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The Original Pure NITH WATER

This story is the result of sumone's imagionation running wild on a warm summer's day in a very boring town called Wellesley.

Part 1

Alexis and Madison are wandering down the street away from Madison's house tryint to think of sumting to do in their boring little town. When suddenly a weird and crazy dumb ideas comes to alexi's mind...The Origional Pure NITH WATER!

The Original Pure NITH WATER!!!

"Imagion this Madison," exclaims Alexis. "Imagion someone one day coming here to this little nomad town from the big city!" "The "big city" eh?," laughs Madison. "OOOk... The Big Apple then. (laughs)The big city...where am I coming from?" replies Alexis as seh corrects herself.

"So anyways what about this person from the city..what do they want here?" "They'll come here seeking out somekinda resouse thats here in this town to make them right and us somewhat more famous!!!" exclaims Alexis. As more weird thoughts come to mind she cecomes more and more excited and uses more hand/arm jestures as she always does when crazy dumb ideas come to mind. "I see but..." continues Madison. "And the resourse that they'll find is our water!!!Sure it smells like ass now and no one in their right mind would ever dream of drinking itbut "that" person from the city would." interupts Alexis. "Oh dear lord child how and WHY do you think these things up?" jokes Madison as she laughs at Alexis who is still musing on this idea. " I dunno" shrugs Alexis,"That person from the "Big Apple" (laughs) hya they just come out of theire giant apple house singing and dancing that viagra song...remember that song Madison?" "I still can't believe you called the city the Big city...ur a dork u know that!?!" laughs Madison. "Well anyways they obviously don't live in an apple bouse but theydo come here because they're searching all the small towns to find and engenious invention!" "And they'll stop and look at our water wishing to drink it? Just liek you thought it would be cool if we were able to swim in it?" questions Madison. "YAH! Exactly! cept he really will drink it and discover that all that grose crap floating in it acts like a stimulant and the muscles in your arms will be huge like Pop Eye's!!!" "Riiiight, man you're freakin retarted!" "I know but shut up I'm not finished" says Alexis. Madison rolls her eyes but keeps listening as Alexis continues..."Then that city person will bottle it up, start a factory near here ya know but no one will know about it! Then on the Apple Butter and Cheese day then there will be a stand near the island!" "You mean he'll actually try to sell that water? Did you not smell it as you came over the bridge today? Do you really think people who have alwayz lived here and know about the water will really buy and drink it!?!?" contridcts Madison. "Ya I know but see they'll "purify" it, hence the word purify in the name. And when he goes to drink it during his demostration they'll be like "no please dunt drink it you don't know wuts in it... you'll grow extra arms and legs or something" Thats when he'll stop and be like "NO! this water is safe and pure it will do more then make you grow arms and legs!" then he'll take a sip from his mug that he used to scoop water from the pond with. Then CABOOM! his arm muscles will pop out like Pop Eye's and he'll be all macho like!" "And this is suppose to be realistic how Alexis?" asks Madison. "It's not I'm just bored and get really creative when im bored." shruggs Alexis. "Dear lord child i feel sorry for your mother." says Madison. Alexis stops her pondering for a moment, looks at Madison with a scrunched up confused face and asks "Why would you say that? im not always this way you know." "Ya but when you are thats when i feel sorry for her." replies Madison. "Oooo." Alexis carries on wlaking in her light care free way and concludes her story by saying, Well i dunno wut else would happen in that story." her face goes blank for a moment. "I should write a story bout this!" she exclaims. "dude no, you should make a comic cuz of al the actions you've been doing."


They both go to Alexis' house and while they watch T.V. Alexis designs the bottle for "The Origional Pure NITH WATER". Eventually they agree that making a comic would never work and that idea is imeditally scraped. The thought of makin' a movie is mused over but since neither of them have video camras and since Alexis wanted 2 make a it is ;) the story of how The Origional Pure NITH WATER came to be!!!

Yes i know that this story is freakin retarted but Katie and I were really REALLY bored one day and this is wut i thought up...its pathic i know but this webpage is kinda a joke and i had fun so meh! And yes this is the CRAPPIST website and i hate how it looks..the story is 2 bunched up but it wouldnt work how i wanted it grrr lol.