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So, here's my results for all the Shaman King quizes I've taken. The ones I think are best are towards the top. Have some fun, and find out who you really are!

Hard-worker you are not, you enjoy listening to
music, surfing the web, blowing off homework
till the last possible minute, and other lazy
activities. Even still, you are good at helping
your friends with their problems, and if you
see something goin' on that you think just
isn't right you're not afraid to say something
about it. Unlike how others see you, you have a
lot of potential.

What Shaman King Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Lyserg is the boy for you!
Lyserg Diethel If you like being treated like a princess, Lyserg
is your boy. He's sweet, lovely and a true
gentleman, and you gotta love his slightly
fragile and helpless look. Though he has a
somewhat strange idea of friendship, Lyserg is
the prince you've always dreamt of!

What Shaman King boy is your perfect match? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

You belong to Yoh's team
If you took part in the Shaman Fight, you'd join
YOH'S TEAM! Who else? They are funny, strong, cute, brave and
cool! You know they are quite a chaotic team,
but a strong friendship keeps them together and
that's all you need to win. Oversoul!!!

What is your Shaman Fight team? (Shaman King)
brought to you by Quizilla