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The Saga of Cookie.

Yes, my cat, Cookie.

Cute, isn't she?

On Sunday night she went from cute... to...


The next morning she seemed to have a sort of "kittie hangover"..

"I don't feel so good mommy!"

She didn't seem well either.. Look at this picture:

Her right eye (pictured on left!) is cloudy, and you can see a red discoloration towards the bottom of her eye. Poor kittie!!

She tries to relax...

but a closer look will reveal something more...


Her right eye is enlarged and reflectind differently than the left eye. Odd?

At this point she becomes weary of me taking pictures of her.


But look closer...

You see the same thing here. Her right eye is reflecting oddly.

I have no pictures to show of how she looked when I took her to the vet.

But I *do* have an after picture!!

Doesn't she look drugged up?? (and blurry??)

I'm afraid that ends the Kittie saga.....
fare ye well onlooker!!

****WHY MEEEE???****
