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All the backgrounds on each of the pages were made by me! I really enjoy making backgrounds and thought that you might want to use some for your website! In the table below are all the backgrounds I made, you can take as many of them as you want for free. The only condition is you must link back to my site. And if you change the html code in anyway and I catch you using my background but with the code changed then bad things will happen.!Thankyou:)

ok now I will tell you how to put the background on your site.

First you click on the background that you want in the table below

It will take you to a new page on that page will be what the background looks like and also a code.

If you like the background then do this exactly

Highlight the code select file- copy and last, paste the code into your text box by pressing file-paste.\
Purple&Pink Background Pink &Orange swirlz Background not finished not finished
Not finished. Not finished row 2 row 2
row 3 row 3 row 3 row 3
