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Everything I know in Life
I learned from my horse

I learned patience
that taking things slow is ,in the long run more rewarding then rushing, I learned that trying to rush a 1000 pound animal into doing something it dosen't want to do generally ends badly, while gently coaxing exceeds even your greatest expectations

I learned how to trust
That in the show ring, on the trail or in life often times you have no one else except those close to you, and to have a joyous and memorable expirience .. you must trust, that those you love will see you through, that your mount or partner will not falter or fail. . that together all can be accomplished

I learned to pick my battles wisely
Not all fights are worth fighting, sometimes in life one must copromise even if that means abandoning the perfect second. . in order to achieve a magical minute down the road, that sometimes what seems like loseing .. really isn't loseing at all but is actually winning

I learned to accept limitations
That sometimes theres a point that for whatever reason, physical, mental or material that one can simply go no further and to accept it. that sometimes a road needs abandoning so that you can take a trail that will lead you to the highway you sought

I learned to surrender Control
That sometimes what seems like the best way to me. . is not the best way for others, that sometimes its best to take the backseat and let the other lead, that with horses and all things sometimes its best to just sit back and be the rider. . because interferance leads to unbalence and others are completely capable of doing some tasks without constant reminders. . that when you learn when to be a leader and when to be a follower true harmony between horse and rider,friend & family is achieved

I learned how to deal & move on
I learned that sometimes things don't go the way I want them to. . but that pouting in the dark does not help, that rather then wasting time, its better to just accept and then work towards achieveing that goal in a differant way with a differant approach. . because sometimes that makes all the differance

I Learned to let go
I learned that sometimes I can't control whats happening, and that even if it seems unfair. . if its breaks your heart its best to let go . .to say good-bye and to remember instead the time you shared. . not the moment of loss

I Learned Self-Confidence
That no matter what people say .. what common thought dictates and what stereo-types prevail. . you can and will suceed, that together you and a true partner can conqur all things in your path, you can reach new heights and though you will have both moments of extreme joy and moments of soul crushing sadness. . you do have worth. . you can & will move onto bigger & better things. . if you just believe in yourself