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The Sweet Vanilla Princess's Kingdom

Kewlest Peeps in da WORLD!!

Read This- - I wrote it!! (click)

hey peeps, wassuup nmh, yea, if i forgot you, gimme a holla at my email and i'll get ya on herre!! I'm kinda out of it right now, so i know that i have forgotten a few peeps probably!!!! I just gotsta let ya'll know that I love RAY with ALL MY HEART for ever and EVER!!!!!!!!!! and ya'll gotsta know a few other things: ya'll email me if you have any questions or if you want your name under kewl peeps.... but hurry, limited space is available, really, i only have two spaces left!! Anywayz, ya'll let me know about what ya think of the site!!! I LOVE RAYMOND REEVE!!!!! If you think life is bad..... How would you like to be an egg? You only get laid once. You only get eaten once. It takes four minutes to get hard. Only two minutes to get soft. But worst of all...the only chick that ever sat on your face was your mother!!! So cheer up, your life isn't that bad.
