Hey hey! I'm at Purdue now! To see some pictures of my dorm room and a few of my friends, click on the URL:
Purdue Pictures

'Ello, people! Welcome to my website, featuring me! Think of this as one of those fancy personal websites...only full of pop-ups and looking like something a two year-old designed. (I'm working on it, I promise...)

If you know anything about me already, you know that I love my pets a lot and brag on them all the time. Well, they're here, but they're a little hidden. To access their webpages (and all of them have, not one, but two), go to the Pictures Directory link and click on Pictures of my Pets. Click on their names, and at the top of that page you'll see a URL saying Biography. Click on it to read all about them!

Well, have fun looking around, and if you can think of anything that I need to add to the site, drop me a line. If you don't know how to get ahold of me, try to find someone who does, because I'm not giving out my e-mail or any screen names. Thanks a bunch!