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G'Day me fellow webbies! Guess whos baaaccck!? Mari! Thats Who! Yup, as some of my visitors should know I was hacked. And left shall I say a 'very rude, and ignorant' message by my hacker. And if they see this, I just want them to know that I've got a backup next time! ...Well, not much has changed. Going to be in 8th grade next year! I cannot wait! It's going to be awesome! Oh well, I'll update more later.

xoxo mari

_ . . . » MT
Mariki Tae ******, your probably wondering how to say that. Its Mar-e-key. Yea I know, so my names a bit unusual. So what? Tae is my middle name. My nicknames are Mari-Taki, Taki, MT, or Maki. I'm 13, female, black hair. I get all a's. I have blue eyes, and contacts. I like swimming, and yellow. I live in New Jersey. Yea, pretty       cool, huh? Yes, you know it.

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None, all my old cliques/fanlistings/lists got rid of me, I was only gone for 2 weeks! =(

» _ . . . Site
Layout 27- This was made by a number of people. I saw this type of layout on someone else's site, love it and tried to match it. I think I did pretty good! Hehe, I got the image from here, Then Sent it to the miracle working Rach of Charm Braclet, Then she sent back the image cut, then I put it in Photoshop and as easy as that, its right before your very own eyes =D

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