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MidnightPhoenix MTG

Greeting ladies and gentlemen. I am The Midnight Phoenix. I have been playing and enjoying MTG for 2 years now. I have put this site up to help out the noobies or to give tips to the pros. For those of you that are wondering, I only play extended or draft tournaments, i cant stand to be limited in the deck I can build to just one block. And drafts are just fun to play. If you have any questions about the game, certain cards, or combos, don't hesitate to e-mail. I'm gonna start working on header banners for the pages, so it'll look nice and sweet soon.


I started working on a Death Pits of Rath Deck. I need to get some cards for it, but when i finish it, I'll post it up here. Lotsa cheap 1 or 2 damage, a few Sharpshooters, of course, all that fun stuff. :-D

8th Edition saw its first playing yesterday worldwide. It's looking awesome from the draft decks i saw played. Mine sucked tho cuz i just have that kinda luck, lol.

Last Update - 7/29/2003


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