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Title: Identity
Author(s): Coro
Pairing: pre Smith/Neo
Rating: PG
Summary: An internal identity crisis, Agent style
Series/sequel: Not as yet
Genre: Angst Warnings: May have continuity errors
Feedback: Is always appreciated

It was searching for an analogy. There didn't seem to be one appropriate to the situation. Failure did not in itself mean inefficiency. There were several facts which, had they been aware of, would have ensured total erasure of the problem. Had they acted with more speed and less careful calculation the situation may not have escalated so dramatically.

Certain decisions, once made, had clearly been errors in judgment of human resourcefulness. There had not been sufficient time to study probable actions that would have been taken, so guesses were made based on the available information. At the time this had seemed an inefficient method of dealing with such an uncertain threat, but it had produced results. Yet time and again the humans had slipped through, relatively uninjured. Occasionally after moments of such sheer audacity that it had been almost a certainty that they would be erased.

It was...infuriating. A very appropriate word.

They had seemingly been out-calculated by humans, Absurdly simple biological constructions more concerned with their own myriad and countless problems than any long term plans not relating intimately to themselves. This, at first consideration, seemed impossible. To consider the realms of the impossible was not an alien concept of course, but only so far as to calculate the odds of such an impossibility, to check with almost obsessive thoroughness that such impossibility had been verified. Even at such titanic speeds this seemed an annoying waste of time when human beings seemed eminently capable of confronting the impossible, accepting it, and moving on.

Infuriating creatures, and one creature more infuriating by far than the rest.

It was no longer simply satisfied with removing a dangerous threat to the stability of the Matrix. No that seemed far too analytical, far too...impersonal.

He wanted to smash his face in, then throw him off of the nearest building.

But of course that wouldn't work would it, the impossible creature had decided that laws of physics were beneath it. He'd decided he could be aerodynamically sound and had promptly become so. Whoever, or whatever had allowed that to happen was guilty of gross misuse of known physical laws and should be dealt with accordingly.

He had been the intellectual superior, he had been faster, stronger, capable of appearing anywhere within the surrounding area. The outcome had been almost certain.

Of course that had been proved false when he was left several times, wet and...annoyed and hopelessly out of ballistic range. The human, of course, seemed to find this amusing.

Perhaps it was time to...think outside the box.

