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Jules and Jamon's Wedding

We met and fell in love and on a beach in Australia we were married.

This is where we were married on February 14, 1998.

Hi all. I hope you all enjoy Jules and I's site. We were happily married on February 14th,1998 and are still totally in love to this day. Although we live a long ways apart, we keep in touch on a daily basis. In fact, we're renewing our vows in March of 2004, at the same place we were married. We visit each other more frequently than most know or think, but we do have a great marriage. Annie will be there this time as the maid of honor the first time around. I hope whoever sees this message from Jules and I will come and witness our wonderful, beautiful ceremony. Annie will watch our son while we are off in our balloon ride after the ceremony.

Hope to see you all soon.

Just don't interrupt our honeymoon.


Thank you.

Jimmy and Linda