to come back for three months ago. Right now, however, it seemed like an eternity ago, for time had stood still for her. She had visited every second day, hoping that this person would open his eyes and she would recognize them. But for four months, that day never came, and Amarant requested she stopped visiting: it was slowly killing her, knowing that it could be Mark but seeing him never waking. She has reluctantly agreed, and for 5 months, Amarant forsook any jobs or personal satisfaction to care for this mystery.

One day, Amarant was quietly making supper when he heard a noise come from the man’s room. He went to check it out and happily seen the man sitting on the bed he had slept in for three-quarters of the year. The man looked at Amarant and asked, “Where am I…”

Amarant sat down beside him and responded, “You are in the village of Filo-Finale Oril, on September the 2nd if you wish to know, Mark.” Amarant said with a great smile. “But now, it is my turn for questions. What happened to you?” He said.

Mark was definitely a changed man, if it was truly him. His height stayed about the same, but he was more built, looking to easily be tens time stronger than before. He wore a black hood and cloak, with some short white hair flowing out of it. “I…I don’t know Andrew.” Mark said, looking at Andrew.

“It’s Amarant now, Mark.” He replied back.

“Mark…that sounds familiar.” The man replied, and Amarant immediately lost his smile. “However, no more.”

Amarant looked at the man with great confusion. “What are you saying? You are Mark! Don’t you remember me? You surely didn’t forget my name, and you have to recall all of our times practicing and having battles of wit!”

“Yes…I remember those vaguely…” The man responded. “But look at me now!” He stood up and put his arms out. “Do I look like the Mark you knew? Do I even sound the same?”

Amarant also stood up and looked Mark straight in the eye. He saw Mark’s eyes had changed as well: they were now an electric light green, and they showed the fiercety that Mark had just showed. He put his hand in a fist and held it to his own chest. “You're still Mark inside.”

The man smiled, but not one of approval. “Our thoughts differ. Once, I was Mark. Now…I am Tailz.”

Amarant immediately voiced his disbelief. “You are not this ‘Tailz’! No matter your physical appearance, your mind and heart is of Mark’s!”

Tailz seemed to get angry. “Your fight is futile!” He said forcefully. “MARK IS DEAD!!!” He grasped a knife on the bedside table and thrust it at Amarant with astonishing speed.

Amarant couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t believe Mark’s speed. He couldn’t believe Mark had thrust a knife straight at him, but he did. After what seemed like an ages, Mark finally dropped the knife. It was right at Amarant’s throat, and with a flick of his wrist, Mark could have killed him.

“I apologize.” Tailz said. “Somehow, I know you, and I believe that as ‘Mark’, as my previous ‘life’, I wouldn’t have hurt you.” Tailz took a step back. “So I shall not now. But the truth is right out in front of you. Mark exists no longer.” Tailz walked out of the room and left Amarant’s house.

Amarant went back to the forest where he fought and found Mark, thinking about yesterday’s events. Was that Mark, or just someone playing with him? “No.” He thought. “That is Mark. He’s just changed, that is all.” He continued thinking when he saw Mark coming towards him. He stood still and waited for him to approach.

“I am leaving.” Tailz said. “There is something I must do.”

“And what exactly is this task?” Amarant asked.

“No doubt you have heard rumors about Meteor and the Black Materia.” Tailz asked him. “I have…” Amarant responded. “Well, what you no doubt have not heard is that the Black Materia truly does exist.”

“What does that mean, and does it involve you?” Amarant said.

“It now does.” Tailz walked right up to Amarant. “I have been called upon to find the Black Materia.”

“And by whom?” Amarant asked, not understanding Mark.

“I wish I knew.” Tailz said with a small smile. “From the airship until now, I can remember nothing. But I somehow know that the Black Materia, or the quest to obtain it, will answer those questions.”

“Mark, I cannot allow that!” Amarant said waving his arm in front of himself, as if to push aside what Mark was saying. “Rumors tell that the Black Materia can ca…”

“…can cause Ragnarok, for it brings about Meteor…I’ve heard the stories as well. You forget that.”

“But I haven’t forgotten who you are! Why do you wish to cause the End of the World?”

“Who says I do?” Tailz said rhetorically.

“If you do obtain this Materia, you may just bring about Armageddon!”

Tailz got angry at Amarant and grabbed him by the neck. “You do not know what I want! You don’t understand my purposes!”

Amarant kept his composure. “No matter the reason or to what purpose, I cannot allow it! The risk could end all of our lives!” Amarant got free of Mark’s grasp, and equipped his claws. He could no longer see Mark in the eyes of the man just in front of him.

Tailz seemed to be put back by this sudden rash move. “You will face your friend to the death?” He said, trying to play off of Amarant’s heart.

Amarant’s next words were difficult to say. “I realize…” He paused, and Mark smiled, knowing what was going to come next. “…the friend I knew has been vanquished!”

Tailz showed a malevolent smile. “Yes. You finally see the truth! At last, it is time to reward thee.” He held out his hand, and Amarant felt great sleep overcome him. He tried to fight it, but after a few seconds, fell to the ground lifeless.

Amarant opened his eyes to feel great pain, and to see nothing. After a short time, sight returned to him, and he saw that he was in the midst of the forest, sitting against a tree. Light filtered through the thick canopy of leaves above him, but none of it struck him. “Why here?” He asked himself. “Why here alone in the dark?”

“Yes, alone from the world now.” Tailz said, walking into view. He was behind another tree, out of sight, but seeing Amarant awake prompted him to walk into his vision.

“What…what do you mean?” Amarant said with some effort. He felt excruciatingly weak and powerless.

“You wish to defeat me, right?” Tailz asked, and seen Amarant nod his head. “To stop this apocalypse you speak of which I may cause, correct?”

“Yes…” Amarant said in a voice that could barely be heard.

Tailz just smiled. “When you fully heal and realize your powers, you may then have a chance.”

Amarant’s eyes went wide. “Realize my powers?” He said. “Am I…am I part of the lost Ancients?”

Tailz scoffed at the last remark. “No. During your sleep, I combined my blood with yours.”

Amarant felt strength within him. “You WHAT?!!” he yelled out.

“When you are well again, you will understand this: you now have accelerated senses. Your speed, sight, hearing, strength;all are now enhanced.”

Amarant was dumbstruck. “That’s not possible…this cannot be…” He thought to himself.

“Yes, it can be.” Tailz crouched down beside Amarant. “And it is.”

“You…heard me?” Amarant said, not understanding the response.

“We are now connected. With my blood within you, we can communicate mentally whenever we wish. When we cannot speak, we think.”

“Why?” Amarant said. “Why this…curse?”

“Curse?” Tailz said, standing up and looking at Amarant awkwardly. “How can you call this gift such a thing? You are now more powerful than any normal person!”

Amarant struggled to get up, but could not do so. He looked directly into Tailz’ eyes. “I wanted nothing of this! And such, this is a curse to me!”

Tailz shook his head. “You do not understand, do you? Before, your skills, your strength, your mind...all would have failed to comprehend me. And, thus, you would have never defeated me. However, you are now an adversary worthy of competition.” Tailz started to walk away, then turned around and faced Amarant once more. “Until we meet again.” Tailz continued walking away.

Again, Amarant tried with all his effort to get off the ground, but to no avail. “TAILZ!!” he yelled. “Where are you headed?!!”

Tailz continued walking. “If I knew, you would as well.” He then went out of sight.

“Tailz!” Amarant said loudly. “TAILZ!!!!” But no one answered. He was alone.

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