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Check out these great opportunities

Invest $1 for $5000......not too much to lose here...........(Paypal or Egold)
Random $7.50 payments into your Stormpay account!!!!!!

Please take, your time, have a look around

Most of these sites pay using either Paypal or StormPay.

Click the logo below for your free paypal account

I accept payment through PayPal!, the #1 online payment service!

Paypal can be used for eBay also. If you spend over $250.00 in one transaction, you will get a $5 sign up bonus!

Click below for a StormPay account:

Click here for Stormpay sign up


Earn NO MATTER WHAT the person visiting it does. Great referal payments as well. 36615 people can't be wrong!

If you are already a member.....please click. I click every one elses banners and links. Thank you.

I have made over $200 with Dollars Blaster :)


I love this one. They send a lot of 5 cent emails :)
BlackieCat's Mail
You can earn 10 points every 24 hours and use points for ads or cash
Green Letter
I love this one. Plenty of emails and a low payout :)
Over 20,000 people have joined this site, if you haven't............what are you waiting for?
AYS PTR Program
I love this one. FIVE cents per email AND paid to click. Payout at $50 with a $10 Sign up bonus. A lot of emails daily

Annie's Paid Email

This one is from 1 cent to 7 cents per email. The paid to click section is under 1 cent each click. Payout at $25 or $10 for Gold members ($19.95 for lifetime)

This one is good, but doesn't have as many emails as some of the others. However, they have no points, so this is great.

banner gif

• FREE Membership

Has a great Paid to click section and a really nice webmaster :)

Check out the upgrade!!!!!!!!!!

I like this one a lot. $3 payout (more for a money order). Usually pretty good PTC section and great email blasts

Emailcash is an Australian company that rewards you for spending at the reward partners. However international members can visit this and enjoy the forums. I have great fun with this site because it is not just paid to click. I have received my $30 cheque

This is an Australia site on how to save money. It costs $17 to join, but there are so many hints there that it will pay for it's self almost straight away. There are hints in there that would help anyone around the world to save as well. (In American dollars it is only about $11.30)

When I am looking at a paid to click site to try and decide whether to join or not, I look at the advertising section. For example, it might have a $60 pay out and only send emails for 1/4 cent. This wouldn't be worth while sigining up. I read the terms as well, because if you can't redeem for cash or advertising, what is the point of it.......and of course, read the terms and conditions as there are some tricky ones. I have not based any of the examples on actual sites, they are just generalisations.

*Please note that these are the opinions of the owner of this webpage. You may have a completely different experience.You can only try them out yourself. I have deleted quite a few as I feel these are the best there are.*