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my submission to Sir Henry

~She kneels before her Master's feet and looks into His eyes~
~Searching for the truth she needs as she vows to Him her life~

~Four packages lay on the floor all are wrapped with love~

~She reaches low to place the first in the lap of the one she adores~

~Opened as quickly as He had won it, He views her heart inside~

~It's yours my love and has been, since the day you held me to your side~

~The second gift is smaller, the paper silver gilt~
~Tis just my mind, she whispers yours to do with as you will~

~The third one is small and compact, white paper, small white bow~
~ She watches as He opens, and whispers...and now, you own my soul~

~She bends to pick the last gift up, and trembles as she holds it~
~Small tears of love run down her face, This gift has been the hardest~

~He smiles at her and reaches, and watches the gift dissolve~
~Master, my love, she whispers, This gift is more than just my love~
~It can't be held, it can't be wrapped~

~ The gift is my surrender,~

~My submission~

Page created by robin with devotion to Sir Henry

July 10th 2003

Date Presented:

<bgsound src="batlefield2.wav">

song by Terri Clark...Now That I Found You