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thys years semi 4mal was at the hyatt, much much better than last year thank gawd! had a wonderful time w/ agata dear. its amazing she still has the strength 2 put up w/ me lol! dancin all nite long! getting auctioned off! oh by the way, thought i'd let ya kno that my man didn't bid on me but thanks 2 jon n sum othas that did! lol Erik went fo jon's girl instead just 2 keep things fresh lol yup so that was another un4gettable nite oh n ya can't forget adam's *extraordinary* dance that he did!! yup never forget!

me agata n justin at our beautiful table @ the hyatt!!

me n agata b4 all pretty!! lol

me and my hot man! *heads cut off* hmmm isnt he cute?? well guess what uh uh YOU can't have him! lol


