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Obviously, you're here for some reason and let me guess what it is......To GeT tO kNoW mE bEttEr RiGhT?? Yeah that must be it....well I hope you enjoy!!!
But wait I must warn you....this site is under major contruction right now. Sorry for the disappointment. Just IM me at hawaiianstar31....hope to hear from ya soon!!!

*ThE bAsIcS*
NaMe:Anela Kehone Pule (explanation:my name is Hawaiian and Anela means Angel, and Kehone means sweet and wonderful person)
BiRtHdAy:January 2, 1986 (and that would mean that I'm a Capricorn)
My StAtUs: Meaning if I'm single or not. First of all yes I am single and the reason being that I've been screwed over too many times and it's kinda hard for me to trust anyone now. So you can blame it all on those assholes!
HeIgHt:Well I'm about 5'6" and a half. I wish that I was like 5'9" though....because I play basketball.
WeIgHt:Oh no...the dreadful question....well I'm not going to lie and say that I weigh 120 and I'm not gonna go overboard and say that I weigh 180....I weigh about 145. It's all in the thighs....hawaiians are born with it!!!
FaV. cOlOr: Ummmm....well I like a lot of colors like pink, blue, red, black. That's basically it.
MuSiC i LiKe:I actually like different kinds of music. I like hip-hop and rap because you can dance to it and I like punk and rock because it can hit ya deep if ya know what I mean.
OtHeR sItEs oF mE: Me on a site where you can rate people my page for aol....oh yeah and feel free to send me an instant message

ThIs pIcTuRe Is So CuTe (iT's FrOm ThE sHoW tHe O.c. AnD iT's My DrEaM hUsBaNd)

HeRe'S sOmE pIcS oF mE!!!!
HoTT bOyS (tHeY'vE gOt WhAt I wAnT)