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Greetings and welcome to my very own web page.

I know what you're probably thinking, "ye gads man!! not another Harry Potter fan-fic!!". To tell you the truth, I really don't care!

I like writing this little fic of mine, though it does tend to take up time that i should be spending revising for my exams, oh well!

Anyway, here's a cheers and a toast to my mate (friend to you Americans out there) and adopted wee cousin, Mea. Without her you wouldn't be reading this masterpiece of writing that you're about to read, so enjoy.

Oh, and i don't really know whether i have to say this for legal reasons or something, but just to say that I'm not J.K.Rowling or somebody who stole her new book! I'm just a humble fan who decided to write a little old Harry Potter fan-fiction!

Also, you're probably wondering why i've got such a random picture. Well, i wanted a picture and since i'm new at this i could only use the ones that they offered, and this was the closest i could get to a mouse!(that's one of my many nicknames)

Click on links below to read a chapter

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three