heya! this is my site of weird and kewl things so if u dont like it well, tough shit: )
My name is Rosabella, Italian name (meaning beautifull rose) English gurl. I live in your standard semi in North London, England with my mum and dad, no siblings, I am a loner child, not that i mind as i get a cool bigish PINK room, so im happy. I go to secondary school 5mins away from my home and have spent 2 and a half happy years there. I am 14 years old, hehe yay! I have many luvly friends who i would like to say hi to if i have made you read this site. I luv rock music esspecially Sum41, Greenday, Something Corprate, The Donnas and of cource Nirvana. I enjoy writing books to so pls check out my stories i put online. I luv clothes and designing them too so i hope that that is what i do in the future!
Well there you have it, my life in a nutshell, well, an extended nutshell, with a conservatory.

email me

My luverly friends!(and me
If any of my friends want their piccy on here just send it to me and it shall b done!:)

me, then gul, then elif