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An Author's Note...

An Author's Note...

This is not your typical fan-fiction. And it is definitely not your typical Final Fantasy VII sequel story. You see, all of this was written from a personal stand-point. I have read a few FFVII sequel stories, and they all focused on the world of it. They didn't reflect the author, for the author wasn't really 'involved' in it. She (or he) was just expanding on another idea.

And that is where I differ from others. In the beginning, this was never meant to be a sequel to Final Fantasy VII, but the more I thought about it and the more I wrote down, that was what it became. It was meant to be a whole seperate story, but it is based on the world FFVII is from, so it became a sequel. It still differs, and i'll get into that more later. First, how this started:

On August 13th, I went to Final Fantasy Online (where I do my FF riddling and discussions) to find a remarkable surprise: FenixDown had done a fanfic about me, Tailz, for my birthday. In it, he used FFVII lore and knowledge and my love for Sephiroth to create a grand story like no-other. It's view of FFVII was wholly new in that Cloud, Aeris, Red XIII, Barret, Sephiroth...all were barely mentioned. Instead there were 8 others, 4 of whom followed Tailz and the other 4 who followed Amarant (my rival). Now, Tailz is uniquely evil, and with him were Fenix, Danni, and Silver. Fenix wrote the fanfic, and in it, he become my 'slave' when he challenged me and was defeated. Silver was my apprentice, one for whom he does the most loyal of things. Danni was a cute, happy girl who totally didn't fit within the whole evil 'team', but Fenix made it work very well.

Those with Amarant, going against Tailz, were Iron Angel, Menschlord and White Magic. Iron Angel has once part of ShinRa as a SOLDIER, 1st class, and was hired by Amarant as a mercenary. Menschlord was somewhat of a mercenary as well, but he went along for purely personal reasons (they were not really addressed in said story, but I will when the time comes). White Magic was a White Mage (go figure) who joined Amarant to defeat Tailz for the 'common good' as she calls it. This is basically a 'good' dream team, for all are intelligent and powerful to boot.

And now we come to the two main characters: Tailz and Amarant. I will not go into great detail on Tailz, for that is what the story is for. However, here is what I will tell you: Sephiroth is a major factor for Tailz. Some know why and how, for the chapter 'The Beginning of the End' had an introduction to it with that explanation...for it was a birthday fanfic written for my by Fenix. If you do know the relationship, please keep it under wraps. I will reveal more than that in the future chapters...

I will also not go into great detail on Amarant, for the story does that. However, here is what you should know: once, Tailz and Amarant were great friends. However, once Tailz changed, Amarant realized he must follow his 'friend' to see his true purpose, and if it comes to it, kill him.

Since then, I have done the same for Fenix and wrote a fanfic for him on his birthday. It focused on the events of Fenix meeting Tailz, and losing to him in a battle. It was then that Fenix was forced into servitude by Tailz. It is some chapters before the one wrote by Fenix.

One purpose of the story is to further expand on the story/theory of FFVII, to explain what was not before; to go more into depth the past, and the future. Many things have been adressed and answered in this writing, especially one that never seemed to be answered. In many fanfics and stories, the character have odd names that are there for purely a persona. Why they have such names like "Trimisopt AltF4" is never addressed, or even mentioned. In my story, it is explained why, so you are not left guessing why this man is named "Fenix."

Now, how does this FFVII story differ than other sequels? On the main reason that the main characters of the game are now out of sight, replaced by actual people's persona's. Everyone of those pseudonym's has a real person behind it, and as such, this can be much more of a personally-touching story. It is no small task to write a story based on such a great theory of life, and as such, it is even more difficult trying to write a story based on character's that (most) will not fully understand. Every one of these character's 'real' miinds have been consulted (or will be when the time comes) on the type of character they wish to be, and though I still have the final say in the end, I will try to keep their 'wish' as close to the text I type as possible.

This story is a personal extension of my beliefs and wishes. For I am Tailz, once called 'The Legendary Evil' by none other than White Magic herself. My worhsip in Sephiroth is real, and it shall be showed well in this story. I also worship the story of Final Fantasy VII, for it is moving and penetrating. For me, it was an epiphany. It changed my life greatly, for I learned much from it. And with that in mind, I wrote this story so that you may also do the same. This story is what I truly wish to be, though it is not possible. I once read the line, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." One decision I have made is in front of you.

I ask that you do only one thing while you read this:

Liberate Your Mind...

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