about me / pics / the board / mail / music interests

It was time for a change. Pieman.com never happened (dot coms cost a lot of money doncha know!), and all seemed lost. Then the tk addy presented itself and things began shifting about. The graphical alterations are just the latest thing on the list of 'things to do' which has finally been tackled. So, here it is! What do ya'll think? Hopefully, with the new look will come a fresh start, new content, new visitors. Its a new day!!
Check out some of the links below, they're all different like...

about me
dancing teeth (media player req)
the board

Simon Clauson was born on the stroke of midnight in a cold and isolated barn in the woods of coldest Russia. His mother raised him as a pig-farmer called 'Boris' to confuse the neighbours, but in his heart, he was always 'Pieman'.
By the age of six, Boris could throw a spear from three miles away and hit his target, so he took to rowing in his spare time.
He was a lonesome spear throwing, pie eating, boat rowing little pig farmer who couldnt speak english and often drank copiusly to compensate for this.
His favourite tipple was vodka, although he had made himself a new kind of narcotic he called 'qauff' which was made from truffles, ice and pig's wee.
At the age of twelve, he ran away in a pair of over sized womens shoes to join a travelling group of singers called 'The last rise' who played Michael Jackson covers on household objects.
The group became obscenely popular in Eastern Europe (especially the Ukraine) and their hit single 'Beat it (with a mop handle)' went to number one for six and a half years.
Because of his popularity, Boris (a.k.a Pieman, a.k.a Simon) changed his name to Cool Mc Slick and became a star of communist pornos. The pressure all became too much however ona particularly gruelling shoot in which Cool was practising the communist ideal of eqaulity with a room full of horny Spanish elephants, and snuck away in a bin bag, where he would be shipped to England on a tug boat.
Having survived the journey, Cool Mc Slick (reverting back now to Pieman) started an underground revolution movement to battle anorexia in hedgehogs and started this website. Now with the help of a mysterious organisation known only as 'xenworld media', he has created a site on which to reveal the mysteries of the world.

All information on this site has been used with the most honest intentions.


Want to know the real truth? Go here, no lies- I promise.
Phff! What do I know anyway? I just work here.

iampieman /si / xenworld / xen