Oh...hello. My page is under construction and I haven't thought up a name for it yet...so go away until I am ready for you!

Oh, I guess you could read this as long as you're here...hehe.

If you care to know, when this is done I hope that it will be pretty, because I am learning about html and that kind of thing. This website, SOMEDAY, SOMEDAY will contain my literature. Yes, I write things a lot and I want to share it with you, because I'm kind like that. I've got something up already...my first song ever *sniffs* and even though I can't sing, I'm so happy and I want to sing it for the world! But...there's no music. So I have to write some, and when I do, I'll connect that page to this one, and we'll be on our way! I've got some more poems I can put up at the moment...but not really, seeing as it's 2.47 in the morning and if my mother finds out I've been down here doing this crap all night I am done for. So...I'll return soon and type up my poems and let you read those instead of my nonsensical quotations until I think of more things...and I'll put up a few short stories as well (I write those as well. Obviously. Hey, school is torture sometimes!), and then you can read that stuff too!

Lucky you.

But seriously, for now there's nothing here. Go away.

Except for some quotes of mine.


"Then blood poured out of my every orifice and I died."

"Hark ye! I am bleeding...super."

"But isn't your life happier now that you have your very own tree friend?"

"Oh! He's so cute and little and happy...let's buy him a present!"

"Dark is the shadow, yet so fervently does my heart rejoice to meet it..."

"Look! Strange little homosexuals! Let's take them home."

"You? Mental problems? Look, sweetheart, do you see dead people in your chair at dinner?"

"My tummy needs a yummy."

Um...someday links to my stuff will be here! Whoo hoo.

Nothing yet.
Nothing yet.
Nothing yet.
Nothing yet.