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What Is?


A direct word interpretation would say that it is the technology dealing with production and use of nano-materials (i.e. materials of size around a billionth of a meter).

Oxford Reads:

nanotechnology n. the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of 0.1 to 100 nanometers.      

But it is not simple when you are at the thickness level of a few atoms. It is like dividing a hair into 10,000 strings. Let’s play a brain wrestle and make it clearer. Think a hundred bundles of currency notes (yes 10,000 notes), imagine putting all in a box and mixing them.  Now, can you imagine what a mess it would be? Can you find a particular one easily? When there are so much of mess in just a cross section of human hair the world might seem really terrible and mysterious if we had eyes that powerful.

With nanotechnology around –



The Bright Future


we can see elevators mounting to the space, bridges built with pencil thick support, and tiny nano-devices injected in your blood vessels which can keep track of your organs and repair in case of any damage. Then, you may bring a can of paint and throw the content on the wall and they will arrange themselves, and yes, they may even change colors and patterns depending on your mood or command. There will be machines that take materials from nature and replicate themselves. There may even be printers that can print thing ranging from shirts to food, fed on raw maters and commanded by computer programs. Tomorrow you may see a lovely jacket in the virtual showroom over the internet, test it by virtually wearing it and then say “I’ll Take It”. Zzoooppp…… Your printer prints it for you in seconds.

So is the mystery of nanotechnology. We don’t know what time in the future will all this come about or even weather they will. May be, those machines takeover our race by then? What we know is we can’t avoid it. We can’t stop it. It is happening so fast and silent that by the time the world understands it, it will have revolutionized everything.

Hay... did I say that those machines may takeover our race? I must not  forget to say that it is such a



Potential Danger


that can even end human civilization, yes I am afraid, it is. It can be due to rare mistakes in highly complicated machines. The hunger of over powering national defense (I'd say offence rather) may one day gift this legacy of ours to the machines. Or You never know when a new virus, more powerful than HIV, is released from a scientific laboratory only to let us realize that we won't have grand children to follow and there will bee everything free . . . . . but no one to acquire!

The good thing is; It is all an imagination. Nothing that bad has happened as yet. We have to take care that this golden dream doesn't turnout to be a nightmare. The solution is there in every problem, we have to apply before its too late.

Yes Friendzz ....



Tighten your seat belts


and get ready for the flight, or you may get a jerk, a jerk too furious for mankind to withstand. You are the future. You are the pilot to this expedition. You have to drive us to that new world, safe and sound. You have to create and execute the safety norms. You COMMAND!!!



Our Mission

Nanotechnology is a burgeoning  field of science that promises us a great future, but, with some avoidable dangers. Our mission is:

  •     To support the new generation to understand and work with this change.

  •     To help create a safe nanotech future.

  •     To work for India's development through Nanotechnology.
