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Aloha From MAUI!

This is a simple website to display and share memories from the Levine Family Vacation to Maui Hawaii in March 2003.

If you are here you are probably a Levine family member or close friend. If you are not, then you must be someone who enjoys looking at pictures of complete strangers having loads of fun on vacation. Mahalo and Enjoy!

Updated April 1st - Happy Birthday Kerri!

 We arrived on Maui on a somewhat cloudy Saturday afternoon. Love those scenic airport pictures!


 On the way to the Hotel we stopped at a lookout point to take in the scenery. By now some of us had already spotted our first whale.

  We finally got to the hotel and it was absolutely beautiful, with waterfalls and exotic birds everywhere. Everyone got addicted to the awesome pool area (picture below), where we spent lot's of time almost every day. Click the pic below for more pictures of the Maui Westin and the pool grounds.
  Later, in Lahaina, I decided to take a picture of the biggest living thing I could find. Dad thought I meant his ego and jumped into the shot.

Here's some more pictures of the huge Banyan tree which shared the spotlight with Dad in the last picture. The tree was so big that an entire art exhibit was being held under it. Dad's ego didn't quite fit.

Banyan Tree

 Banyan Tree

 Banyan Tree

 Banyan Tree

 Banyan Tree

Back at the Hotel, it soon became apparent that Ron was King Of The Slide. Here he is showing his wild technique:

On Monday after snorkeling at Black Rock (click here for Black Rock pics), we went to the Whaler's Village to do some much needed shopping for booze and other essentials and stumbled across a Hula dancing performance.





Continue the journey! >>>