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The Royal Christ Cyber-Church

Addendum: The Soul Grainery and the Spirit Source

Now, to the astute reader, it probably came to mind that I started with the Seed and mentioned that it symbolizes a Thought. But, I never mentioned where the seeds come from. I never mentioned where the ideas or thoughts come from. I simply told my reader to have positive thoughts and then to work out the emotional blocks that hinder physical action such that one can manifest one's practical goals.

Simply put, that isn't telling much: work hard and you will succeed. However, the trick is in finding the finding the Source of the "Substance" as many prosperity writers call God.

As anyone in poverty knows, it isn't easy to maintain positivity in the face of lack. Therefore, I need to emphasize that only through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit can one maintain the motivation and drive to succeed.

One must meditate therefore, to commune with God in Gnosis such that one can receive the correct thoughts or ideas to act upon. One must communicate with God, the Source and our Maker, such that one can receive the Wisdom and Guidance in the form of Thought Gifts or ideas necessary for success.

Too many people simply go about their business and never meditate. They may pray for this or that, but they never make their holy dialogue a two way process. They simply live life and get busy doing things in a hurry.

Instead, we need to take a break from our routine. We need to really start living. We need to retreat to Nature to relax such that we can find our right minds again such that we can walk into the Grainery of God to choose the Seeds we want to sow and thereby work to reap.

The Law of Karma says nothing more than "what you sow is what you reap." That's all. So, we have to be very careful which thoughts we act upon. Thoughts of failure do not come from God. They come from the Adversary. God provides Hope. God provides Love. God provides motivation and drive and will to do good. Listen to the Voice of God. Open the eyes of your hearts such that the proper Seeds fall into the Soil of your Souls. Learn to choose from the Grainery what Seeds you would like to germinate. Become tillers of your Soul through living in the Spirit.

Therefore, going from the Grainery (Wisdom) in the East, to the specific Seed (Thought) in the South, to the Soil (Emotion or Feelings) in the West, to the Growth in the North (Work), and finally to the Harvest in the Material World (Miracle), we fairly thoroughly cover the entire process in the Lord's Harvest.

Yes, there still is the metaphysical Spirit, which is somewhat unaccounted for, but in Truth it serves as the Source even for the Grainery. Interestingly, even before it reaches the Soul Grainery, God has created each Thoughtform for us to pick and choose from in Wisdom.

Therefore, seek Gnosis. Come into Spirit if you can. Then follow the Counsel of the Holy Spirit or Holy Thought such that you, as the Lord's Harvest workers, then learn the Christian Gnostic Art of Prophesy such that you learn how to direct your lives and even manifest Miracles.

In summary, the process of harvesting then goes from [Spirit to Air to Fire to Water to Elemental Earth to the Material Earth] or [Spirit to Soul to Flesh]. Pray for understanding. God bless. Amen.

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